Here it is the final chapter! You can cut the tension with a spoon! If it had a particularly sharp edge. I'm never sure which way round that phrase works… why don't I just stick to writing the story…
Case Closed, With a Bit of Force
King Cold looked up at Bob, the magnificent Dragon of hell. Well he wasn't really magnificent, more sort of pale and asthmatic, what he looked like wasn't really the point though. The point was what it represented, it was King Cold's ticket out of hell, back to the world of the living, where he could re-establish his empire and return to his life of luxury. All he had to do was make his wish.
"Cough Why do you wake me from my slumber?" demanded Bob followed by, "It better be good."
"Wishes you stupid Lizard!" replied King Cold, angrily "why else would anyone contact you."
"Well I do cough make Balloon Animals," replied Bob in a slightly hurt booming voice. "But I suppose you'll be wanting your wishes really, all three of them."
"Yes, all three," said Cold, menacingly, "Shall we begin?"
"As you wish," said Bob resentfully, "Maybe you'd like some balloon animals later, anyway you may now ask for your three wishes!"
"At last," said King Cold, who had been about to give the dragon a slightly worse aliment then a cough, "My first wish is for…"
"Not so fast!" interrupted a familiar voice. King Cold swung round to find Goku, Freeza and Cell standing behind him.
"Oh that's just perfect!" he thought angrily.
"Not so fast," shouted Goku as he materialise in the warehouse. King Cold and his swung round, "We have you surrounded," continued Goku, "Step away from the dragon!"
"Do you really need to shout," grumbled Freeza, "he's standing less then 6 feet away."
"Stop me!" laughed King Cold, "You'll have to get past the Ginyu Force first! Attack!" The three remaining members of the Ginyu force posed in preparation for an attack before suddenly thumping each other and falling to the ground. "Why the HFIL did you do that!" demanded King Cold furiously.
"With all due respect sir the fight lasted longer that way," said Burter, before falling unconscious.
"Darn it," cursed King Cold, "you just can't get the staff these days, unless are mind controlled of course!" he pulled a remote out of his pocket, "Broly, see your old friend Kakarot over there? Destroy him and his companions."
"I WILL DESTROY KAKAROT!" declared Broly becoming the Legendary Super Saiyan. Freeza jumped behind Cell and Goku for safety. The two braver, or stupider, police officers powered up to there full power.
"All together now!" declared Goku "Triple Punch!" The three heroes leapt at Brolly to give him one heck of a punch, unfortunately charging at Broly all at once allowed the massive Saiyan to hit all three of them in one punch of his own resulting in a rather messy pile in the corner.
"OW!" exclaimed Cell calmly.
"Has anyone seen my teeth?" asked Freeza, sorely picking himself up.
"That was useless," snapped Goku, "haven't you lot ever fought as a team before?"
"No!" said Cell angrily, "That's why we were such scary villains, because we could kick all your friends by ourselves!"
"That didn't stop Vegeta or Piccolo getting it right the first time we worked together!" declared Goku, "You two are just rubbish fighters."
"Huh I have all your skills," snapped Cell, "so it must be bad training!"
"Don't blame me for the quality of stolen goods," began Goku "I-"
"Move you idiots!" screamed Freeza who had already slipped away. Cell and Goku swung round to see a massive energy ball coming their way! Broly had charged it up while they were arguing. Both Goku and Cell instant- translocated out of the way reappearing next to King Cold. Before they could hit him Broly grabbed them both by the shoulders and threw them through a wall. Freeza tried to attack King Cold himself. He actually landed a few punches, but his father was no push over and thumped Freeza into Broly's waiting hand, who grabbed Freeza round the neck.
"Nice try son," chuckled King Cold, "but as you can see mind controlled Saiyans are much more useful then normal ones. They can be trusted too. Now there's no way you can stop me from making my wish!" He turned round to the Dragon, "Might Dragon Bob! I wish that you would grant me…" he began.
"I wish you would go away!" interrupted Freeza in a hurried voice. King Cold swung round and glared at him with a look of horror.
"That is easily with in my power!" boomed Bob, and with a flash of light the Dragon and the balls were gone!
"Yes! At last I did something right! Ever since Namek everything has gone wrong but now something has gone right!" declared Freeza excitedly, "In your face Dad. Go Freeza, go Freeza, go Freeza! Give me an F!"
King Cold listened too this with a blank expression, no doubt he was calmly contemplating his defeat in a rational and reflective manner, like all villains do. And like all villains he came up with a rational way to deal with his anger.
"Broly, crush his neck!" he order calmly.
"Give me an EEEEEEE" gasped Freeza as the Legendary Super Saiyan went to work. King Cold watched with glee as his son's head went a funny colour leaving us to wonder once again why royals never like their children. Fortunately for Freeza he had back up. Goku suddenly appeared behind Broly and kicked him as hard as he could in the back of the head. Broly let go of Freeza and crashed through one of the few remaining warehouse walls.
"You saved me!" exclaimed Freeza in some shock, "after all the times I tried to kill you and you friends!"
