Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even the plot… well some of it, but certain aspects are taken from other stories

AN: First story, and well for everyone has to start somewhere. So don't blame me if this chapter is too short (it probably is, I never realized how much someone needed to write to make a chapter before), so don't complain, and remember, review!

Harry Potter and Time's Destiny

"Harry James Potter!" yelled Professor McGonagall through the Great Hall

"What!" Harry sighed as if not caring about what she wanted to say.


"If it's nothing, than I'm leaving"


It had been two months since Harry defeated Voldemort, after the final battle Harry seemed to change, he felt like he no longer had a reason to live. Too many people had died, Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore, Snape (although he wouldn't admit it, he did miss him, he respected him greatly after he confessed to why he had to kill Dumbledore in his sixth year), Hermione, the Weasley family (minus Ron, he had betrayed them, for following Voldemort and his 'I'll give you more glory than Harry Potter will ever recieve' speech) … The list was too long. He felt as if there really wasn't anything left for him.

Walking out into the school grounds lost deep in his thoughts about the past war, only to be awakened by a loud…


A large brown owl suddenly appeared, landing in front of him, sticking its leg out for him to retrieve the letter. 'Harry Potter' It addressed.

As he opened it, he wondered what owl could break through his 'owl repelling' ward. Dumbledore suddenly appeared in front of him, as if showing a memory…

Dear Harry,

As you are reading this, I am certain that you are wondering why you would be receiving this. I had created this prior to my death, so that were you to defeat Voldemort, it would give you a chance to gain what you lost. I have found an 'alternate universe', where they need your help. It may seem as if it is the exact same as this one, but it's not. They have no hope with the 'Harry Potter' that they have there. They are doomed to an eternity to live in fear, fear of each other and Voldemort. When this is over, you will be transported to that reality, at what age. I do not know. However you will be younger than you are now.

Remember, you have the opportunity to save those that you have lost, I'm sorry to once again put more upon you. I wish you good luck, and do take care of 'me' while you're there, try to convince myself to stay alive longer for you.

One last thing, do try to enjoy yourself, the world will only rely on you once you show them the reason to. Recreate the DA there, and find the horcruxes, as early as possible. I said this once and I will say this again, Good Luck!.

Albus Dumbledore

And with that Harry disappeared.