As the rangers arrived(minus Jack) they saluted Commander Cruger and stood at attention as Cruger addressed them. After informing the squad that jack has left SPD, Cruger calls Sky forward.

"Cadet Tate, if I were to appoint Cadet Drew as red ranger, would you follow her into battle?" Cruger asks Sky. Without hesitation, Sky Replies, "Anyone that you would choose to wear red, I would follow into battle sir."

Cruger tells Sky to fall back into line. After a few seconds of pacing, Cruger says, "as you know, we are lacking an A-squad. With that said, I would like to offer you, Cadet Tate, the position of A-squad red ranger."

After a moment of thought Sky says, "I would be honored to be the A-squad red ranger." Sky shook Crugar's paw and accept the new morpher.

Cruger then moves onto Bridge. "Cadet Carson, I would like to offer you the position of A-squad blue ranger."

"thank you sir, I would be honored to be the A-squad blue ranger." And, like Sky, he shook Cruger's paw, accepted the new morpher, and stood at attention next to his new squad leader, Sky Tate.

Standing infront of Z, Cruger says, "Cadet Delgado, I would like to offer you the position of A-squad green ranger, but I have noticed that you have taken to being the yellow ranger. So instead of the position of A-squad green ranger, I would like to offer you the position of A-squad yellow ranger."

"Commander, you read my mind, I would be honored to be the A-squad yellow ranger." With that, she did the same as her two male teammates and joined them.

With Syd the last one left, they all expect to hear Crugar say "Cadet Drew, I would like to offer you the position of A-squad pink ranger." But it never came. Instead, Cruger turned to the newly formed A-squad and said, "you three are dismissed, congradulations on all of your promotions."

All three of them looked at eachother wondering why they were being dismissed.

"but sir, what about…"

"Cadet Carson, I believe I dismissed you three. Sydney, I would like to speak with you alone." Cruger said looking at Syd the whole time.

"yes sir." Syd said attempting to mask her worry with an emotionless expression.

in the lounge?

"I wonder what Cruger is talking to Syd about." Bridge said out loud so that his two teammates could hear him.

Bridge was sitting on a couch next to Z, who was reading, more like staring, a magazine. Sky sat in a chair across from them taking an interest in the blue carpet.

Suddenly, Z slammed the magazine on the table between her and Sky and said worriedly, "you don't think he's demoting her or relieving her of her duties do you?"

"of course not! Sydney is a great ranger. She is too valuable for Cruger to just let go. We need her here." Sky said, finally looking up from his stare at the carpet.

"I don't know Sky, if Cruger was going to put Syd on our team he would have done it and then talked to her in private. I think something's up." Bridge said.

They all sat in silence thinking up their own reason for why Cruger would need to talk to Syd in private.

in the Commander's office(does he have an office?)

Cruger took a seat at his desk and motions for Sydney to take the Seat infront of him. "Now Sydney, I would like to speak to you about being a ranger. I know that you have a strong dedication to being an SPD ranger, but what I want to know is what your take is on the red ranger." Cruger says, never taking his eyes off of Sydney.

"well, I think that Sky is highly capable of leading the A-squad power rangers, especially if its Bridge and Z…" but before Sydney can ask about herself, Cruger interrupts her and says, "no. I wasn't talking about Sky. I want to know what you think about a new B-squad."

"well I think that a new B-squad would be the proper move to make after promoting Sky, Bridge, and Z to A-squad. So I'm guessing that it will be C-squad that will receive the promotion?" Syd asks, even though she would much rather be talking about why she herself has not received a promotion.

"your assumptions are correct. Here are the new members of B-squad."

With that, he pulls out 5 folders labeled one(which was the color red), two(colored blue), three(colored green), four(colored yellow), and five(colored pink).

First, he opens the pink folder revealing a young brunette woman.

"this is Allison Welder. First female cadet to finish running Course 5 in 45 minutes." Cruger boasts about the new B-squad pink ranger.

"wow. That's amazing. I've only been able to finish that trail in an hour 30. Her shooting could use improvement, but other than that she seems like she is highly capable of being the B-squad pink ranger." Syd says sadly because now she really doesn't know what the commander is going to do with her.

As Sydney closes the folder on Allison, Cruger hands her the yellow folder.

"that is Peter Matthews. He is an amazing mechanic. He often helps Kat and Boom with the zord maintanance."

Cruger watches Sydney look over Peter's stats and notices a flash of sadness on her face, but as soon as he saw it, the mask was quickly put up and once again he could not read her expression. Don't worry Syd. By the end of this meeting you will understand.

Without a word, Sydney closes Peter's file and opens the next file.

"Marcus Hunnington. Special skills are nagociation and hand-to-hand combat. Hmm. Fastest time on the obstacle course. Wow he even beat Sky time. Impressive." Syd says as she closes the file and opens the blue one.

"Alfred Hunnington. Marcus's brother. Wow, he seems to have an amazing shot, but he's a hothead who finishes last on the obstacle course. Does that make him the evil twin or the good one?" Syd says with a smile on her face, receiving a smile from Cruger signified that the joke was acceptable.

Before Syd could touch the red file, Cruger snatched it out of her hands.

"Sydney…" Cruger was interrupted when Syd said, "wait commander. Before we go on, I want to know one thing. What is going to happen to me? I mean, you promoted everyone else on B-squad to A-squad and u made Allison the B-squad pink ranger so what does that make me now?" By the end of her rant, she was near tears.

To answer her question Cruger simply said, "the B-squad red ranger." Cruger grinned as he saw the shock on the young cadet's face.

"w-what?" Syd said.

"I would like to offer you the position of B-squad red ranger. You have grown amensely since u first enrolled into SPD. I know that out of everyone on your previous team, excluding Sky, you are the most capable to lead the next team of rangers." As he said this, Sydney could hear the pride in his voice and she knew that he meant every word he just spoke.

As he stood up from his chair, Sydney followed suite.

"so Cadet Sydney Drew, do you accept the position of B-squad red ranger?" Cruger asks holding the red file, her file, and a new morpher in his hands.

"Commander Anubus Cruger, I would be honored to serve as the B-squad red ranger."

With that, she accepted her file, her new morpher, and a giant bear(well I guess a giant dog) hug from her superior commander. A tear rolled down her face as she accept this great honor.

As they pulled away from each other, she gave her salute and he dismissed her.

Walking down the hallway on her way to her room she was completely dazed. I can't believe I am a red ranger. I bet Papa would be proud. A tear ran down her face as she remembered her father. Her real father, Carter Grayson. Not wanting to think about he father, she shook the thought away and was about to go into her room when she realized that she hadn't seen the rest of the team(well… her ex-team) since this morning. They must think that I got canned or something. I got to tell them the great news. Hmm. They're probably in the lounge. At that thought, she turned on her heal and headed for the lounge.

TBC… Reviews would be appreciated!