"Well I don't like to see anyone suffer," said Goku modestly.
"Unless it's Gohan being tortured by me," added Cell smugly.
"Hey that plan worked didn't it!" retorted Goku, "Really Cell I think you're obsessed with those Cell games, you should really learn to let go! It can't be healthy."
"Anyway I noticed that you didn't exactly run to my aid," said Freeza angrily.
"Well to be honest," said Cell "I couldn't really care what happens to you two."
"Oh gee thanks," said Goku, "Well at least Freeza's learnt something."
"Yeah," said Freeza, "Not to talk with your back to an enemy who's about to fire!"
The three of them looked up to see another massive energy ball from Broly flying towards them.
"Kamehameha!" shouted Goku and Cell simultaneously. Freeza hesitated for a moment before joining in with his own blast. Three blasts combined and struck Broly's about half way between the two groups. The resulting energy duel swelled to a huge size creating a massive pulsating ball of energy between the two sides.
"I've go an awful feeling dayjarvu," said Cell sounding slightly worried.
"I told you he's obsessed," said Goku struggling slightly, "don't worry, you're as strong as Gohan and Freeza's as strong as Goten so if we give one big push like I did with them it should work out."
"As long as we don't get struck from behind," said Freeza struggling a lot.
"Well who's going to do that?" asked Goku. Suddenly a huge shadow formed above them. Cell Goku and Freeza looked up to see King Cold with a huge death ball.
"I hope you lot are ready to be obliterated!" he declared, "Although I don't know how long you need to prepare to cease to exist! Good bye for all eternity!"
At that moment Broly increased his force pushing our heroes back as King Cold prepared to throw his death Ball.
"Yes this definitely feels very familiar!" said Cell, "I think I'm going to die again."
"Not die," said Freeza, "be obliterated, it's much worse."
"Gee and I had always hoped that I would be able to see some of my friends and family again," said Goku, forcing the last of his energy into the blast. "You know after all the good things I did in my life I thought I might at least get that! But no!" he continued letting his anger carry him forwards, "I get to be obliterated with you two."
"We love you too," snapped Cell and Freeza firing the last of their energy at Broly. Then the closed there eyes and waited for the explosion and the end.
It never came.
Instead there was a large crunch just to their left. This was followed by some voices.
"Dad!" cried Cooler sounding distressed, "the heroes where really rude to me, they said that I had given them salmonella! Then they shouted at me."
"Get off me Cooler!" snapped King Cold, "I don't have time for you now, I'm busy!"
"You always say that!" snapped Cooler, "maybe if you had spent more time with me, you know played baseball once in a while I wouldn't have ended up insan- Ooooh what's this?"
"Don't touch that controller!" ordered King Cold, "you'll ruin everything!"
"Ooops dropped it," exclaimed Cooler apologetically. Suddenly there was a large thud from another direction and Broly's energy beam stopped. Goku, Cell and Freeza's, who had all been leaning hard into their blasts, now had nothing to lean against and fell over as a result. The ki duel broke up sending energy flying into near by warehouses resulting in a large amount of damage to several companies stocks!
"What the heck happened?" asked Freeza sitting up. Goku looked over at Broly's unconscious body in the corner of the room.
"From what I can tell it looks like he punched him self," said Goku, "must have been Cooler's doing with that controller."
"Oh great," said Cell angrily "I've been save by a nutter, that's hardly going to do my credibility any good."
"Not that you had any credibility to begin with," mocked Freeza.
"Well at least it's over now," said Goku lying back down, "and we won, which is all that really matters."
"Want a bet!" growled King Cold storming over, "You may have completely ruined my plans, but I'll still get to destroy you!"
"Oh yeah," said Cell trying to get back to his feat, "I forgot about him." King Cold lowered his figure to point it at Freeza's head, as the exhausted HFILPD tried to regroup.
"So long son," said King Cold, but before he could fire some one hit him hard.
"Leave my son alone you bully," snapped an angry Icea who had just entered the remains of the ware house.
"Honey?" exclaimed King Cold in a voice ladened with false sweetness, "What are you doing here, I thought you where still alive."
"I was until I was murdered for political reasons," said the (former) Queen of the Icea Empire resentfully, "darn plotting nephews. Anyway more to the point why are you trying to obliterate my son!"
"He's just angry at us for trying to arrest him," said Cooler happily, "he's been a bad man and we're police officers so we have to stop him."
"My sons, police officers," said the queen happily, "I've never been so proud."
"I conquered hundreds of planets and you weren't proud," fumed Freeza, "but now I spend my time in grubby law enforcement you are! How does that work!"
"Well it's a noble profession, protecting the riches property and arresting poor members of minorities for no reason," said the Queen nostalgically, causing Goku to cringe, "You should be more supportive," she snapped at King Cold, "encouraging the boys in their new careers."
"But they ruined my escape plan," whined King Cold, "In a really stupid way too. I had every right to be angry."
"You probably deserved it!" snapped the Queen turning to her youngest son, "did he hurt you," she said giving Freeza a hug, "let me kiss it better."
