So, I kind of died didn't I? Well, let's just say school had been hectic? I know all of you have experience it everyday! I just don't have the time to myself anymore. Every year it gets harder and I find myself staying up late at night finishing god knows what. Homework? Studying? Project? Anyways hiatus is OVER! And I'm happily to be back! It's also late at night so I decided not to re-read whatever I wrote XP. Sorry. Bad grammar and spelling, for SURE it's somewhere.

Happy reading!

Chapter 3

Kouji slam the door and punch the wall with all his might. He was angry. No wait, scratch that, he was furious. His mind was full of hatred and the flesh from his knuckle were torn and slowly bleeding. He took off his shirt showing his glorious well toned muscular body and slowly sat on the floor.

What the fuck exactly happened before?

Twenty minutes ago...

Kouji decided to make a big bowl of miso soup for Izumi. He opened up the fridge and began searching for the ingredients. "Tofu..tofu..where is that shit?" he murmured to himself. In conclusion, he didn't find any and he frowned deeply. "Shit, this isn't good. The only thing I'm missing is tofu and that stupid girl wouldn't even touch it if there isn't tofu in it."

Growling in fustration, he slam it shut and ran up to his room fishing out at least 2000 yen from his piggy bank. Shoving the money in his pocket, he raced down the stairs and quickly left the house.

Racing through the aisle, he immediately snatched a bag full of fresh tofu and waiting patiently in line to pay for it. Of course, whoever think that Kouji is patient? He was down right pissed ever since the refrigerator incident. The line-up move slowly one by one until it was his turn to pay.

"That would be 120 yen please," said a cute blonde who gave him a sweet smile. He thrust out 500 yen out from his pocket and gave it to her. He mumbled, "Keep the change." Snatched the bag and ran out he didn't have the time to look at her much to her disappointment.

Racing down his street that he knew since he was a child, he push the door open but ever so gently because he doesnt want Izumi to wake up from her deep slumber. But then he paused for a moment. He heard laughter coming from the living room. Kouji decided to peek in wondering what had happen when he left.

Well what can he say, right before his eyes, his "dear sister" was sitting comfortably next to Takuya in a deep conversation and they would stop when she take her time eating up her soup. They were so into the conversation they were having, they didn't know Kouji was there. Takuya sense someone in the house and turn around. He gave Kouji a huge grin and urge him to sit.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" demanded Kouji, though there were anger in his voice neither Izumi nor Takuya can pick it up. Takuya lazily ran his fingers through his messy hair. "The door was unlock. I thought someone might of break in so I invited myself in. My mom was nice enough to make Izumi's favourite soup," he said with a huge smile.

"It's okay Kouji, Takuya was taking care of me when we both notice you were gone. Where did you go exactly?" she asked with a worry look on her delicate face. Kouji looked away trying to hide his blush. He manage to mumble, "There wasn't any food in the fridge so I decided to go grocery shopping." Izumi blurted out a light giggle and smiled at him. "That's nice of you to do that."

Takuya looked at Izumi and Kouji. He gave out a loud chuckle. "That is awfully sweet of you to do that Kouji. My Hero" He imitated Izumi, pitching up his voice as high as he can go. Kouji look up quickly and glared at him with all his might, controlling his fist not to punch Takuya. "Grow up Takuya."

Takuya wave his hands in front of him, "Woah, calm down Kouji. I was just joking. Don't take it too personally." Kouji just grunted and manage to roll his eyes. "Get out."

Izumi eyes widen and she stood up. "What? Why Kouji? Takuya didn't mean to do anything wrong. He just got here ten minutes ago!"

"I don't care. Get out!"

Takuya grabbed Izumi's wrist lightly and pull her down to sit on the sofa. "It's okay Izumi, I don't want to fight your brother. I think we should give him space so he could calm down." Izumi hesitate and grab his arm. "No! I'm sure he has a perfect reason why he's acting like this. You don't mean this right Kouji!"

Takuya lightly smiled at her and managed to let her let go of him. He slowly walk up to Kouji till his mouth was inches away from his ear. "Just to let you know man, she's mine. I think I'm aware of her feelings for me." Kouji's eyes widen and for once in his life, he was speechless.

When Takuya left the house, Izumi was furious. For once she would tell Takuya her feelings for him if it wasn't for Kouji. She felt tears coming up, and she cannot describe what she is feeling right now. Sadness. Anger.

She walked right up to Kouji and slap him across the face. Hard. "Why are you making my life so difficult? Are you happy now?" She shook her head and ran up to her room.

Someone up there must have hate him. He felt his heart fell. He could feel as if someone took a knife and stab him over and over again.

So here he is, swearing and punching with all his might. Why must he fuck up his relationship between his best friend and the girl he has feelings for but knew it was absolutely wrong? Well, he go to make it up to her...somehow. "God, I hope so." he said to himself.

I know, I know! UBER SHORT! But since I'm grounded for the rest of the summer, mind as well start my fanfiction right? Ahh, next chapter will be twice as long. I promise! Until then, wait for another 3-4 days till I update!


PS. Remember to keep me motivated!