i'm srry i havent updated in a while. i forgot all bout every story! skools been really hectic but i bet u dont wanna hear nothing bout that (ps srry i lost the one that kali edited for me)
Sakura's eyes began to water as a tear slipped down her face. "Gomen nasai..." she whispered. Shutting her eyes tight she suddenly screamed, "I'm sorry!"


Itachi looked at her and frowned. He had never seen her like this. It was begining to rain. Sakura's hair began to soak as she looked right into the nin's eyes. "Let them go..." both her and Itachi hissed.

The ninjas smirked and pushed the kunais closer to the kids' necks. Sakura's fists began glowing. Kankuro looked at her and noticed how strong her chakra was. He hadnt even seen that much chakra from Gaara.

Itachi quickly moved Kankuro and Temari behind a tree, "Stay here and watch out alright?" they all nodded.

Sakura suddenly charged at the ninjas with blinding speed. Punching with both her hands she knocked out two of the guys while kicking the other two getting them away from Naruto and Sasuke. "Run you two..." she whispered.

Naruto and Sasuke ran over to Itachi hand hid with Kankuro and Temari. Sakura looked at Itachi and said, "ITachi-kun get them out of here!"

Itachi nodded and ran up to Gaara, "Come on." he whispered grabbing Gaara's arm.

Gaara tore away and screamed, "No! I'm staying with Sakura-chan!"

"Itachi-san! Gaara can handle himself. Trust us!" Kankuro and TEmari yelled as they ran away. Itachi trusted them and ran aswell.

Gaara stood with wide eyes as Sakura beat up the men. Suddenly kunais were thrown at Gaara. "GAARA!" she screamed.

"Chakra sheild!" a young voice yelled. A small girl stood with her hands out and legs spred creating a chakra barrier around them. Sakura paused to see the girl but she quickly yelled out, "Keep fighting lady!"

Sakura did until the nins ran. Standing high she looked to see no one. Scared about what might have happened she began to look for them


The girl grabbed Gaara's hand and ran. Dashing through the weeds and brush she finally came up to a path. Quickly looking around she sighed, "We're safe here."

Gaara shock his head, "What about Sakura-chan?" he snapped.

The girl looked at him in confusion, "The lady with the pink hair?" she asked. He nodded, "She'll be fine. She's a good fighter."

Gaara nodded and calmed down a little. "Whats your name?" he asked.

She stuck out her hand, "Haruno Sakura. Misfit of all Konoha." she said with a false smile. "And you?"

Gaara looked at her and noticed how she looked exactly like Sakura, "Gaara." he whispered shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." they both said smiling.

Gaara and Sakura soon fell silent. Not likeing the silence he asked, "Why'd you help me?"

Sakura smiled at the ground and moved her bangs out of her eyes, "Because everyone needs help once in their life's. If you dont need help then you arent human." she whispered. "What'd you do to get in such trouble with those nins?" she asked.

Gaara held his head down and whispered softly, "Living."

Sakura looked at him and smiled, "No one should be hated for living. I know that the best." Sakura turned to him and smiled.

Gaara saw how her smile was the same too. Gaara looked at her and asked, "When we met you said you were Konoha's misfit, why's that?"

She gave a soft smile, "I'm always teased for having a wide forehead and pink hair. I'm the only wanna-be ninja in my family and I'm the only person in Konoha who can do a chakra sheild."

Gaara smiled, "Sakura-chan has pink hair and she can do a chakra sheild." he said trying to cheer her up.

"But... I've never seen her in Konoha before," Sakura whispered softly. She smiled softly, "I guess you're right Gaara." she said giving a smile back.

Sakura walked out of the bushes and smiled at the two chibis, "Gaara are you alright?" she asked quickly. He nodded and smiled, "Who's your new friend?"

Sakura blushed, "H-Haruno S-Sakura ma'am." she whispered blushing brightly. Sakura smiled at her.

"Well my name's Sakura too. Mind if we call you Saku so we know who we're talking to?" She asked with a silly grin that no one could say no to. I used to love being called Saku by my family.

Sakura nodded happily, "I'd love you to." Sakura held out her hand and they all began to walk to the park. Saku started running suddenly. "Gaara-kun!" she called running back. She smiled and handed him his bear.

Gaara smiled and whispered, "Arigoto Saku-chan." he said happily. Sakura smiled at the two and soon figured that it was still raining.

