Epilogue; Where are they now?

Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy; Lived happily ever. Two years after their wedding they welcomed a son; Bennett Charles. And two years after him, a daughter Emily Quintessa. Bennett inherited his father's looks, seriousness, and business. He ran the company almost better than his grandfather had. Emily got more of her mother's looks and personality; she became a Brit Lit professor at Smith University, and also wrote several books.

Jane and Charles Bingley; Also lived happily ever after. The couple only spent a year permanently at Neatherfield; they then found it way too close to her family. Thus Netherfield Farm became the summer house and Jane and Charles moved back to the City, within a block of Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam. They had two children, Amelia Elizabeth and Roderick William. Amelia became a teacher like her mother and Roderick became an accountant.

Caroline Bingley; Married for money a stock broker, they had a decent relationship, not one of real love but both parties respected society too much to stray. They had one son, Steven; he grew up to be very unlike his parents.

Lady Cat de Bourgh; She disproved of her nephew's marriage, until she realized that Elizabeth was the famous Luciana Keene, she then spent her life forcing Anne into 'that kind of society'.

Anne de Bourgh; Free from the maternal pressure to marry Darcy she was able to marry for love. She met her husband, Peter, through Elizabeth. Both couples became very close. Anne and Peter had twin sons; Colin and Matthew, and neither one were ever told who they were to marry.

Georgiana Darcy; Became a piano teacher, as well as the accompanist at the Lady Austin Theater, and a concert pianist. She married a dancer she met at school; Brandon Arlington. They had two boys; Darcy and Spencer, as well as a girl Isabelle.

Danielle Maddox; Went to university and got a degree in Women's studies. She then went on to studied law. (Making her father proud of her 'real' education and employment options) However she never took the bar, instead she got on Broadway and fulfilled both her dreams and Elizabeth's prophecy. The Darcys remained close friends and the first child born to Danni and her husband Gregory Ernest (producer) was named Luciana.

Dick and Louisa Hurst; Remained close to Charles and Jane as well as Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam. The couple never managed to have children, but was the favorites of all their nephews and nieces.

Galen Jennings and Jessie; Remained together and eventually adopted a son, Dominick. They were favorites of the Darcy children as well as the Evans kids.

Charlotte and William Collins; William lightened up considerably and the couple even managed to break ties with Lady Cat. They had three children; Zachary, Madeline, and Taylor.

Matt and Meg Ethans; Meg had her Daughter shortly after the Lydia fiasco, Christine Marie, named after Christine Deea. She was followed by a son, Algernon Christian, named after Algernon from the Importance of Being Ernest. Algernon married Emily Darcy to the joy of both families – it's not everyday you like your in-laws.

Frances and Tomas Bennet: Francy was overjoyed at her daughter's marriages. Anything bad she ever thought about her second child was erased with one look at the bank balance. Eventually, with the allied help of Fitzwilliam and Tomas Elizabeth told her mother about Luciana and her life. The women didn't necessarily get closer, but they did finally come to terms and when Francy did eventually die it was stated that Elizabeth was the one to speak at the funeral. Tomas remained married to his wife, whom he did love and he continued to support all five of his daughters. With the Elizabeth out about Luciana Tomas was able to actually fly out and see a show. As he got older he spent more and more time with Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam, enjoying being able to pop in and bug them when ever.

Mary Bennett: She got a doctorate in calculus and married an English professor. They had two sons and a daughter.

Kitty Bennett: became therapist and married her high school sweetheart. They had a Daughter, Rosemarie.

Lydia and George Wickham; had a son, Ross Benjamin. George wasn't exactly the best father and Lydia was forced to grow up. She did and eventually divorced George, took Ross, and went back to school. She became a paralegal and married her boss. They had a good relationship and a daughter, Sylvia. George ended up with no real change; he remained a shyster until his dying day which was sooner than most due to a mass amount of debut he owed to the wrong people.

As for the company; Henry and Cathy had a daughter, then a son. Chris and Marianna had twin girls. Emma and Harriet finally married men whom they never imagined they would. Elea married that dark haired boy from the Squeeze In. Maggie married and had five daughters. Elinor and Edward had a son who married Anne and Fredrick's second daughter. Edmund and Fanny eventually married and had two boys and a girl. The company remained strong as ever and all the members lived happily ever after as well.

AN: I can only imagine your fury right now, and I'd be pretty pissed at me too. But I regret to say I have nothing more to do to them. We've spent way too much time together, these characters and I. They are closer to me than my brother, so one; I now have a fear of their intimacy because who wants to think about dear old sis getting it on. And two I'm sort of sick of them. Terrible and shameful I know. But if you guys are desperate for a better ending for them, give me some ideas, part of my problem may be the world's worst case of writers block.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this right now, and I worship at the feet of all my reviewers. Your constant support made my days and kept me going. And if you ever gave me the what for I applauded you that was better motivation than anything else. Happily Depressed, you girl are a saint! Can't put a price on how awesome are communications were, now all you have to do to make you a god, Happily, finish that story! There are tons more people I'd like to thank, but I know that if your reading this far down you're board our of your mind, so I'll just say, that you people are so wonderful and way to good to me. THANK YOU!
