This is me, not owning Naruto.

And this is me wondering if this fic is any good while i try to think of what to happen in the chapters to come.
Kunai after Kunai he threw into the fake dummy, shuriken after shuriken. Blows and kicks into the tattered, torn beat up dummy. Punches and jutsus, the dummy received them all till it was reduced to almost nothing. Kiba fell sitting to the ground panting and out of breath as he reached over and pet Akamaru's head. He pulled off his sweaty shirt and tossed it aside.

"Good...boy..." he said in between his panting. He heard a rustle in the leaves behind him, being upwind he couldn't smell their scent to see who it was. He whipped around throwing a kunai in their direction. Hearing a yelp he moved swiftly pushing back between some bushes and trees to see Hinata against a tree wide eyed, the kunai right to the side of her head.

"God Hinata, next time yell out and say you're here, I could have hurt you!" Kiba said slightly angered.

"S..sorry Kiba," she mumbled. He started to go back to the clearing that he had been training alone with Akamaru in, Hinata following behind him. He picked up his shirt and the now sleeping tired pup.

"Follow me," he said to Hinata and she nodded. He navigated through the woods till they came to a rocky cliff edge, the sun setting beautifully above the trees and horizon below. He set Akamaru down on top of his shirt on the grass and walked over sitting on a large rock. He stretched his arms up and took in a deep breath.

"Come on," he said motioning for Hinata to sit next to him. He fidgeted in her spot for a moment and then listened to what he said sitting next to him jumping slightly when he lazily threw his arm around her shoulders. "It's nice up here, espeaically after a long training session. The view, the cool breeze, its comfortable."

" is nice," Hinata agreed. He gave her a side ways look, grinning as he then laid backwards, closing his eyes. She looked over at him, his messy brown hair and blushed slightly as she found herself looking at his chest that was still unclothed. Her breathing picked up a bit at this and she quickly stopped looking at him and back to out at the sunset. He tugged at the bottom of her shirt playfully, trying to get her to lay back with him. She smiled down at him and did.

"So, why did you come out her anyway?" Kiba smirked, knowing shed get nervous over answering, he found it cute.

"I..I well I was..I don't know. I just wanted to see if you were training or not," she said, pink blush coming over her cheeks. He smiled and grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers and bringing it close to him, looking at her small pale hand. She tugged it gently but his grip held on. They stayed like that till the sun completely set and one by one the stars began to appear in the dark summers night sky. Kiba stood up and gently took his shirt from under Akamaru and put it on. Gathering the pup in on arm he reached out his other toward Hinata.

"Come on, I'll walk you home," he said genuinely. Hinata hesitantly took his hand as he pulled her along through the trees till they reached the outskirts of town. Kiba stood there wordlessly looking at the buildings and lights. He looked back at her with a smile he softly tugged her hand and started forward toward her house.

"You coming over to my house tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll see you then Kiba," she answered, walking down the small path towards her front door.

"...See you then," he answered watching he slip quietly into her house. He stood there and looked up at the dark window he knew was her, waiting until he finally saw the window illuminate with light. He turned around and left, heading off towards his own home.