Year:2013 Place:Amity Park Day:First Monday of the new school year...
A rustle of leaves swept up in a swift gust of wind,as a Fourteen-year-old boy made his way to school in the midst of late August.All around him trees were starting to loose their heavy,glossy green luster and the sky was spotted with tiny puffs of pure white clouds along the dawning carmine and cerulean sky.Even though he was usually caught up with the every day hustle and bustle of life,David Fenton occasionally liked time to himself to admire just every day things.Opposed to his twin sister Tien who never got off the phone or her nose out of some fashion magazine long enough to.Birds chirped up above on some electical wiring,that made him pause and look up.He was about to shrug it off and resume his steady stroll,when their small chirps abruptly turned into frantic squawks.Curiously,he gazed skyward and from there let it pan over to the top of one of the posts that led circuit after circuit across town.It was only on further inspection,that he realized a well constructed nest was perched precariously on the side and a small baby blue egg was about to tip and fall.
"I'm all for scrambled eggs,"He noted to himself but abruptly fastened his attention on it as it rolled out and started it's fatal descent down onto the sidewalk."But not at their suspense."
Creasing his brow,he extented his hand out as the egg was nearing it's demise but just instead of plopping into his palm safely,his hand went transparent as it occasionally did and the egg fell right through.Literally thinking on his toes,David shot out a foot and the top tip of the powder azure egg landed just perfectly on the the tip of his tennis shoe.Grinning more out of the satisfaction he had succeded in saving an unborn life then the fact that all his hacky sac lessons were finally paying off.Unconditionally,he allowed the parents to simply pluck up the egg it one clawed foot and watched with contentment as they flew it back up to their nest and turned in unison to watch him continue on his way to his first Freshmen day of High School.
Those birds sure seemed pleased to get their kid back,He thought to himself with a sense of calmness flooding over him,it'd been awhilesince he had felt so at peace with himself or anything,especially since his Mother's recent break-up with another Ex-boyfriend to make it up to the chart of flippant and pocessive Ex's,With all the guys Mom's seen over the years,you'd think that 'we' could have been settled by now like that bird family...
David sighed with a hint of sadness,as he came to the four-way intersection he came to every single Morning before he reached Casper High.A small gust of wind picked up again and ruffled some of his orange bangs in front of the light green and purple tinted eyes,causing him to screw his eyes shut as there was a sudden forceful gale pushing directly at him.Blinded temporarily,he stumbled in the street just as an oncoming car was headed straight for him.The driver suddenly took notice and bashed down hard on the horn,which David could hear but he continued to stagger about.Finally,he shoved the mass of hair high enough to see that the car was just ten feet away,when someone grabbed onto his arm and yanked him back onto the sidewalk.Blinking in surprise,he stared up and into the sky blue eyes of his older sister.
Tien wore her patronizing scowl."Are you even remotely aware of how close you came to being road rash?"she prodded him hubristically,as she bent down some and offered her hand to help pull him up from his rear end on the pavement."I mean,even you should able to..."
"I know.I know."David sighed wearily,glancing down at his watch and noticing they didn't have long before the bell."It's just that I've been really distracted lately by the way Mom's been taking the break up," he confided in her as they crossed together,as it was the only thing that the twins could possibly be open with one another about."For some reason she's still not over that Jeff guy,even though they only went out for,like,less then three weeks."
"Well,"She interjected in a defensive tone."He was better Judd the Dud."her demeanor shifted from bossy to sarcastic,as they were now at the High School's courtyard entrance she shrugged indifferently."Mom'll get over him eventually like she always does."
Henodded his head in correspondence."I'd have to agree with you there."they both turned when they heard some of Tien's friends calling out for her and David told her quickly before she ran off."Hey!Don't forget.Mom wanted us home early to have a talk with us."
"What?"Tien paused from rushing off and turned to look at him through narrowed eyes again."I don't remember her saying that..."she groaned impatiently and turned so curtly her glossy ebony hair swept upwards."Whatever,Dave.I'll be home before dinner anyways."
David watched uneasily as his slightly older sister practically tore over to her friends and started to chatter in their usual high-pitched shirlls and giggles,as they continued on iin clustered formation in the front doors of Casper High School.Although she could be a drama queen and a bit overly tactful at times,she still seemed to have a knack for helping their family through the difficult times.While he,David Alain Fenton,was just the opposite.Asometimes ungainly but thoughtful teen,who was always taking his time and sometimes inadvertantly finding himself in troublesome situtations,where was Tien would have to rescue him.Just then,hisbest friends Leah,a girl with incredibley long brunnette hair and a straight A student and William a boy with short black hair who was into Shakespere came up to him and all three started in as the bell rang.But David stopped short before entering the doors to begin his first day,his light jade eyes turned to look out into the sway leaves in the trees and for some reason or another,he felt a foreboding feeling.It was so strong,that it bothered him.
Short...yes.But it only gets better!More soon.