Yes, the long-awaited sequel to Concrete Angel. Just to clear a few things up, Ron does not care that Harry and Hermione are together, and, yes, I know they are still young, but they are not getting married for another few years (as of right now, anyway). If you have anymore questions about CA, please submit them in your reviews on CA, and I will be answering them in the A/Ns for this story. That said and done, ENJOY. Oh, yeah, I own nothing but the plot. Characters belong to JKR and I don't know who the song belongs to, but I know it isn't me.

You Won't Ever Be Lonely

HP fanfic by JennyGranger

Sequel to Concrete Angel

Chapter 1 -- Graduation

"Come on, Hermione, he'll be down in a minute. Just dance with me. It'll give you something to do."

"No, Ron, I want to wait for Harry, and, like you said, he'll be down in a minute, so, even if I did dance with you, it wouldn't be for very long."

"You just don't want Harry to see you dancing with another boy, and I, for one, am hurt, Hermione, that you don't trust me like that," Ron said, placing his hand over his heart, a look of mock-disappointment on his face. Hermione sighed, now thoroughly annoyed.

"Fine," she said, and before she could say anymore, Ron had led her to their enlarged living room, where the main dancing was taking place. They were at the Burrow, celebrating the trio's graduation from Hogwarts. Everybody from Bill and Fleur (now happily married with a 7 month old daughter named Emelie) to Mad-Eye Moody and a few more Order members were there, including Remus Lupin, who was acting as deejay, seeing as he was the only one besides Harry and Hermione who knew how to work the CD player Harry had gotten Hermione for Christmas.

After only about thirty seconds of dancing with Ron, Hermione felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Oh, damn, I hoped it was Brad Pitt," she said when she turned around and saw Harry.

"Too bad for you, but, getting past that, aren't you supposed to be dancing with me, mademoiselle?" he said, taking a mock bow, and causing Hermione to give him a what-on-earth-are-you-trying-to-do look, but she decided to play along anyway, since she actually knew French.

"Maintenant, pourquoi voudriez-vous que je fasse quelque chose comme ça?" she said, enjoying his what-the-hell-did-you-just-say look.

"Translation, please?"

"Now, why would you want me to do something like that?"

"Is that the translation, or do not want to translate what you just said?"

"That was the translation."

"Oh. Okay. Well, in that case, it's because I'm engaged to you, that's why," he said, wrapping his arms around her bum and basically slinging her over his shoulder, "Now, we shall dance!"

"Not if you don't put me down, we won't!" but by now they were already to the dance floor, so Harry put her down, and she attempted a glare at him, but she just couldn't get it out without laughing at his cute, puppy-dog look. She could never stay mad at him for too long, "Damn you, Potter."

"Hermione," he said, gasping with mock shock, "that was a rude and uncalled comment."

She was just about to retort when Remus' magically magnified voice rang over the crowd, "This is for a special young woman out there. You know who you are, and, if you don't, you will after I say this; Harry, you owe me five galleons for playing this."

Hermione laughed and looked up at Harry as the slow ballad started, and they started dancing, all thoughts except for each other leaving their minds;

I may not have always go your way

And every once in a while you might have a bad day

But I promise you now

You won't ever be lonely

The sky turns dark and everything goes wrong

Run to me and I'll leave the light on

And I promise you now

You won't ever be lonely

For as long as I live there will always be

A place you belong here beside me

Heart and the soul

Baby, you only

And I promise you now

You won't ever be lonely

It's still gonna snow and it's still gonna rain

The wind's gonna blow on a cold winter day

And I promise you now

You won't ever be lonely

You're safe from the world wrapped in my arms

And I'll never let go, baby, here's where it starts

And I promise you now,

You won't ever be lonely

Here's a shoulder you can cry on

And the love you can rely on

For as long as I live, there will always be

A place you belong here beside me

Heart and the soul

Baby, you only

And I promise you now

You won't ever be lonely

No, no, no, no, no, no

No you won't ever be lonely


As the song ended, Harry and Hermione pulled each other closer and kissed, each knowing that they would never leave each other lonely.

Apparently, they were kissing for longer than they thought, but, being in there own little world, time goes by slowly. This lapse on reality, however, cost them a bucket full of ice cold water (courtesy of Fred and George) to be dumped over there heads.

"What was that for?" Hermione screeched, as Harry shook his head, soaking her even more, "Harry!"

"What?" Harry asked, slightly dizzy, but that quickly passed as he noticed Hermione was wearing a white shirt (A/N: You girls all know what he's staring at.) Hermione noticed him staring, and looked down. She gasped, covered up her chest with her arms, and moved closer to Harry, who was slightly shivering because of the temperature of the water, "Come on, Mione," he said wrapping an arm around her, "Let's go."

"Go on upstairs to the bathroom and dry off, you two," Mrs. Weasley said, meeting them at the foot of the stairs, "and I'll have a word with my boys."Harry and Hermione ran upstairs to the second landing, to the bathroom, where Harry locked them in, shutting out Mrs. Weasley's shouts. He turned around to see Hermione, who still had her arms covering her chest, biting her lip and seemed almost in tears. After all, she wouldn't even let Harry see under her shirt, let alone every Weasley, plus everyone from the (current) Order. She was very aware that she was still covered in scars and welts.


R&R Please! sad-puppy eyes