Well, I'm back everyone, and here's the last chappie. I want losts of review! Tell me what you thought. One note though!

Red Kitsune Flames: I know it was sudden, but I was wrapping up the story. It's already 31 chappies, a lot more than I do. LOL. I just couldn't drag it out much longer, though I know you all wanted it. LOL. Hope you've enjoyed it!

Chapter 31

"I will not do it, Hatori," Hana refused, shoving her pal in his face and shaking her head, her features set firmly in defiance.

"Hana, Mayu is allowing me to select her own maid of honor, the least you could do is accept the honor and wear the dress; I will not ask Mayu to change anything else, besides, it really is a very lovely color," Hatori argued.

"It's pink, Hatori," she said flatly. "I don't wear pink."

"Well, I'm sorry, Hana, but not everything in this world is black," Hatori sighed. "Oh, Hana, please do this for me. Mayu is making quite a sacrifice for me; she greatly desired Kana to be her maid of honor; can't you make a small sacrifice for her, for me?" Hana sighed; she hated it when he was right.

"Fine, Hatori, I'll wear the pink dress," she agreed unhappily.

By this time Hatori was completely healed and was preparing for his wedding. Miroku, Satsuki, and Obaba had moved into a house among the Sohmas, along with Hana, Megumi, and Hiro. Rin's pain decreased daily but she already had her own house; it was the only thing keeping her from moving in with the rest of her family. She spent at least five minutes each day kissing Haru and the two were planning on getting married as soon as Haru graduated from high school. Hana's name had been permanently changed to "Hana Sohma," which she preferred immensely to "Saki." By this time the whole family knew the whole story, along with Tohru and Uo. The only thing Uo still didn't know about was the curse, not like it would have mattered if she did; the subject just never came up. Everyone was moving on and the only reminder left from the past was Hatori's stomach which had been left with a permanent scar, just as his eyelid had the last time.

"I'm in pink," Hana mumbled, staring at her reflection in the mirror which she found to be absolutely hideous.

"So am I, Hana," Rin sighed grievously, rolling her eyes at her own reflection.

"Oh, come on, you two, pink is a perfect color for bridesmaids' dresses; they were this color at my wedding," Kana cried, beaming with joy as she appeared behind the two and then flitted off through the restroom door.

"That explains a lot," Rin said with a smirk.

"Oh, why did Mayuko pick pink?" Hana complained. "I can't go out in public like this."

"We have to do it, Hana," Rin said, placing a hand on her sister's back comfortingly. Hana nodded and set her face with determination. You wouldn't think such a simple thing like a color could matter so much, and it wasn't that she hated it, just on her. Oh well, it was for Hatori.

"Do you, Hatori Sohma, take this woman, Mayuko Shiraki, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor, and cherish her in life or death, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked.

"I do," Hatori said with nod, looking through the thin veil covering his bride's face. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Do you, Mayuko Shiraki, take this man, Hatori Sohma, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, honor, and obey in life or death, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" he asked.

"I do," she vowed.

"Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife," the man declared. "You may kiss the bride."

"Kiss her, Hari!" Shigure and Ayame shouted and for once Hatori wasn't disgusted. He smiled and slowly lifted the veil from his wife's face. He brought his lips to hers, being careful not to embrace, and kissed her deeply, eyes closed with pleasure. Cheers and applause broke out immediately. Mayu's mother was crying; her daughter was finally married. Kana was tearing up as well as Satsuki. All Hana could do was look tenderly upon the scene, heart full. Shigure and Ayame turned to each other and gave each other thumbs up.

"Yes!" they shouted.

"Yay, Hari!" Momiji screamed, leaping up from his seat and throwing his arms up in the air.

"Finally," Rin breathed to herself.

"So, uh, here we are," Hatori stuttered nervously as he and Mayu walked into their hotel room that night.

"Yes, so we are," Mayu agreed just as nervously, a very fake smile pasted on her face as she turned to look up at her husband.

"So, uh, Hatsuharu gave me his theory on doing it without embracing," Hatori mumbled.

"So you really think that we won't be able to do it?" she asked.

"According to Hatsuharu it could work," he said, though he didn't sound very hopeful.

"Hatori Sohma, I've come too far not to enjoy my wedding night, so have you. Why don't we just experiment?" she asked. "Hold me, Hatori." He shrugged and consented, wrapping his arms around Mayu's slender shoulders. Nothing happened. Nothing. Hatori stayed Hatori. There was no puff of smoke and no seahorse. The two drew away, startled, staring at each other curiously. Suddenly Mayu's face changed; a sly grin overcame it rapidly. She pushed her husband onto the bed forcefully and jumped on top of him, straddling him as she hurried to unbutton his shirt, lips attacking his as she inserted her tongue hungrily.

News flew through the Sohma family of the broken curse. Hatori was led to believe that it was Akito's death that had broken it and it had been broken since that very moment. When he came to Hana with the news she immediately rushed into his arms, tears of joy bursting from her eyes. It felt just as she thought it would except now it wasn't a thought; it was a reality. His arms were so strong, so comforting.
"Hana," Yuki said as the girl whipped around from where she was standing by her locker. The place was completely vacant.

"Yuki," she returned.

"I assume you have heard the news of the broken curse," he said. She nodded.

"What of it?" she asked as the boy reached out, wrapping his arms around her waist, drawing her body into his. "Yuki?" She looked at his dangerously close face curiously and confusedly.

"Shh," he whispered tenderly, a hand under her chin as he drew his lips to hers. At first she was completely startled, just stood there as Yuki Sohma kissed her, but gradually she worked her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

The End