"It's ass-whooping time!" said Hurky as she put on her cape.

"You say that even when you're playing video games." said Kairi.

"But this is for real!" said Hurky.

"She has a point." said Sora. He looked up at Pete. "If he smushes us, it's game over for real!"

"I'll distract him!" said Riku.

"Wait!" said Alexa. "We need to see what we have to do, first!"

"FI FI FO FUM!" boomed Pete. "YOU LOOK LIKE A BUM!"

"HEY!" said Kairi."We do NOT look like bums!" She picked Pete up and began to spin him around in circles.

"WHOOOAAAAA!" yelled Pete.

"HHHHHIIIIIIIYYYYYYYYAAAAAA!" grunted Kairi. She turned to Ryo. "I'm gonna need your telekinesis, Ryo!"

Without a word, Pete magically flew out of Kairi's hands and flew all the way to the ocean, where he made a huge splash.

"WOOT!" said Riku. "We did it!"

"Uh, not quite." said Sora. He pointed a finger over to the south. "Look!"

With Pete being that large, a tsunami of water rushing through the islands when he hit the water.

"Eep." said Hurky nervously. "We're screwed."

Suddenly, Alexa ran over to the water and held out her hands. As soon as the water hit her hands, it stopped. The people of Destiny Islands appeared to be confused. Alexa gave the water a gentle push and it gushed all the way back to the ocean and stayed there. Everyone stood silent. Then, there was an outburst of applause and cheers.

"Let's hear it for those guys!" said a fat bald guy in a Hawaiian shirt.

"YEEEEAAAHHH!" cheered the people.

"But...what do you guys call yourselves?" asked Jean. "Surely, you guys are a group and you must call yourself something."

Sora grinned. "We are The League of Extraordinary Weirdoes!" he said.

"Three cheers for the League of Extraordinary Weirdoes!" said a skinny blonde guy.

"Hip hip hooray!" cheered the people. "Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!"

"I wouldn't be celebrating just yet!" said a sharp sounding voice.

Maleficent appeared out of nowhere, along with a guy in a long, dark cloak, a man who looked an awfully lot like Mr. Ward, only he wore a purple eye mask over his eyes, and a short fat guy wearing a blue button shirt, jeans, boots, and a Darth Vader mask, breathing very deep. Pete walked over to them, now normal sized and dripping wet.

"MALEFICENT!" said the weirdoes.

"Hello, Weirdoes." said Maleficent with a smile on her face. "I'd like you to meet the Force of Evil Guys!"

The weirdoes began to laugh.

"Is that the best name you've got?" laughed Sora.

"Quiet you!" said Maleficent. "I wasn't done yet! She gestured her hand to the people behind her. "This guy in the cloak is Henderson, the man with the mask is Lord Ward, you all know Pete, and Dork Vader!"

"Darth Vader!" said Dork Vader in Mufasa's voice (Hurky: the guy who played Mufasa in The Lion King played Darth Vader. Just a little useless trivia!)

"Whatever, you fool!" snapped Maleficent. She pointed a sharp, pointy finger at the weirdoes. "We're going to take you all down, one by one. It may be by death, kidnappings, or even having one of you come to the dark side!"

"Oh puh-lease!" said Sora. "None of us are stupid enough to join you!"

"What about that Silver Flash over there?" asked Maleficent. "I hear he's stupid beyond anything!"

"Huh?" asked Riku, who was eating the purple berries in a random tree.

"He doesn't know that those berries are poisonous!" said Lord Ward.

"They are?" asked Riku. Suddenly, there was a very inky taste to the berries and he spat them out."Poo! Blecch!"

"See what we mean?" asked Henderson. "If we paid him, he'd-"

Suddenly, a barage of eggs began to fly and hit them.

"EGGS!" cried Pete as he was pelted with eggs. "Protein! One of my weaknesses!"

"He's not even eating the eggs." said Kairi.

"Who's throwing them?" asked Hurky.

Everyone turned and saw the townspeople throwing eggs.

"Get off our island!" said the blonde guy.

"FOOLS!" bellowed Maleficent. "You'll all pay for this!

With a wave of her staff, she and the bad guys all disappeared.

The weirdoes stood there, thinking of how they would make their exit.

"And awaaaaayyyyy we go!" said Hurky out of randomness, as she and the weirdoes ran away...

Hurky: That's all I have for today. I'll think of over things.

Sora: But right now, she's suffering from intense summer heat!

Riku: Tell me about it. I'm going swimming!

Fangirls: WOOOOOO! Take it off!

Riku: Forget it.

Hurky: I'll just sit here and drink a nice, cold soda.


Hurky: Damn it. Please review!