Disclaimer: Characters are created and owned by Meg Cabot unless stated otherwise. Any unknown characters were created by us.

Summary: Why is the girl, who has the looks, intelligence, and everything, always ends up with the perfect guy, whereas the girl who has the AVERAGE looks, and artistic skills and a pretty much sucky life doesn't? Well, that's the story of my life, I, Samantha Madison, hoping that someday, it will change.

Hey guys! This is a tag team between Tephy and Claudine. Enjoy!

This is AU by the way.

Kamilla, Kamilla Madison.

That's my cousin's name.

And she's visiting, visiting the Madison Household, coming to MY house.
You are probably asking why I'm dreading and complaining about her visit. It's just that…well, I don't like her very much.

Yeah, yeah I know. She's my cousin and all and a relative, but so what?

She visits every two years. And I have this premonition that she only does it to annoy me. And show off.

How do I know? Well, because two years ago― when she visited when we were thirteen years old― she boasted about the guys she had kissed that year.

Which was sick because you know, talk about bizarre. I mean, I haven't even gotten MY first kiss. And her? She said that she had kissed six guys that year. SIX GUYS! And no guy ever tried to do anything with me, unless you know, you count drawing things for them when they are too lazy to do their art homework.

Plus she has the look. You know, the blonde, blue-eyed, 'feminine' shape and 5'9 look― she inherited it from her mom. While I inherited the Madison look; flaming red hair, pale complexion, blue eyes…etc. Not that I'm saying Lucy is ugly, she's way prettier than Kamilla.

The thing is, Lucy and Rebecca inherited my mom's facial features and have the perfect auburn hair. Guys fight over them, if not for the looks, then the brains― which Rebecca totally has.

No guy ever fought for me…unless you count that time when I was auctioning my drawing of Lucy, then yeah.

I guess being a middle child has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, I might not have gotten the looks, but I got the artistic skills. I can draw pretty well, if I do say so myself. And of course, I'm not doing very badly in school, I'm actually doing pretty good ―better than Lucy, I suppose.

But let's not get off-topic here.

The only way to describe Kamilla is probably…well, she's the type of girl everyone likes but secretly hates. You know, Regina George from Mean Girls? Yeah, so like her. She gets hung up on stuff, especially boys.

I mean, one time, I was talking to her on the phone (mom made me) and she was crying her eyes out― her boyfriend at that time cheated on her and dumped her the day she found out. It was not a pretty sound.

She was wailing and sniffing, which made me snort. And she was all, "How could you be so mean at a time like this? God, Sam," she said and hung up on me. Me? Being mean? Puh-leeze. I was not being mean. I'm not stupid; she said that so she can tell my mom that I wasn't supporting her through her 'time of need'. Yeah, right, time of need my arse.

Lucy and Rebecca love her. I have no idea why. I guess it's because she and Lucy can share make-up tips and she's actually pretty intellectual…

…No wonder Rebecca doesn't talk to me much; I'm not up to her level, which made me dislike her more. Kamilla, I mean. Not my sister. Of course not.

My sisters like her more than me. I'm also thinking that my parents like her more too…As if that's not obvious.

"Why can't you be more like your cousin, Kamilla, huh Sam?" my mom complained when I got a C on my report card. It was Science, okay? Science isn't my best subject. And that was only once…now don't you look at me like that. I'm not lying. I tried my best― snort―. Plus, I didn't get any help from Rebecca. And we share the same blood!

Well…I guess Kamilla share's our blood too but that's not the point.
The point is that Kamilla has everything I want.

So here I am, sitting on my bed in my bedroom, wondering what my life would be like if I was like Kamilla.

It's not like my life is below average. I mean sure, I don't get invited to parties much, but I'm not an outcast either― well, unless you ask Kris Parks…then that's a different matter of opinion― really, I have a great best friend, Catherine. But no matter how much I adore― yeah right― my life, there's still one thing missing.

And what is that you ask?


