A/N –
Ok, Dumbledore's not dead and Malfoy is still at Hogwarts. Ron,
Harry and Hermione are in their 7th Year.
Now I can
say, I hope you enjoy this fanfic.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Harry Potter, any of the characters, spells, places etc. The only thing I own is the plot of this story!
Chapter One
Hermione Granger shivered as the wind blew in through the window and pulled the cover up closer to her chin. Ginny Weasley mumbled in her sleep on the next bed and rolled over. Hermione sighed. There was no way in a million years she would get back to sleep. Pulling her hand out from under the cover she looked at her watch.
Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she sat up and grabbed her dressing gown. Tiptoeing silently to the door, she opened it, wincing when it creaked loudly. Ginny didn't wake up, so Hermione stepped into the hallway and continued down the stairs. The first rays of light were already shining in through the windows, so there was enough light for Hermione to see herself into the kitchen. Turning on the tap, Hermione poured herself a glass of water, savouring the refreshing feeling as it ran down the back of her throat.
"Hi, Hermione," a voice said from the door. Hermione jumped and spun her head round to see who was there. When she saw who it was she smiled.
"Harry!" she cried, running forward. He caught her as she jumped into his arms and returned the hug she was giving him.
"I didn't think you were coming 'til next week," she said, as she pulled away.
"I couldn't stand another day with the Dursleys. They were driving me insane."
"But Dumbledore-"
"- said it was ok if I came to the Burrow early," Harry finished.
"Dumbledore said our Hogwarts letters were coming today, so Mrs Weasley is taking us all to Diagon Alley," Hermione explained, walking back to the sink to finish her glass of water.
"I've already got my letter," Harry added, pulling an envelope out of his pocket. "It came yesterday."
"Yeah, and guess what," Harry said, excitedly.
"I'm Head Boy. Head Boy!"
"Oh, well done Harry!" Hermione cried, throwing her arms around him again.
"I know, it's great. I can finally give Malfoy what's coming to him." Hermione laughed and shook her head.
"So, did you have a good summer?" Harry asked. Hermione nodded.
"Me and my parents went to Spain. It was lovely!"
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," Harry said, looking around the kitchen, before his eyes settled on Hermione. "Do you want some breakfast?"
"Oh, Harry, I'll make it. You probably had a long journey," Hermione insisted, but Harry held up a hand and shook his head.
"No way. I'm making it. Now, what do you want? Egg? Bacon? Toast?" he asked. Hermione smiled.
"You're too kind, Harry Potter," she joked. Harry laughed.
"If you say so Hermione."
"I do."
Harry handed the plate of eggs, bacon and toast to Hermione and sat down with his own plate in the seat in front of her. It had taken him half an hour to get breakfast cooked and he suspected that a few of the Weasleys would be awake and downstairs soon, Ron not included, and it seemed he was right.
"Harry, dear!" Mrs Weasley squealed, running down the last few steps to hug him. "I didn't think you were coming until next week!"
"Well, I definitely prefer the Burrow the Dursleys," Harry replied, smiling. Mrs Weasley finally pulled him into a rib-breaking hug.
"It's so good to see you!"
"It's good to see you too," Harry replied, trying to catch his breath.
"Oh, you've already made breakfast! Good morning Hermione, dear."
"Morning Mrs Weasley," Hermione said.
"Well, I better get breakfast ready for everyone else, hadn't I?" She quickly rushed off into the kitchen as Harry sat back down. He looked at Hermione and noticed for the first time that she was still in her pyjamas. His face reddened slightly, though he wasn't sure why.
"Have I grown an extra head or something?" Hermione's voice brought him back to Earth.
"I-err…no, no," Harry stammered.
"Then why are you staring at me?" she asked. Harry smiled.
"Do they throw you in Azkaban for staring at pretty girls at the breakfast table now?" he joked. Hermione blushed and looked away.
"I think, maybe, you should go and get dressed," Harry added. Hermione quickly pulled her dressing gown closed and stood up.
"I'll be down in a while," she called over her shoulder, running up the stairs. Ginny was awake and ready when Hermione entered the room.
"Are you alright?" she asked, suspiciously. "You're as red as a tomato."
