The end…
The rule of King Jonathan the third and Queen Alanna the Lioness and King's Champion, was a prosperous one. They had no more children after Roald and Lianne. Lianne went on to be the third Lady Knight, after Keladry of Mindelan and was happily married to Gary and Cythera's first born William.
Roald was also knighted and ascended the throne when his father and mother stepped down. As for Alanna and Jon, they had lived a happy life, with no regrets. Their lives contained a love that not many can understand. They lived to an old age together, watching their twins grow and exceed. They died together in a battle while visiting the Bazhir.
As for that one rose, it remained forever in the land of Tortall; they had passed it on to their children who in turn passed it on to their loves and children. Jon and Alanna loved for eternity, living together in the Dark God's Realm together, belonging to each other and loving each other…forever.
And Faithful? Faithful remained watching over Alanna and Jon's descendents. Watching them as he had watched Alanna.
Sometimes…a simple rose can show a love that will last an eternity.
Author's Note: Well, that's the end folks, I decided to use this chapter to tell a little about how life went on. And to show the meaning of the rose, which I'm sure you all figured out…lol. I decided that Alanna and Jon only had the twins, seeing as that gave them two children to ascend the throne should something happen to one of them. Hope you all loved it. This chapter is dedicated to all my reviewers. If you guys are looking for some good fluff stories go to my C2 Roses of Love, got around 46 stories…lol, lots of pairings, any you want to add feel free. And looks like my next story will be K/N. I'll be posting it soon. Keep a look out for it! Thanks for reviewing, this was a great first fic for me!
P.S. Once again, would have posted earlier but for some reason fanfic document manager hates me. Lol, sorry.