To all my reviewers I am terrible sorry for the delay. It was just that after that last chapter, I was seriously wondering where I was going to go with this story, and eventually just let it fall to the wayside. As well as my other story, 'Boyz Don't Cry' but I am back and full of fresh ideas! Please! Please! Forgive me for the delay, and I hope that this chapter makes up for my unjust neglect!

Chapter 15


Jiri and Susuko were just as pretty as Gesebelle, and they smiled easily at Shikamaru and Neji. Shikamaru was way too uneasy for his own good, but he smiled back at Susuko none the less. He looked over to see Sasuke talking easily with Gesebelle, a small smirk on his face. He was only toying with her-the bastard.

He then looked over at Neji, the girl Jiro, whose hair was in a cute little pony-tail with wavy bangs falling over either side of her face, was talking animatedly with Neji. Who on the outside looked like he was paying attention, but really wasn't. Shikamaru sighed.

He wondered how everything had went so wrong. At first the only thing they had to worry about concerning their relationships, was whether they were going to be home on certain dates or not to spend time with them. Now they had to worry about simply destroying them all together. And on top of that, they had even more competition. He was content to just settle with 'Coma' I mean they were good, but they would always have a underground fan base, with there music being so dark and full of pain. Not everyone could understand that. But 'The Leaf' was more light with there angst, and reached out to everyone on a level that they could understand.

Now they had to worry about 'Artificial Sweetner' and as much as he loathed to admit it, they were really good. And would be extremely popular with the girls-and with the boys only because of there looks...hopefully...

Then there was 'Hidden Village' the group Shikamaru was worried about the most. And not only because it consisted of there lovers either. I mean the amount of feedback they had got at there concert was tremendous. They would do more than well, they would quite possibly break album sell records. Admittedly, even 'The Leafs' own.

Shikamaru realized he would have to have a talk with Sasuke, and Neji later. Now he had to get focused on the photo shoot, and the fact that Susuko's perfume was overwhelming, and giving him a not so subtle headache.


Sakura stared intently at her reflection in the mirror. She then moved her hand up, and over her now neck-length hair. Shizune was adamant about her hair being cut before the photo shoot, so Sakura had to wake up earlier than Hinata and Ino, to go down and get it done, by Shizune's personal stylists. But she couldn't help put feel naked, as she moved her hand over the back of her neck, and then stared down at the hard oak of the dresser. She had agreed to this, so she had no reason to be regretting it.

The door opened abruptly and Ino stepped into the room, already dressed in a pair of blue jean Capri's, and a off the shoulders striped shirt that was a sky blue, and yellow. Her hair was done up in a high pony-tail. She stared at Sakura for a second, then went over and moved her fingers through her hair.

"I can't believe you actually did it. I mean it's one thing to say it, but it's another thing to actually go through with it" she met Sakura's at the moment dull aqua eyes.

"I'm starting to wonder if this is something I should have actually did"

Ino frowned at her. "What do you mean, 'something you should've did'? You look great! I wish they would have asked me to shear off my hair!"

"Don't try to make me feel better" Sakura retorted in a sullen voice, but in truth Ino's words had made her feel a little better.

"I'm not trying to make you feel better!" she then smiled softly at Sakura. "But truthfully you look great, it makes you look older, and loads mature" she winked at her.

Sakura smiled back at her in return and nodded her head. "Thanks Ino"

"No problem! Now come on, Shizune..." she trailed off annoyance evident in her voice. "Is downstairs waiting, we have a photo shoot with Hidden Village" Ino walked out the room, not noticing the wide eyed look on Sakura's face.


Naruto walked onto the photo set, blue eyes wide in wonder. Gaara and Chouji were right behind him. Chouji was munching on a Take 5, and Gaara had his hands stuffed into his pants pocket, looking around the set in delayed amusement.

"Hey Iruka!" Naruto shouted as Iruka walked forward. His hair was down today, and he was wearing a hat on over his head. He looked down at Naruto.

"Yes, Naruto?" Iruka replied calmly.

"Who are we doing a photo shoot with today huh?" He leaned toward Iruka who gave him a soft smile.

"Artificial Sweetner. I think they should be here now, I also heard that there album would be coming out the same day as you all's"

Chouji swallowed his mouth full of candy bar, and side glanced at Iruka. "Isn't that the group with Ino, Sakura, and Hinata?"

Iruka nodded his head. Gaara, Naruto, and Chouji exchanged looks.

"MR. CROW!" came the booming voice of Shizune, who was dressed in some sort of blood red flowing summer dress. Iruka gave her a wane smile as she stopped in front of him and took hold of his hand.

"I am Shizune the manager of the three girl group ARTIFICIAL SWEETNER" she gave him a critical look. "You are a very handsome man"


She beamed at him. "No problem. I just came over here to let you know that even though there is going to competition between our two groups, since they're albums drop on the same date. I want no bad blood between us-I want both of our groups to get along!"

"I would like that very much Shizune" Iruka said, the tension in his shoulders easing a little at her words. "I am very glad to hear that"

The chat was cut short, by the head camera man coming over and telling them that they were ready to shoot.


