Blame Intertiatic. This will be finished when I get the time; it's too perfect not to.

Ready for your big break on the stage, Major?

You know, I still don't think I need to be here. Wouldn't Pazu be better suited to this position?

I wouldn't mind it.

Heh. And here I was going to volunteer.

Hey! At least you guys aren't stuck on web reconnaissance and remote info retrieval

No kidding!

The major sighed at the sudden clamor of voices in her brain. Bomer, Ishikawa, we need someone on the other side to sort out the info I'll be sending you. Saito, we need you as a sniper. Pazu, if you were recognized our cover would be blown, so Togusa, your stuck. Batou…

Yes, Major? The man's voice was innocent as a newborn… changling.

She paused, then decided that ignoring him would probably be best. Never mind. She could hear quiet cackles from everyone else on the network, and staunchly ignored them as well. Is everyone in position?

Batou's eternally amused voice came over the net again, Togusa's playing new barboy; so far the count is 2 to 3 in favor of the drinks…

"Bastard," Togusa muttered under his breath as he grabbed a broom for the latest broken glass.

... Saito and Pazu are in the wings, so to speak, in case something goes wrong…

"He's in rare form tonight," Saito muttered from his seat in the tilt-rotor.

"It's the major," Pazu muttered, snuffing out a cigarette.

and your friendly neighborhood bouncer is prepared to escort you to the stage, where you will awe, inspire, seduce, and abscond, the doorknob to her dressing room turned and Batou entered with a flourish, saying, "and then disappear, like a proper lady of the night."

With a flat look, Motoko rose and glided across the room, resisting the urge to hack his brain and knock him out. He was needed for the mission… unfortunately. "Come on," she said, "let's get this over with."

Giving her a boyish grin, Batou indicated for her to lead the way, turning the lights off and closing the door behind them.

"OY. Berboi! How's 'bout choo get me 'nother round fer the feckers at dis table, eh?"

With a amazing show of control, Togusa bowed. "Certainly, sir. But if I may point out, the show is about to begin – would you like to wait?"

Togusa, what are you doing? The drunker they are, the less they're likely to remember.

Togusa winced at the Major's strict tone, then smirked when he realized the real reason for it. I was just thinking it would be a little difficult to get in close if they all had drinks, he said, completely monotone.

There was a crackling pause. Give them the drinks, Togusa, she said dangerously.

Yeah, commented Ishikawa, besides, alcohol is sanitizing.

"Feck that!" the orderer was saying at the same time, "we'll drink and watch through the bottom of our glasses!"

Bowing again, Togusa went to mix their orders, positively grinning as the lights dimmed and a prerecorded announcer said in a booming voice, "Laides and gentlman, I am proud to introduce to you… 'Toxic Lollipop'!"

That's her name, Togusa said in stunned surprise. He didn't realize that the rum he was holding was still lazily pouring into his blender until Batou replied.

They ask for quadruple shots, Togusa? Eyebrows shooting up, Togusa sheepishly righted the rum bottle. Just wait, it gets better, the cyborg said.

The light were still down, but Togusa could just see a white shirt move on to the stage. A bass line came on, followed by screeching strings, and suddenly the lights came up, revealing the Major posed on a chair. It took all of Togusa's control not to react to the outfit; a women's white oxford style blouse complete with tie, short pleated black skirt, knee high socks, stripped in the same gold and maroon (the colors of the strip club) and high heels that made him respect his commander all the more – not only because he knew he'd never be able to walk in them, but because he knew he wouldn't walk for a month if she took exception to any comments he made on the mission. Suddenly, he sincerely feared for Batou.

Oh holy shit; Saito said as Brittany Spear's voice started the first verse of 'Toxic'; did she really pick this song?

Manager's pick, Batou said, said that if he was going to be a part of this, he was going to do the routine.

That explains a lot, Togusa said dryly.