"I-I'm fine," Hermione replied, opened her trunk and taking out some clothes.
"I thought I heard Harry's voice-"
"Yeah, he's downstairs-"
"Oh, so that's why you're embarrassed!" Ginny laughed.
"Who said I was embarrassed?"
"It's unbelievably obvious, Hermione. Hold on," she added. "You're embarrassed in front of your best friend?"
"I'm not embarrassed," Hermione insisted.
"If you say so," Ginny replied, leaving the room. Hermione threw herself on the bed and sighed.
Ron was the last person to appear at the bottom of the stairs and sit down at the table.
"It's about time!" Harry joked. Ron looked over at Harry.
"I didn't think you were coming until-"
"Next week, I know." Ron smiled and sat down, just as three owls flew in through the open window, landing in front of Hermione, Ron and Ginny.
"Where's Harry's letter?" Ron asked, looking out the window.
"It's ok Ron. I got mine yesterday," Harry explained.
"And he's Head Boy," Hermione added, before eating the last of her breakfast. Ron spat out the water he had just drunk and looked at Harry.
"H-head Boy?" he asked. "You're Head Boy?" Harry nodded and Ron smiled.
"Finally. We can give Malfoy what's coming to him!"
"Now Ron, Harry can't abuse his new position," Hermione interrupted. Ron rolled his eyes and opened his own envelope, surprised to see two badges fall out onto the table. He picked them up and his eyes grew wider.
"I-I'm the Quidditch Captain, a-and a prefect," he stuttered. Harry leaned over the table and grabbed Ron's letters, reading them out loud.
'I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to be Gryffindors new Quidditch Captain and Gryffindor Prefect.
Yours truly,
Albus Dumbledore'
Ron laughed, still looking at the badges.
"I don't believe it!" he said.
"Hermione's Head Girl," Ginny interrupted from the other side of the table. Everyone turned round to see Ginny leaning over Hermione's shoulder and reading her letter. Another owl flew in through the window and dropped a letter in front of Hermione and another in front of Harry.
"What's that?" Ron asked. Harry picked it up and looked at it.
"List of the prefects. 'Ronald Weasley and Ginny Weasley'" Harry read, before looking up and the youngest Weasley expectantly. She raised her eyebrows and opened her own envelope, watching as a Prefect Badge fell onto the table.
"Well done everyone!" Mrs Weasley said, kissing and hugging each of them in turn. Harry frowned.
"What's up?" Ron asked.
"'Slytherin Prefects – Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson'" Harry read out loud. Ron groaned and buried his face in his hands.
"Brilliant. How am I going to cope with him for a whole year? I'll kill him!"
"And listen to this," Hermione added. "'Prefects this year have the right to add and subtract points (no more or less than 25 at any one time) and give detentions. If any prefects abuse their position however, the Head Boy and Head Girl are permitted to ban them for up to a month from their position, providing that they can find someone to fill the position or fill it themselves for the period of banning.'"
"That's great. You can just ban Malfoy straight away-"
"Ron Weasley, you are already abusing your position!" Mrs Weasley scolded. Ron rolled his eyes again and looked at his school list.
"I wonder who the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher will be," Ron thought out loud.
"Maybe we'll have another nutter from the Ministry," Harry offered. Ron laughed.
"As long as they aren't like Umbridge, I think I'll be OK."
"More breakfast anyone?" Mrs Weasley asked.
"I'll have some!" Ron said, jumping up. Harry was sure he heard Hermione mutter the word 'pig' under her breath, but resisted the urge to laugh.
"So, how many books do you all need to buy this year?" Mrs Weasley asked, grabbing Ron's list off the table and reading it.
"12 books, honestly, what, do they think we're made of money?"
"Some of these books are in Fred and George's room," Ron said, grabbing the letter off his mum.
"I saw them when I…when I…"
"When you what?" Mrs Weasley pressed.
"When I…asked them for help with my err…my homework," Ron finished pathetically. Mrs Weasley didn't look like she believed him at all, but didn't argue any more.
"Hurry up and eat that food little brother," George said, trying to divert the conversation away from them.
"Yeah. You'll delay mums schedule for visiting Diagon Alley!" Fred added. The two twins laughed as they walked away.