The Birth of Kings: Prologue to the Ling King
All of us know of the ends of Mufasa and his brother Scar, but how did they begin? This is my own idea of the happenings in the childhoods of Scar and Mufasa growing up together, but in different worlds.
Present Day
"Hira, Hira!"
The old lioness jumped awake and squinted her eyes at the sudden light. A little male cub was stumbling over the tall grass to her. Hira stood up from the warm rock and stretched carefully. Pride Rock rose in front of her, bright and joyous.
"Aunt Kiara had two boys!" the cub cried, skidding to a stop in front of her.
She laughed at him. "That's good to hear, Raji. Did she just have them?"
"Mama said she did this morning, but they wanted to make sure the cubs were all right."
"Oh, I see."
"You wanna go see them? I'm sure Aunt Kiara would let you since you're our cub-sitter and all."
"Well, good. Have you seen them yet?"
"Nope, Mama said I should get you first."
"All right, let's go."
The two walked toward Pride Rock together, Raji bouncing around excitedly. Hira shook her head with a worn smile, knowing all of the other little ones would be acting the same. The other lions and lionesses were gathered on the ledge of the Rock, talking rapidly of the birth.
Kovu was sitting beside the cave entrance with Simba, both of their chests swelled with pride. Hira began to bow before them, but Simba gently stopped her.
"Oh, no, old friend," he said. "I should bow to you."
"After seeing what you have to put up with everyday because of the cubs you watch," Kovu grinned. "It makes the king's job look easy."
Hira laughed. "Oh, thank you, boys. May I see her?"
"I think she's been waiting to, Hira. Go ahead."
She nodded to them and went in quietly with Raji. Kiara was sitting with her mother, Nala, on a cool stone in the middle of the cave. Two dark furballs were curled up beside her, moving occasionally.
"Hi, Aunt Kiara!" Raji exclaimed.
He was shushed by the three lionesses.
"They're sleeping, Raji," Kiara whispered. "Try not to wake them."
"Right, sorry," the cub whispered back.
Kiara laughed softly and looked over at Hira. "Oh, you came. I'm so glad you did."
"I have to see what I'll be dealing with in a few months' time," Hira joked as she came up.
Nala rubbed her head against hers gently and smiled at her. Hira sniffed at the new-born cubs. One turned and batted at her nose. She let out a sudden yelp and jerked her head back.
"Oh, my. I'll have my work cut out for me, won't I?"
"I'm so sorry," Kiara answered, trying to fight her laughter. "That's Nuka."
"Oh, you named after Kovu's brother?"
She nodded. "He asked me if it was okay. They had their differences and Nuka was often jealous of him, but I know Kovu misses him."
"Oh, it's understandable. How about your other little one?"
"That would be Jamboki."
"Jamboki? Where did that name come about?"
"Rafiki had a bit of an influence on my father."
"Simba loved it," Nala sighed. "He said he couldn't wait to call him by his nickname."
Hira smiled. "That sounds like your husband, Nala. And what nickname does he have in mind?"
"Jam, of course."
The old lioness laughed. "Oh, I do like that one! I might use it."
"I think a lot of us will. So, Raji, what do you think of your cousins?"
Raji had been silent most of the time, jus staring at the cubs.
"Dad said I had to help take care of them, 'cause I'm like their older brother," he answered.
"Vitaleni did the same for Kovu when they were growing up," Kiara said. "I know my sons would be safe with you, Raji."
"As long as Hira helps me, right?"
She laughed. "That's true. What do you say, Hira?"
The old lioness nodded. "I'll happily assist you, Raji."
"I had it first!"
"I saw it first!"
"No, you didn't!"
"Yes, I did!"
"Stop it, you two!" Raji shouted over both of them.
Nuka and Jamboki separated, turning their backs to each other. Hira sighed hopelessly.
"What is it this time, little ones?"
"Jam took my beetle!" Nuka exclaimed.
"No, Nuka was trying to take my beetle!" Jam spat angrily.
"Now, both of you calm down," Hira reasoned. "I turn my back for one moment and you two are fighting again. Can't you ever be brothers?"
"No!" the two shouted in unison, sticking their tongues out at each other.
The lioness looked to the young lion beside her. "This is what happens when there are two princes. They always try to out-do each other."
"Uncle Kovu won't be very happy to hear about this," Raji answered loudly, making sure the little ones heard.
Jam and Nuka froze in their tracks.
"You can't tell Dad!" Nuka pleaded.
"He'll get mad at us!" Jam cried. "Like he always does."
"I have a deal for you two," Hira said gently, leaning down to their level. "I'll tell you a legendary story if you promise to behave for the rest of the afternoon."
The cubs perked up instantly.
"You always have great stories, Hira!" Jam claimed.
"We'll behave, we promise!" Nuka said with equal enthusiasm.
"Good," Hira smiled. "Now go play."
They ran off in the grass, wrestling playfully with the other cubs. Raji watched them with a smile and looked to his elderly friend.
"What story do you plan on telling?" he asked.
Hira laughed. "You sound just as excited as those two."
"I agree with Jamboki. You tell some amazing stories."
"Well, this is one I have yet to tell anyone. One legend that only one other knows about."
"Wow, maybe I'll talk to Simba and you can tell it to the whole pride. It could be a great event."
"I think everyone would like that."
Later that night, all of the pride gathered on the ledge of Pride Rock. Rumor spread rapidly that Hira was going to tell one of her tales. The cubs gathered around their parents, determined to stay awake as long as necessary. Simba, Kovu, Nala, and Kiara sat in front of the other lions and lionesses with Hira. She sighed heavily as she watched every lion approach to find a suitable sitting place.
"My, I didn't think this many would be about to listen," she said.
"Not surprisingly, our nephew has a good sized mouth on him," Kovu joked.
They looked to Raji, who sat to the side with Jam and Nuka.
"I suppose you're right," Hira agreed. "I'm ready, Simba."
Simba roared, catching everyone's attention immediately. The pride looked to Hira with anxious eyes. She nodded her thanks to the King and his family. The four other lions and lionesses moved away from her, leaving Hira alone to face her audience.
"This tale," she began, "is one of family. It tells the story of two lions that are legendary to our pride. Some of the older ones remember them quite well, our king in particular."
Simba made a face as Nala looked to him. He had no idea what she spoke of. Hira continued formally, her eyes closing slowly.
"This tale is about the great King Mufasa and his brother, Scar."
The pride gasped at the mention of the traitor. Hira shook her head.
"A typical reaction. To me, most are not born evil, but it is infused within their souls as they grow. Scar was considered the most evil lion in our pride's history, but that was not always the case. Mufasa and Scar were brothers, born and raised together. So the question I begin with is, how can brothers raised so alike, become so different?
"There are ways, my friends. There are elements and changes in a lion's life that eventually leads him to question his outlook on life. This tale is one of brothers. It is about their love, their jealousy, their pain. This tale is of the childhoods of Mufasa and Scar."