Disclaimer: One of these days, Zim will be mine... It's just a matter of time...

Wow... It's been ten days since my last update. Sorry, I really didn't mean for it to take this long. I blame school... damn you, school... Well, anyways, now I've updated, so rejoice! We've got a whole lot of fun here in this chapter (we being the collective group of people within my head), though I should point out that the second half of this, when it switches back to Tak, was written while I was tired. I think it still turned out well, but I just wanted to make that little fact clear. Also, when it switches back and forth between viewpoints, there tend to be jumps in time. The first one is a jump forward, the second a small jump back, and the third a longer jump back. I don't think it's too hard to understand, so I think you all should be able to handle it... Oh, and one last thing, if anyone wants to leave an anonymous review, those are now accepted. I didn't realize I had that feature turned off, but apparently I did, and I thank Maran Zelde for alerting me to that fact. And now, on with the insanity!


A shiver ran down Tak's spine. This planet's sun was much too close, and she still couldn't get herself used to it. She scampered down the sidewalk atop her spider legs, looking from side to side in an effort to locate Zim's house. She had followed him there once, but she couldn't remember the way she had gone, and even then, Dib's house was in a different part of town...

Dammit! Her mind was once again slipping towards the Earth boy. What the hell was up with that kid? Why was he helping her so much? He seemed to care... or else, pretend to... But why? She had tried to take over his planet, and turn his people into slaves! In fact, she still planned to do that, and yet he was constantly trying to be friendly towards her... It just didn't add up... Why would an enemy care anything about her?

Grrraaahh! She slammed her fist into the concrete. Her spider legs had retracted, and she was crouching down on the ground, with her cloaking device still active.

She growled... she must put these thoughts behind her... Now that a path had been laid out before her, she had to take it, and she couldn't let other thoughts get in her way. The human boy was trivial anyways, and she could always make him a personal slave later, if he still held her curiosity. She smirked. Oh what fun it would be to have her own personal slaves...

Chuckling, she activated her spider legs once more, and leapt to the roof of the building behind her. She scanned the area below, determined to find Zim's house. There it was! She could recognize the hideously disguised base anywhere. Her smirk grew a little, and her eye narrowed. "I'm coming for you, Zim..."


The door burst open, and Dib leaped onto the tiled floor of Zim's living room.

"What have you done with her, Zim? I won't let you get away with this!"

Dib looked around, to find where his adversary was lurking. It was the same room that he had been in many times, almost always without permission. The big tv still sat near the wall to the right, and the creepy green monkey picture still hung on the left wall. The couch lay beneath the picture, and currently both GIR and Zim were sitting on it, with popcorn in-between themselves. Zim's hand, filled with that popcorn, was right in front of his mouth, and his eyes, which were currently a mixture of confusion and outrage, were staring straight at Dib.

"What have I done with who? What are you doing in my house, Dib-human?"

Zim was just watching tv...?Dib's eyes widened again. They were going to get stuck like that soon... "I... you... Where's Tak?"

It felt as if holes were being bored into Dib's skull, as Zim's eyes narrowed. "Tak...? Isn't she in space somewhere, floating about?" He said this last part along with a hand movement.

Dib gulped. So... either Tak hadn't been there... or she'd so far remained undetected... But for how long...?

"Dib-human! Either answer me or get out!" An angry glare still met Dib's eyes, but Zim was apparently still relaxed enough to scratch one of his antennae. "You of course know that I would normally capture you and dissect you or something... But GIR and I are currently in the middle of watching a movie, which you rudely interrupted."

GIR, who had somehow managed to stay quiet this entire time, finally interjected. "We're watching Exploding Space Penguins vs. The Cannibal Cabbage!"

The high pitched squeal of GIR's voice pierced Dib's ears like a knife, and forced him to wince in pain.

"Oh..." he said, his ears still ringing, "um... I see..." A drop of sweat slid down Dib's throat, and he slowly backed up. "Well... I'll just be... going... then..."

"Good. Come GIR, let us continue watching... THE PENGUINS!" Zim grabbed up the remote that had been lying next to him and turned away from Dib, now completely unconcerned with him.

"But I want some more popcorn!"

"Then go get it yourself! Zim is comfortable!"

This was the last thing Dib heard, as he backed out the door and tenderly closed it. He sighed, but not in relief.

Where was Tak now, if not at Zim's? It didn't make any sense, she had made it quite clear where she was going... But then again, as Gaz had said, it didn't make much sense that he was so anxious to find Tak... After all, she had tried to destroy the Earth as he knew it... But... she had also been the first one who had ever listened to Dib... She had been the first to believe him about Zim, and she had been... the first real friend Dib had ever had...

The cool breeze of a spring day passed over Dib, but he simply shook his head, ignoring the fresh air. Of course she had believed Zim was an alien! She had been one too! And she was never really his friend... she had just used him to get information about Zim... It had all just been a lie... Dib had no one... no one but Gaz, and even she hated him... Dib shook his head even more, and grabbed the sides of it with his hands. No one liked him... no one loved him... he was a complete and total loser... His only friend had been a lie...

"Hey, Dib. Are you gonna stand there shaking your head all day or are we going to actually do something?"