"MUM!" screamed Freeza struggling out of the hug, "I'm too old for that, and you're embarrassing me in front of Goku!"
"Goku?" exclaimed the Queen, looking around to Goku, "aren't you that Saiyan from Namek?"
"Well I'm from Earth actually," said Goku cheerfully, "but I have been to Namek yes." He offered his hand, "I'm Goku pleased to meet you mam. Might I say-" Unfortunately Goku got no further before he was hit over the head with a handbag.
"How dare you try to kill my son!" she bellowed hitting Goku over the head continuously, "you are nothing but a bully!"
"Please Mam- ow- he was trying to-ow- kill everyone on the pl-ow-net," protested Goku, to polite to fight back, "if you don't-ow- stop I will-ow- be forced-ow- to arrest you."
"Well," said Cell carefully watching the spectacle, "I'm sure you all want to keep this in the family," he quickly picked up Broly and the Ginyu Force, "So I'll just take these guys to jail… Bye." Then he fled.
"Well Goku I guess we owe you an apology," said King Yemma, "Not that I personal doubted you for a second," he added quickly.
"Don't worry about it King Yemma," replied Goku, who was still nursing his handbag wounds, "Anyone could have made that mistake. King Cold was being quite clever really, but we got him in the end."
"Once again we are in your debt, Goku," said King Yemma, "You saved Saichourou and restored order in Hell. You're going to get extra perks for this. How about a day to visit your family sometime soon."
"Thanks that would be great," said Goku, "but I can't really take all the credit (for once). With out Cell, Freeza and Cooler this case would have never been solved and I would still be in jail, or worse obliterated."
"Yes I guess we better give credit where credit is due," said King Yemma grudgingly, "Cell, Freeza and Cooler shall all be rewarded too. How about we let you three off your community service early?" he suggested eagerly, "I know how much you hated it."
"Well actually," said Freeza carefully, "I'd like to stay on. It's the first thing that I've ever done that makes my Mum proud of me and it drives Dad nuts, which makes it good on two accounts."
"Mummies boy," muttered Cell, Freeza ignored him.
"I'd like to stay on too," beamed Cooler, "because I Love the shiny badges!" he finished staring at his own reflection in his badge and laughing.
"Well if they want to stay on," said Goku, "I'd be happy to carry on working with them."
"Very well then," said King Yemma making notes in his book, "and how about you Cell?" Cell thought carefully for along time before replying.
"You know what I think of you guys," he said warmly, "you're the first people I've ever worked with, who have ever been nice to me! And it's for that very reason that I say you can take that job and shove it where the sun don't shine! I'm off!" and laughing like a maniac he turned to flee.
"Very well Cell," said King Yemma, "We'll see you in the community service office tomorrow at 10 am."
"What?" exclaimed Cell, "you said that you would let us off for restoring order in Hell!"
"Yes," agreed Yemma, "we let you off the community service for trying to escape from Hell. You still have to serve your sentence for driving with out a license. Remember?"
"Oh Crap!" snapped Cell.
"Well the rest of you are dismissed," said King Yemma, "Oh I do have your next investigation, there was a nasty train crash yesterday and I want to know who did it."
"You can count on us!" declared Goku.
"Choo-Choo," added Cooler helpfully. They turned to leave walking past the bewildered Cell.
"I'll put the kettle on for you in a week," said Freeza smugly, before hurrying off back to Hell.
Summing Up (they used to do this in cop shows)
King Cold was sentenced to three hundred million years in prison for Kidnapping, resisting arrest and trying to escape from hell. He served only 3 months of this due to a Home Office error and is currently on the loose.
The Ginyu Force, Broly and Turles were sentence to 700 years in prison for there part in King Cold's plot. In addition Jheese was also found guilty of causing a train crash from the testimony of Thomas the Tank Engine who was a really useful witness.
Goku choose to go back to earth to fight in the 25th Tenka'ichi Budôkai. I think we all know what happened next.
Cooler was banned from ever cooking again after the massive food poisoning that resulted from his catering. His friends and family were delighted with the courts decision.
Cell was given the option of doing another round of community service with the HIFLPD or becoming a sewer cleaner. After being severely mauled by a mutant rat he returned to the police force.
Mg34 was arrested and sentenced to life in a hard labour camp for plagiarism; however it is believed that he may continue to operate from behind bars.
The End
Okay folks that's another story down, (hope you enjoyed it). Anyway all that's left for me to do is thank my brother for proof reading this story, J.S., Scan, aqusage (who I used a suggestion from in this chapter), Akaida-Felinjin, Happyface101, katanbuilder3, Kinoha, ben, CB, coumarin-chan, ghostdude, Evil-Luna, Trauma-sama and SuperSanne for reviewing. Akira Toriyama for creating Dragonball Z, the Rev. W. V. Awdry for creating Thomas the Tank Engine and everyone who has read this story, I'm sure you know who you are.
Please don't forget to review and let me know what you think of the stories mentioned at the end of the last chapter, Thanks for reading and I hope to be back in a week or two, or three, or…