Title: Death is...
Author: illwynd
Disclaimer: Not mine, really!
Rating: PG for dark theme
Notes: Imagine whoever you like as the writer, but Boromir is the dead guy. Also, I'm not, by nature a poet, but hopefully this will be acceptable.

Death is a scandal, to those who have survived far worse.
Death is a torture, for those who suffer in their last moments, long or brief.
Death is a cheat, to those who have only lived a little while, and had high hopes.
Death is a sacrifice, for those who knew the danger, and went anyway.
Death is an insult, to those who had just learned how to live.
Death is a relief, to those who were burdened too much.
Death is a shameful thing, to those who believed they would win their battles.
Death is a waste, to those who had things to do.

Death is a tragedy.

Death is the last battle you must lose.
Death is the last pain you must feel.
Death is the only certainty you must accept.
Is it a wonder, or a curse?
Will I see you there?

By a cold stone, I think of you.
Gone without a trace.
A shadow stands near.
Death waits.