I guess it's just me and my hormones, since you know I'm already 15 (nearing 16) and I STILL don't have a boyfriend. Maybe it's also the fact that I'm an art freak…hmm…yeah maybe that's why. But I still don't get it.
Why won't guys come to me? Lucy has like…a gazillion guys after her and Rebecca is getting serenaded by a guy from her school.

I'm pathetic, aren't I?

Well, there WAS that time in 5th grade when this guy named Nick in my class sang the Barbie Girl song in front of me.

But that doesn't count because he was making FUN of me since I was wearing a Barbie shirt and the other girls in my class already had gotten over their Barbie phase.

It wasn't my fault, alright?

Okay, and maybe because of the fact that my classes are full of girls and only like what, six to eight guys? And plus, those guys have their eyes set on Lucy, if not then the popular girls–cough–Kris Parks and her posse–cough. I don't get much experience with the opposite sex, you know.

So don't blame me about not 'mingling' enough.

The doorbell rang and I started fussing around my room.

What am I going to do? I can't just kick my cousin out of my room― oh yeah, did I tell you she was staying in my room for her whole visit? Well, if not, she is― though, that would be a great idea, but no.

I paced back and forth and tripped over my backpack. Face first.

I groaned and lifted myself up. My face probably looked flushed.

"Ugh. Stupid backpack," I muttered and kicked it out of my way.

I looked around my room, hoping that something will make me feel better. But nothing caught my eye.

Why am I so scared of her? Kamilla, I mean. It's just Kamilla.

It's not like she's a threat to me. I'm older than her by a few months, so this is nothing, right? Wrong.

I sighed.

"Sam! Get down here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Your cousin has just arrived!"

And what do you want me to do? Do the happy dance? I think not.

"Coming!" I yelled back. Oh, joy. This should be fun…


I straightened myself and glanced at my reflection once more in the mirror.

I shook my head and headed downstairs.

I could hear my family and cousin squealing downstairs. They weren't that happy when I returned from a month away, when I was at camp. Just another reason to make me hate her, Kamilla, I mean.

I grudgingly went down the stairs and when I got there, I crossed my arms in front of my chest, hoping that it would protect me from the evil. It didn't. When she saw me, she locked gazes with me.

She said in a fake chirpy voice, "Oh Sam! How nice to see you! You look so beautiful."

I put on a fake smile, using the same tone of voice she used with me. "Oh why thank you, Kami, it's nice to see you too. You're not looking so bad yourself."

Ah! I could see the hate in her eyes when I said the last line. Psh. Talk about conceited.

I looked past her and saw a boy, around my age and Kamilla's, holding two suitcases. Who's he?

"Oh, auntie, I forgot to tell you, my boyfriend," she said to my mom, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend', as if a thing like that will make me more jealous of her. Don't look at me like that…okay, fine, so what if I am? "― wants to stay here too. To be with me, of course." She looked in my direction and smirked. "Is that okay?"

Before my mom could open the door, the boy went inside our house and introduced himself. I didn't see his face because his back was facing me but he had a nice…err, back.

"Hello, Mrs. Madison, how are you? My name's David," he said, shaking hands with my mother. "My parents have some business to do and are really busy. My father said that I can spend the break with whomever. And Kamilla said I could come and stay with her…is that okay?"

My mom just nodded. I could tell that she liked the guy and would approve of him right away since he was so polite.

He turned around and I swear, he is the MOST gorgeous guy I have seen.

I gaped at him and he smiled, "Hi, I'm David. And you are?" he said to me.

I couldn't utter a word, I was surprised. I started to stutter but thank God Rebecca nudged me and brought me back to my senses.

"Um, hi, I'm Samantha Madison, you can call me Sam. I'm Kamilla's cousin," I replied and I bet you that my cheeks were probably red from embarrassment.

Out in the corner of my eye, I saw Kamilla, look at me and smirk. Oh you like me messing up don't you? Especially in front of a hot guy.

Show off!

So, like it or not? Please review!
xoxo, Tephy and Claudine