A/N: Don't own Hellsing, never will.

"London is still beautiful." I whispered. "Especially from here."

Alucard is probably still in servitude to the Hellsing family. Humph, I still can't get used to calling him that.

Just then, something moved behind me. I whirled around.

"Whose there?"


"Show yourself!"

Everything went black.

"India Hellsing!" A harsh voice broke the silence.

"Shit." I gasped, spilling some of the hot liquid on myself.

"India!" My father's voice was accompanied by the sound of someone coming down the stairs.

"Yes Father?" I asked.

"The guests are here, and you need to change into something suitable."

"Father, must I attend this dinner? Couldn't I just work on this experiment?""Absolutely not. Lord Smith is a member of the House of Lords. His son is about your age, and I believe it would be a good match. Hurry up and get changed."

"Yes Father."

I sighed as I hurried up the stairs. Ever since my last birthday, Father has been trying to find me a husband. It seemed as if there was a new suitor to dine with every night. I feel like telling him I don't want to get married, at least not soon.

Once in my room, Cosette, one of the maids, helped me dress. I didn't bother to glance in the mirror; I knew Father had already ordered Cosette to make me look beautiful.

"Miss Hellsing, are you ready?" Cosette asked, picking up a comb and some pins.

"I think I'll go down like this." I said.

"Ah, India." My father's voice came from the bottom of the stairs. "I am glad you could join us."

Next to my father stood Lord Smith, a short, round man. To his right was a young man just as fat.

"It is good to see you again Miss Hellsing." Lord Smith kissed my hand. "This is my son, Arthur."

"It is a pleasure." I smiled graciously as Arthur kissed my hand.

I could tell it was going to be a long night when Lord Smith started talking about how he saved several villagers from being burned at the stake. My prediction was right, and I was very happy when they finally left.

"Young ladies should not be out this late." A man dressed in red said, stopping his horse next to mine.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I asked, tensing.

"I am Count Dracula. And you are?"

"India Hellsing. My father controls this land, he didn't mention anyone new." "I just moved into my family home. Tell me, why is a beautiful young lady like you doing out this late?"

"That is none of your business Count."
"Of course not."

Just then, the moon shone down on us and I caught my first real glimpse at Count Dracula. He had shoulder length black hair and eyes the color of my father's tea.

"Is something the matter Miss Hellsing?"

"Nu… Nothing. I must be going. It was a pleasure to meet you Count."

I turned my horse and galloped back to the house. My heart was pounding when I got into my room. From my window I could see Count Dracula galloping toward one of the old manors. That manor was abandoned; the inhabitants went mad many years ago.

Slowly, my breathing returned to normal. Who was he? And why was he out so late. I'm the only one out that late usually, and that's only when I can't sleep. I have to ask Father. This whole situation was confusing and my head was spinning. Hopefully it would make sense in the morning as I could barely keep my eyes open. I welcomed sleep.

The next morning it was the sun that woke me, however if it hadn't, the sound of someone hurrying up the stairs would have. Cosette threw open the door and went over to my dresser.

"Lord Hellsing wishes you to hurry downstairs." She said, holding up a dress.


"Stop asking questions and get out of bed!"

She dressed me hurriedly before shoving me out of the room. I could hear voices at the bottom of the stairs.

"You will like my daughter Count."

"I am sure that I will."

That voice, it was Count Dracula! I tried to turn back.

"Ah, India, it is good to see that you are up." My father's voice was cheerful.

"Good morning." I turned and smiled.

"I would like to introduce Count Dracula."

"It is a pleasure Miss India." Dracula took my hand as I reached the end of the stairs.


"India, Count Dracula has just moved into the old manor house on the other side of the moor." My father informed me. "Now Count, if you would come with me, we can work out the whole tax situation."

"Of course." He didn't take his eyes off of me. "It was a pleasure Miss India."

I watched as my father led the Count towards his office.

"Are you hungry Miss Hellsing?" A voice asked.


The rest of the day went by quickly and Count Dracula left before midday. That night at dinner, Father was almost jumping for joy.

"India, what did you think of Count Dracula?"


"He has expressed interest in marrying you."

"What?" I spilt some of my soup on my dress.

"He is coming for dinner tomorrow. I suggest you be on your best behavior, no experiments causing fires or getting hurt while riding your damn horse."

"Yes Father."

"We'll find you a husband yet."

A/N: The next chapter is finished and chapter 3 is almost done. Please tell me what you think.