Disclaimer: I don't own John Cena or any other wrestler in here but I do own Lizzie Hale.

Hey there guys, sorry to make you all wait so long for this update but I've been suffering some serious writer's block  I think I'm past that now though. So enjoy everyone.


Chaingang Soldier

Chapter 3

Dreams coming true.

I can't believe I'm sitting here in a car with John Cena and Randy Orton. This has got to be every girls dream, being this close to 2 of the coolest and hottest wrestlers ever. I feel like I'm dreaming but I'm wide awake.

My headache is gone now, I don't know whether it was the pain killers the doctor gave me or the fact that I'm happier than I've ever been. We're driving to the arena so I can meet Vince and talk everything over. I'm so nervous that I can't stop shaking. 2 days ago I was just another kid with a crappy life and now I'm safe and happy. I'm gonna have a job, get to see the world and meet lots of new friends.

I can see Randy watching me in the mirror; he looks pretty cute with his blue eyes and dimples. I can't help smiling at him and he actually smiles back, I really hope I'm not blushing. I have to look away or he'll think I'm staring, well actually I am staring but then who wouldn't. I force myself to look out of the window at the other cars. I suppose I'm going to have to get used to this, travelling from place to place. Its not like I've ever really felt settled in my life anyway so it won't be that much of a change.

I'm feeling sleepy so I close my eyes for a minute and the next thing I know Randy Orton's face is inches away from mine. I wake up and he just gives me that priceless smile of his.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask him

"Because john asked me to wake you up and look, you're awake" he laughs as he helps me out of the car, I'm still kind of sore after my fight with Tom last night. I'm trying not to show how much it hurts but its kind of hard when pain stabs at my side. Randy must have seen me stumble a little but he didn't say anything, he just held onto me gently until the pain past. John was getting our bags from the car, not that I had much. As we walked to the arena entrance Randy walked close to me with one hand placed lightly on my back, just in case. I might be getting completely the wrong signals here but I think he might like me.

This is so weird, walking through an arena like this. I'm so used to just being a fan. I never realised how much goes on before show, they always make it look so effortless. John and Randy are laughing about something; Randy's still walking pretty close to me. Ok we're outside Vince's office now and I don't think I've ever been so nervous. Randy isn't coming in with us so we say goodbye and he flashes me that smile again. John knocks on the door and a voice I've heard a million times on TV tells us to come in.

I gladly let John go first. Vince McMahon is sitting in front of us, looking through some papers. He looks so different than he does on TV.

"Good morning John" he smiles cheerily at us as I try to hide behind John.

"Morning boss, you're not too busy are ya?"

"It's nothing that can't wait. Ah, this must be Lizzie" he says as he puts down the papers and stands up.

"Y-yes s-sir" I sound so pathetic.

"Please, call me Vince or boss" he says with a laugh as he looks at John.

"So, I believe John has filled you in on our little idea Lizzie"

I almost say yes sir again but I manage not to.

"Yes he did" I can't help smiling.

"Well I'm glad to welcome you to our little WWE family" he hands me my contract. I've actually got a WWE contract in my hands.

"I've asked John to look over your contract with you before you sign it, just to be sure everything is up to scratch." He leaves the room for a few minutes as John and I sit down. The contract all looks kind of complicated but John explains it all pretty well. I'm just signing it when Vince walks back in.

"Well, I see you're happy with your contract. Now its time for you to go and meet the rest of the Chaingang."

I'm walking with John to his locker room where they're all going to be waiting for us. I can't quite believe my eyes when we walk in. Trish Stratus, Matt Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Batista, RVD, Rey Mysterio and Randy are all standing together. I'm staring again; I really should stop before they all think I'm weird.

"Guys, this is Lizzie" John says as he steps forward. Why can't I stop staring? At least they're all smiling. Randy pulls a stupid face and sticks his tongue out at me. I'm feeling a little braver now so I step forward but I don't wanna go to far from John. Randy apparently has other ideas as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the group.

"No one is allowed to be shy around here" he says with that cheeky grin.

"Randy let the poor girl go before you scare her off." Trish laughs as she introduces herself to me.

10 minutes later and after all of the introductions are done Shawn suggests that we all get something to eat and go over the plans for tonight. They're going to have me sitting at ringside during John's match with Edge until one of Edge's fans gets involved and throws something at John, that's when I get to step in and defend John. There isn't much time left until show time so we all say goodbye as everyone heads off to get changed and I go to find my seat. The fans are all starting to come in now and I'm nervous again. I really hope I don't mess this up.