"They changed our single?" Sakura asked as Ino walked into there changing room. She nodded her head.

"I mean we were going to have the first single be 'Rope Dancer' but they decided to change it too, 'First Love'"

Sakura slumped down a little. She was so sure that they were going to use her song as the first single. But it was no use sulking over it, it had been done. And she had no choice but to deal with it. Hinata looked over at the two girls, but couldn't think of anything to say to ease the situation. She personally liked both songs equally-

The door opened and Shizune popped her head inside, "come on girls"


Ino, Sakura, and Hinata's eyes widened as they saw the extras. They were very attractive. A fierce blush broke out across Hinata's cheeks as the boy with the silver eyes and black hair winked at her. She looked away. A huge smile had broke out across Ino's face, as she waved demurely toward the blonde haired blue eyed guy looking in her direction.

Sakura rolled her eyes at Ino's antics, but couldn't held getting dry in the mouth when the red haired, hazel eyed boy smiled at her. Maybe doing this song wasn't so bad after all.


"Naruto will you stop acting like a baby" Gaara said in a voiced laced with irritation. Naruto was laying flat on his stomach looking out over the vast cliff, he gulped as he imagined himself falling to his death.

"I'm sorry-but I've always been afraid of heights"

"Yeah well get over it-the song is about overcoming obstacles, and fear-remember? You wrote the song."

Naruto glared over his shoulder at Gaara, and grudgingly admitted that he was right. Chouji walked over. All three of them were wearing white button down shirts that were open at the front. Chouji leaned over and helped Naruto to his feet. Naruto gave him a grateful smile and rubbed reassuring circles on his lower back.


Chouji and Naruto was smiling wickedly in Gaara's direction. They were standing in a flowing river a waterfall was right behind them, which was a scene in the video. Gaara's glare was enough to freeze the blood.

"Gaara" Naruto cooed. "Are you afraid of a little water?"

"Shut-up Naruto, I'm warning you"

"I'm so scared!" Naruto shouted, making Chouji turn his head and chuckle.

Gaara clenched his fist. "I won't tell you again Naruto, shut your mouth-or I'll kill you!"

"You'll have to get up enough nerve to come in the water first sandman!"

That was the last straw. Gaara was trying to avoid going into the water, because dammnit it was cold! But Naruto left him with no other option.

Naruto ran for his life.


Jackrabbit, NeatFreak, and Sure walked out the building feeling a little bit at ease. They walked toward there car, and they got in, Jackrabbit got into the driver's seat, and Sure in the passengers, and Neatfreak settled himself down in the back.

"I had no doubt that they would sign us" Jackrabbit said smugly as he started up the car. Sure rolled his eyes from next to him.

"Just because we're signed to 'Missin' Nin' doesn't mean much Jackrabbit-we still have The Leaf and Hidden Village to worry about" Jackrabbit's fingers clenched around the steering wheel at hearing the latter.

"What about the girl group?" Neatfreak asked, earning snorts from Jackrabbit and Sure.

"I'm not too worried about them" Jackrabbit said calmly. "But I would like us to meet with Hidden Village personally"

Sure glanced over at him. "What are you planning?"

Jackrabbit shrugged his shoulders a small smile on his lips. "Nothing much-but I would like to know it the blonde lead singer would be interested in us doing a duet sometime in the future"


Sasuke leaned back into the softness of the hotel's couch, and gave Shikamaru a bored look.

"I don't get why your so worried about them-they'll sooner than not realize how ridiculous this whole charade is, and put a stop to it"

Shikamaru glared at him. "I don't get why you still think that there just playing-If you haven't noticed there quite serious"

Sasuke sighed. Neji looked from one to the other. Then let his gaze settle on Shikamaru.

"I'm guessing you think they pose some sort of threat to us?" the corner of his mouth twitched upwards, but his eyes were serious.

"I don't think Neji, I know-Even we had to admit that they were great up there, they have a passion that we don't possess-"

"They'll never be better than us-lovers or not" Sasuke interrupted, voice cold ice.

"And why are you so sure?" Shikamaru countered, leaning back-the whole argument was becoming troublesome. Sasuke was just too stubborn for his own good. Sasuke leaned back once again.

"I just do" He closed his eyes. Neji rolled his eyes, that explained nothing. He looked back towards Shikamaru.

"I guess that the only thing we can do is let the whole thing play off-pushing them away isn't going to do anything but make them try all the more harder" he shrugged his shoulder. "And it's good to have a little competition, and who better than our lovers? We'll see in the end whose the best"

Shikamaru shook his head, but let the matter rest. Sasuke was satisfied with Neji's assumption and let a small smile creep onto his face.

Game on.


I hope this makes up for the total lack of updates I feel like a heel!

First Love- 'Utada Hikaru' I was going to have it be Rope Dancer- 'Bonnie Pink' but changed my mind.

This chapter isn't as long as the first one, because everything isn't really going to start until the next chapter. I just wish I knew how I was going to put it together.

Much love to the reviews I have received, I love them-and this chapter is dedicated to you!

Love Heartaker!

Next Chapter-...a lot of stuff...(sighs)