Confused Doesn't Even Begin To Describe It

By: Musical Enigma

Disclaimer: Well, I certainly do not own Natsume or any other makers of this game.

Chapter one: A Tale Of Large Men and Shaved Ice


"Rock! Wake up darling! It's nearly noon!"

"Coming mom…in an hour or two…"

"Do I have to come up there and pull you out of bed?"


Before I could actually come up with some witty saying, footsteps erupted from the front door, shaking the building. I instantly realized why I had to get up at once: Van was here. Now Van isn't a bad guy, don't get me wrong, but he's just not a person I get along with. He can make me so mad sometimes…like when he wins the milk drinking contests I invented! Yeah, I invented them! Shouldn't that be an automatic win? But nooo… I seriously have never seen someone chug like that before… it's kinda creepy.

"Rock! If you do not get down here within one minute I swear…!"

My dear mother was cut off from her hissy fit when I came running down the stairs, ready to leap out the door as if I had something extremely important to do. Weird thing is, that always works. But seriously, me, have something important to do? That's just silly to even think about! Ready to make my jump out the door, I was abruptly stopped by a rather large hand…which was attached to a rather large arm, then to a rather large body. Funny how these things work out…

"Hold it sonny, I was just telling your parents some wonderful news, have a seat!"

Van smiled at his words of choice, rustled my hair and effortlessly pushed me down onto the floor, where I landed with a slight amount of pain. I immediately scrambled up to go sit behind the registration counter with my dad, who seemed disturbed. My mother remained standing with her fake smile, nodding to signal that Van continue whatever it was he was saying beforehand.

"Well, this girl is…"

Van was stopped by my overly eager mother, who gasped on cue and came to sit beside me behind the counter.

"What girl? Van, please do start over!"

Van paused and nodded, completing the exhausting task by taking out a hankerchief and wiping his forehead with it.

"You seem tired dude"

I smiled with as much effort as I could muster while my mom jabbed my in the side. My dad, Tim, continued to sit staring motionless into the potted plant beside him.

"I've been on a new diet offered by Romana! Apparently, all you have to do is spin around in a twirly chair…"

At this point, I ceased to listen, knowing that I had won. There were new people coming into the city everyday, and it was Van's job as a salesman/retailer/actor/gymnast/robber to try and get people to move out here into Forget-Me-Not Valley, so they could depend on Van to buy their necessities. In the end, Van makes all the money! Wow…If I had that much money, I don't know what I'd do with it! I'd party every night! Maybe even buy a drink! Hah, that'd shut Griffin and Muffy up, always telling me to buy something or leave. Then…I'd go back to the city and buy all the shaved ice ever! Yeah…

"You should try it out Tim, I mean to say, you're not exactly in the best shape!"

Van laughed at his own joke while my father's self-esteem went down even lower. The thing about Tim is, he was forced to move here by my mom, Ruby. After moving, he just kind of sunk into the scenery. There's just not enough to keep, well, anyone occupied out here.

"Well, I guess I have to go open up shop now!"

With a wave of his hand, Van left our hotel in great spirits. That's when I received a sharp slap to my cheek. It stung, but frankly, it woke me up just as well. I rubbed the tender area that had been hit and looked up to Ruby, standing at her full height, towering over me.

"Do you want to have me die without even seeing any grandchildren? Rock you're killing me! I want grandbabies and a daughter-in-law!"

My mom then went crying to her room, leaving me almost as confused as my dad on an everyday basis. I stared at Tim, who simply shrugged, got up, and went into the kitchen. I sighed as I too got up and made my way outside. Since it was spring, large gusts of cold wind sent shivers through me. I frowned. Maybe Ruby was right. Maybe I should get married…but that's way too much commitment. I mean, marriage only ties you down. And kids? How do you take care of those? It all just seems too complicated. I stared glumly at the dirt as I walked, not caring where I was headed exactly. Ready to pass by Van's outdoor shop, I turned without thinking and headed up to him.

"What girl?"