I figured I'd write this next bit like a Freudian snog analyzation of Sirius. Tell me if it works or not, ok? I'm not sure about it. Anyway, I hope these updates are timely enough for you… end of the marking period is coming up soon, so they may be a little slow for a while due to Crunch Time. Ok, now I want some crunch cereal… on with the story!

It is interesting at this point to note at this point the kissing styles of Sirius Black. One who saw him sashay gracefully into a snog-worthy situation would surely notice the particular self-assurance with which he dove into a kiss – here was a young man who knew exactly what he wanted, and had a plan in place for getting it.

This stands in stark contrast with the kiss he was sharing with Remus Lupin at this time in our story – indeed, it stands in contrast with any kiss Sirius had before experienced. He had crept up so cautiously to meet Remus's mouth, so careful as he continued to pull closer to the sense of warmth and welcome that enveloped them, that he could hardly be recognized as the haughty, elegant character who dozens of girls hoped for a glimpse of. The conclusion that is easy to draw from this is that Sirius did not know what he wanted, and was playing by ear (or tongue?) as he went. His hand was gentle as it reached to the nape of Remus's neck, suggesting that he was a little afraid of hurting him. It is harder to tell exactly what was on Remus's mind, as he wound his long, bony fingers around Sirius's silky hair…

"Out! OUT!" Madam Pomfrey had thrown the curtains open and was giving them the most furious glare. "This is not a kissing booth, this is a hospital wing! Get out this minute, Mr. Black!" Sirius looked as though he was about to retaliate for a moment, but seemed to find it best to dash to the common room. Remus thought he heard a whoop carry down the hallway. Madam Pomfrey glared at Remus for a minute, but eventually broke down at his shamed look and wrapped his cut.

She was soon distracted, however, by Lily Evans coming in with a sobbing, rather slight girl who refused to reveal her face. "Come on now, girl," Madam Pomfrey pleaded, "I can't fix it if I can't see it…"

Lily looked around with a slightly embarrassed expression until she noticed Remus sitting in his bed. They had a quasi-friendly relationship, although lately she'd been giving him the cold shoulder for the Vanishing Stair Trick she'd fallen prey to. Now she was smiling, though, and walked over to him awkwardly.

"What is she in for?" Remus inquired politely.

Lily rolled her eyes. "She keeps trying to give herself cosmetic surgery with her wand – today it was an attempt to make her eyelashes longer, but her whole eyelid has gone and sprouted hairs."

Remus grinned in spite of himself. "How unfortunate."

"You should have seen the time she made her own freckle-removing potion." Lily paused and gave a sidelong glance at the bandage which was slightly visible over his pajama shirt. "What are you in for?"

"A run-in with Snape, you might say." Noticing the indignant look on her face, he quickly added, "I just happened to be standing next to Sirius, for the record."

Lily snorted. "That's a crime in and of itself. Black didn't sound too upset about your injury to me – did you hear him whooping down the hallway? I bet he'd just gotten a kiss off some girl as stupid as her." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder, indicating the sobbing eyelash girl. "Hey, what's so funny?"

Remus had burst out laughing, unable to contain himself. He quickly said, "Nothing…" He very much liked being the only Marauder who Lily didn't despise, and had a feeling that whatever it was that he had with Sirius, it was better that she didn't find out.

She brushed her auburn hair back and squinted at him. "What was Sirius Black so enthused about, then?"

"Er – you got part of it right."

"The snogging part, I imagine." She had a very shrewd expression now. "I bet it's got something to do with the fact that I saw him all goopy-looking with Potter the other day. I figured they just wanted attention, or were being 'open-minded' or something ridiculous like that. I don't suppose he was kissing some chap?"

Remus grinned. "You're a very good guesser." He didn't imagine that she would trace the kiss back to himself, as it was a somewhat outlandish thought. Sirius was known for being very picky.

"Ok, so… how would you know who it was, unless you were there? Was it in the hospital wing?"

He suddenly noticed a hole in his logic. "Yes, as a matter of fact, it was." He felt himself blanch and hoped that wouldn't lead her to the truth sooner.

Apparently it did, however, because she gave him an angry, surprised stare after looking around the hospital wing to find it devoid of any other males. "I think I've found the only reasonable straight chap who has half a brain in the world, and what does he decide to do? Fall in love with that stupid Black idiot, that's what!" She actually threw her hands in the air as she spoke.

"Er – 'in love' may be a slight overstatement."

She glared. "No, no, I know you're in love. You're not the sort of person who would even kiss someone if you weren't sure of what you were doing."

"But I'm not sure!" He hadn't meant to say that, but it slipped out before he realized it.

"Somewhere in there, you are. You just don't know it yet." She sighed. "Honestly. Who am I supposed to put my faith for the male race in now?"

"I'm sure James would be glad to accommodate." He grinned sheepishly at her.

"Ha! He's the worst. I'll give you points for not falling for Quidditch Star Extraordinaire, at least." She looked around and noticed that the eyelash girl was walking over to the two of them, heavily made up and every hair – facial or otherwise – in place. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Aren't you the model for Madam Malkin's?"

She looked at him as though he was from another planet for a moment, but said airily, "yes, I did some work for her over the summer." She turned back to Lily. "Thank you, Lily, for helping me. Are you going to stay with, er, him?"

A grin suddenly lit up Remus's face. "You know, Evans, you could always just do what I did, if you lose faith in men." He glanced at the model pointedly, who didn't seem to comprehend.

Lily looked both scandalized and amused. "Ew, I'd never do that! Women are just as bad, if not worse." She looked back at the model. "I'm ready to go now, I guess. Lupin, I do hope you get better." She gave him a kind smile as she stood up, and left Remus to ponder how he was somehow subconsciously confident about Sirius and yet more confused than he had ever been in his life. More ponderous still was how Lily could tell that sort of thing – at the very least, he was glad that he didn't have to worry about Sirius's "women's intuition" making anything stranger than it already was.

This chapter didn't move the plot too far, but I wanted him to talk to Lily so she could yell at him. I like Lily. You know what's next: I ask for reviews, because my pathetic self-esteem depends on it, and give a little love to a person of my choice. Today, it's Jeff, because he seems to think that I could actually be a real writer (people who say that go down in my Book of Love), looks forward to new chapters, and gives me very thoughtful reviews. Ooh and he's pretty. So, yay for Jeff!