YaYays! Yeppers… another story… have fun reading Sugar & Spice, Everything's… Weird. Be sure to read all my other stories too:

Into The Goal

Lost In Her Voice

Royal Pain

Confusing Love With Lust

Lyoko… Group 2?

And now………………

Sugar & Spice, Everything's… Weird

Okay, have fun reading. And I don't own Code Lyoko ppls! Kay? Kay? KAY? Kay…

Yumi stared out the window. Last period, YES! She put her head in her hand and sighed dreamily.

"Yumi, can you give us the answer to this equation?" her math teacher asked (I don't know what her last class of the day is… so in my story it's going to be math!).

"Huh?" Yumi snapped out of her trance-like state. She squinted at the problem on the board: 9(x+1) 108. Kid's stuff. She sat up straight, "X equals eleven."

"Good, now the distributive property is…" Yumi tuned her out and again stared out the window. She was looking at the building Ulrich, Odd, and Jeremy were in. Through a window, she saw Ulrich and Odd. Odd turned and said something to Ulrich. The brunette grabbed a dictionary off the shelf and chased Odd around the room with it. The teacher was apparently out of the room, so Odd couldn't be helped. Eventually, Ulrich came to a stop after whacking Odd on the head repeatedly. He looked out the window and caught her eye. She smiled and waved at him. He blushed and turned away. The bell rang and Yumi ran for the door. She was halfway to the bench where her friends were waiting when William stopped her.

"Hey Yumi, can I ask you something?" he grabbed her arm.

She forced a smile, "Can it wait William? I've got to go." She tugged her arm away, adjusted her bag and hurried over to her friends. Ulrich was standing up as Odd and Jeremy were sitting on the bench talking to Aelita by means of Jeremy's laptop.

"Hi guys! How's it going?" she grinned, genuinely this time.

Jeremy and Odd greeted her with enthusiasm and she heard Aelita's voice from the speakers on the laptop. Ulrich remained quiet. She looked at him strangely.

"Hey Yumi, Ulrich was chasing me around with a dictionary while the teacher was out!"

Yumi tore her gaze away from Ulrich and laughed, "I know. I saw."

Odd stuck out his tongue at Ulrich, "All because I asked him-"

"THAT'S IT!" Ulrich tackled him, making him fall off the bench. After a few fluid martial arts movements, Odd was lying face-down on the ground with Ulrich's foot on his back. Ulrich grabbed a book from his bag, which was sitting on the bench.

"Oh Odd…" he waved the book in his friend's face.

"Nooooo!" Odd covered his head with his hands.

"Yes! Word of the world all compacted into one… big… BOOK!"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! No knowledge! Must… resist… wicked force."

Odd started twitching on the ground as Ulrich raised the book, ready to strike. Then…

"Jeremy, I feel pulsations! They're not that strong, but you never know…" Aelita trailed off.

"We'll be right there," Jeremy promised. Aelita nodded and disappeared as Jeremy closed his laptop. Odd looked up warily as Ulrich removed his foot and put the dictionary down.

"What's the attack?" he asked, brushing the dirt off of him.

Yumi rolled her eyes, "Are you near-sighted? Look!" she pointed as a giant dandelion with a freaky-looking face charged through the trees.

"Hey… doesn't that look like…?" Ulrich started.

Odd snickered, "Yep. It looks like Jeremy having a bad hair day."

"Not funny guys. RUN!"

"Well… I was about to say 'doesn't it look like it's heading for us… but yeah, it does look like Jeremy having a bad hair day," Ulrich said. He was well ahead of the rest of them, being the fastest in the group.

"Slow… down… Ulrich... We… can't… keep… up!" Jeremy huffed.

"You mean you can't keep up. I don't see Odd or Yumi complaining."

True enough, Odd and Yumi were only a few feet behind him. Jeremy was more like a few yards. They finally made it to the factory. Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd entered the scanners and Jeremy virtualized them into Lyoko.

The three in Lyoko dropped down from the sky and saw Aelita hiding behind a rock.

"AAAHH!" Ulrich yelled. He fell to the ground as a laser shot him in the face (A/N: just pretend he had his mouth open about to say something and he 'swallowed' a laser). Yumi screamed as she turned to see if he was okay.

"Oh great…" came Jeremy's voice, "Not only do we have the dainty dandelion, XANA's also infected one of you with a virus. But I don't know who."

"Well Einstein we have a good guess!" Odd hollered.


Aelita shrieked, "OH MY GOSH! IT'S ULRICH!"

Ulrich was on all fours coughing up blood. Yumi ran forward to help him.

"Yumi, leave me. We have a welcoming committee," Ulrich wheezed. He got his voice back and said, "I'm calling up reinforcements. TRIPLICATE!"

There were 3 megatanks adn 2 blocks. Ulrich and his clones simultaneously shouted, "SUPER SPRINT!" A block shot at a clone and it disappeared. The real Ulrich and his sidekick thrust their swords into two of the megatanks as they opened up, ready to fire. They both exploded as the third one opened up.

"Fusion!" Ulrich's clone fused with himself and went to take care of the tarantula.

"I'll take this one if you'll take that one," said Odd.

Yumi nodded. She took out her fans and threw them at one of the blocks. They both missed and she used telepathy to summon them back. Odd was firing laser arrows at his 'assignment.' Yumi threw her fans again and this time, one of them hit its mark. At the same time, Odd hit the second block and the blocks blew up.

"Go to the tower Aelita!" Yumi instructed. Aelita entered the tower just a few paces ahead of her.

"Okay… now for that last big bruise…wait. Where's Ulrich and the tank?"

They both turned around to see the last megatank send a wave of energy at Ulrich. The samurai blocked it with his sword, but the tank was stronger. Gradually, it pushed him closer and closer toward the edge of Lyoko.


With a final burst, the tank pushed him off the edge and into the digital sea.


"Ulrich!" Yumi screamed.


"Tower deactivated."

Yumi did what was thought impossible in Lyoko- she cried.

"Re-return to the past… n-now," said Jeremy in a weak voice. A brilliant white light surrounded earth and Lyoko, sending them back in time.


Yumi woke from her slumber to the sound of her phone beeping. She groaned and looked at the time, 6:42. Her eyes filled with tears as she recalled the events the day before, or rather… that day. She picked up her phone. She had two new text messages. She opened the first one. It read:

I'll spare him 4 u,

but at a price.


"Weird…" she said. Confused, she opened the next one, which turned out to be from Odd:

Get over here quickly!

Something's not right


Well, did you like it? I got reviews from two ppl and their orders for my stories were different, (thank you katfish xX and Amaherst!) so I'll do number one from the firs one that reviewed, then number one from the second reviewer. Then #2 from the 1st reviewer then #2 from the 2nd reviewer and on and on until I've done all the stories… so it may take a while for me to update… kay? I hope you liked this story and be sure to read all my other stories by visiting my profile! Buh-bye!

-Mi ChIbO-