"We should get back. I can bring you all to my house." she said happily. Saku and Gaara nodded. Sakura picked they both up and put them on her back. Smiling she said, "Hold on."

They held tight as she began to run quickly through the rain, "Hey Saku-chan." she whispered.

Saku smiled, "Got it!" She held out her hand and made a chakra barrier as the ran through the rain.

Sakura quickly ran to the Uchiha household and stopped to see a smiling Mikoto outside holding an umbrella. "Mikoto-chan!" Sakura said happily getting under the umbrella. "You didnt have to do that ya'know." she said smiling.

"I know Sakura. I just wanted to see if you were safe." Mikoto smiled and asked, "Who are these kids with you?"

Sakura smiled, "This is Saku-chan and Gaara-kun." she said as they all walking into the house.

Suddenly out of no where Gaara was being hugged to death by his brother and sister. "Gaara!" they cried hugging him. He only hugged back.

Saku quickly hid behind Sakura. She was very shy. "nee-chan..." she whispered holding Sakura's hand. Sakura squeezed back letting her know she was there.

Suddenly out of no where Naruto and Sasuke skidded into the room. Both with worried faces. She smiled softly, "Glad to see you both alright."

The boys nodded and noticed Saku hinding behind Sakura. "Who's that nee-chan?" they asked.

Sakura smiled softly and whispered, "My little sister. Her name's Saku so be nice to her." she whispered.

They both nodded walking up to her. Naruto looked at her while Sasuke seemed to glare. Saku walked out abd bowed to them both. "Arigoto for letting me be here." she whispered softly, her damp hair falling over her face.

Sakura smiled as Sasuke smirked and Naruto smiled. "Yep you're related to Sakura-chan!" they both said.

Itachi walked out with a smile, "Sorry kids but I need to talk with Sakura alone for a minute." All hte kids looked at the elder Uchiha in silence until Sakura waked to his side.


"What is it Itachi-kun?" she asked with a smile.

Itachi looked at her right in the eyes, "Why did you say you were sorry earlyer?" he asked.

Sakura froze and smiled to the cloudy sky, "When I first met Naruto I promised my self that I would protect him and Sasuke with all that I was. When I saw them today... I was so scared." Smiling to the sunset she whispered, "I didnt know what I would do if they were to die. Any of them."

Itachi looked at her in confusion, "You just met Temari Kankuro and Gaara." he whispered.

She smiled, "I guess you're right but I still have a feeling that no matter what I have to protect them. Naruto and Gaara the most. They seem to have something different in their souls."

Itachi looked away from her and whispered, "They both are demons ya'know. Gaara the sand demon and Naruto is the fox."

Sakura smiled, "That must be it then. They've never felt the love of a real friend. I want to at least help with that in their life. I dont want to let them down." Getting up she whispered, "Is the Kazekage comeing to pic up the kids?"

"No he's staying hte night and he rather have them here." he said. Sakura smiled, "Keep safe alright Sakura?" She nodded running into the house.


After Itachi had went outside with Sakura everyone was silent, "Kaa-sama!" Sasuke called softly. Mikoto came out of hte kitchen with a smile, "Where can we hear nee-chan and nii-san?"

Mikoto smiled innocently and nodded, "Come on." she said ushering all the kids to a window where they could hear everything.

"I didnt know what I would do if they were to die. Any of them." they heard Sakura whisper.

"You just met Temari Kankuro and Gaara." Itachi whispered. The boys ad girls listened very carefully to hear what was going to happen.

"I guess you're right but I still have a feeling that no matter what I have to protect them. Naruto and Gaara the most. They seem to have something different in their souls." Sakura whispered.

Naruto and Gaara froze their eyes welling with tears, "no..." the gasped out. The didnt want her to hate them. They heard Itachi tell about their secret and awaited for Sakura's answer.

"That must be it then. They've never felt the love of a real friend. I want to at least help with that in their life. I dont want to let them down."

They smiled and let out a soft tear. Walking back into the living room they waited. Sakura walked in with a smile, "Hey guys." She noticed the tear trail on Naruto and Gaara's cheek, "Whats wrong?" she asked softly.

Gaara and Naruto ran into her arms and hugged her tight thanking her for her love. She smiled softly hugging them tightly

k theres the chappy lol luv u guys