UC: Hello there, everyone! Thanks for coming to read my story! Arigato!

KC: … : nothing to say:

UC: Aren't you going to say something, Kirrani-chan?

KC: I don't have much to say at the moment. :stares off into space:

UC: Well, if you have nothing to say I'll just get on with my beautiful new story! Are you all ready?

KC: Yeah. I'm ready…

UC: Here it is. Hope all of you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: The Favor

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

"Colonel Mustang wants to speak to you, Edward," stated Havoc blankly to the young blond.

It was a cold winter day. With snow coating each and everything outside with a great white blanket. It was especially warm inside Mustang's office where the heat was turned on high.

"Oh, what does he want?" asked Edward scowling.

Havoc shrugged and walked off. The young blond hated Roy Mustang. At least, that's what he thought. He walked off to the colonel's office dragging his feet. He'd really rather not see Roy today with it so cold. He just wanted to go home and crawl in bed. He figured he might as well or Havoc would have came and got him for nothing. He arrived at the door and hesitated.

"Come in, Fullmetal," Edward heard a deep voice call. The young blond rolled his eyes and walked in. He immediately noticed the room was boiling hot and threw his famous crimson jacket on the couch.

"What do you want?" asked Edward angrily.

Hughes would have been the only one who would have known what Roy was about to say. Sadly, Hughes was gone. Mustang's best friend had died about two years ago. But Hughes knew Roy's secret. The secret he wouldn't dare tell anyone else.

"Edward…" said Roy. Then he paused.

"Did you just call me Edward?" the blond asked in surprise.

"Ed, I have to tell you something."

Suddenly they heard frantic screaming coming from the hallway.

"Edward! Where are you? Havoc told me you're here somewhere!" yelled Winry's voice.

Edward sighed. "I have to go now. Winry must need me. We can talk some other time."

"Of course. We'll talk another time, Fullmetal," Roy answered in a sad tone.

The golden eyed boy saluted. Roy stood and returned the salute. Then Edward turned to walk out the door. Mustang sighed with longing for the younger boy's body. At that time he felt like such a pervert. He snapped out of it and got back to his paperwork.

Edward spotted Winry running down the hallway with her arms flailing.

"Winry, calm down! I'm right here!"

Winry stopped suddenly and stared at Edward with twinkles in her eyes. She rushed over and flung her arms around his neck. Edward blushed but he didn't know why. Edward knew one thing for sure. He didn't like girls. Yes, you guessed it, Edward was gay.

"Edward, I need your help," Winry stated.

Edward was confused. He pulled Winry's arms from his neck.

"Help with what?" he asked looking her straight in the eye.

Winry paused.

"You see… two of my best friends are coming to visit this afternoon. Their names are Minako and Tori. I told them that I had a boyfriend… so I thought-"

"Oh no! this isn't going where I think it is?" questioned Edward.

"Will you pretend to be my boyfriend?" asked Winry.

She looked up at Edward with puppy eyes and quivered her lower lip. She knew it was hard for him to say no to that. Edward sighed.

"Sure. I'll do it: Edward mumbled.

Winry jumped up and squealed.

"Thank you so much!"

Edward sighed again.

"Be at my place by 2:30 p.m. Don't be late!" Winry yelled as she ran off.

Edward glanced at the clock. It was only 10:00 in the morning.

"At least I have some time," he whispered to himself.

UC: And we'll stop it there for now. The anticipation is killing all of you isn't it::manically laughing:

KC: Hopefully people will like this story.

UC: What's that supposed to mean!

KC: Well, almost no one read your story called Sunsets.

UC: That's true. If any of you get a chance or would like to, could you please read "Sunsets". It's a Fullmetal Alchemist AlxWinry fic.

KC: Yeah, please do so she won't cry.

UC: Oh I won't cry::scowls: Well, please review for this story! Until next time,