Gaz's pointed shoes were now in Dib's line of sight. He looked up to see her glaring down at him, one of her eyes half-way open.

"I got tired of sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for you to stop shaking." Her glare deepened at these words.

With a heavy sigh, Dib put his hand at his sides, and stood up straight. "I'm sorry... I was just... thinking."

"Well you can do that on your own time." Her hands were balled into fists, and she seemed to be fighting the urge to hit him. He must have really scared her earlier if she was actually trying not to hit him. "Where's Tak, isn't she what you came for?"

Dib turned round to look at the house he had just exited, a deep sadness in his eyes. "I don't know. She seems to have disappeared. But it's no longer my problem. Let's just..." He turned to look at his sister, the sadness still in his eyes. "Let's just go home."

Gaz stared at him, both of her eyes now open. She looked confused, almost as if she didn't recognize him. Dib forced a weak smile to crawl across his face, and then he began to slowly walk past her, heading back home.

But suddenly, Dib was thrown to the ground, along with Gaz, who fell on top of him. A huge explosion had just occurred, though there was no evidence anywhere around of one. Which meant it had to have come from inside Zim's base! Dib leapt to his feet and ran back towards the house, throwing Gaz to the side in the process. Dib heard her small grunt from hitting the ground, followed by a growl, but couldn't care less. Something inside told him that Tak was the reason behind the explosion. He threw open the door, to find both Zim and GIR practically at his feet. There was a gaping hole behind them, right in the center of their living room. The tv on the right wall was still intact, and still playing Zim's movie. But then it flashed, and upon it was a very familiar face.

It was her.


An explosion sounded from behind. Tak whirled her head around to stare behind her, where a huge hole now lay. The bomb had been placed three stories below this, which meant it had caused more damage than she had thought it would. At least Zim would get a nice view of the sky from his couch now... She smirked, cackled softly, and then turned back around, where Zim's Voot Cruiser awaited her. She leapt into the open cockpit, and opened up the control screen, which emitted a small beep. Quickly navigating her way through the cruiser's computer, she soon found the screen she wanted. With a push of a button, a link was formed between Zim's ship and his tv downstairs. She smirked again. She wanted the idiot to witness her steal his ship - wanted to make him suffer - wanted to rub it in his ugly green face.

Zim's living room, along with a nice new hole, appeared on the monitor. She looked from side to side, and found Zim sprawled on the floor to her left, with Dib standing nearby. Her heart skipped a beat. Dib wasn't supposed to be here. She quickly took her eyes off him, and focused them on Zim. She couldn't let herself think about Dib, especially not right now... Her curiosity would have to wait.

"Heheheh... Get up, Zim!" She sneered, her working antennae flattening against her skull.

Zim pushed himself to his feet, and stared over at the tv, meeting Tak's eyes.

"Tak?" A look of bewilderment was on his face.

She smirked."Yes, it's me. So good to see you, especially from the cockpit of your Voot Cruiser!"

Zim gasped, and pointed a sharp finger at her.

"You're in my Cruiser?"

Her taunting smirk widened. "Yes... And I'm going to use it to get back to Irk, where I'll get The Tallest to send out the Armada, and destroy this pitiful excuse for a planet, along with everything on it!"

Zim's antennae flattened in anger. Good...

"Where are you broadcasting from?" he demanded, his finger now pointing accusingly.

Tak's eyes narrowed. "I just said I was in your ship..."

"Aha! Stupid fool! You've revealed your location, due to my incredible ingenious!"

If Tak had had an eyebrow, it would be raised. "I... already... said that..."


Zim's spider legs erupted out of his pack, and he leaped into the air, out of the view of the tv screen, but into Tak's upstairs view. Tak gasped, realizing she actually had been foolish. She should have left sooner! She switched on the Voot's jets, and started to take off, putting up the windshield of the ship as she did so. But Zim yelled, and leaped at his ship, managing to latch on as the Cruiser shot into the sky. Zim's blood-red eyes glared at Tak through the windshield, and she glared fiercely back. Two of Zim's spider legs began ramming the shield, attempting to pierce through. Tak grunted, and threw the ship forward in an attempt to dislodge Zim. His spider legs held tight, and one managed to break through the shield, right into Tak's shoulder. Tak's eyes grew wide from the unexpected attack, and looking into Zim's eyes, she could tell that he had not expected it either. With a grimace, Tak seized the metallic leg and thrust it back outside, causing Zim to lose his balance. He only barely managed to hold on, by sticking his hand into the hole his extra leg had just made in the windshield.

This entire time, the Voot Cruiser had slowly been rising higher and higher into the sky. Zim looked down, and Tak could see he was finally registering this height in his mind. He panicked and slipped, barely holding on to the ship, and causing it to tilt downwards. Tak's head smashed into the windshield, and her hand smashed into a button, which opened the windshield. She tumbled out, and grabbed onto Zim's waist before she could fall too far. He attempted to shake her off, but she held fast. The two struggled for a while, Tak refusing to let go, and Zim refusing to let her stay. Tak might have managed to regain the ship, but Zim then did the dirtiest thing possible - he grabbed her broken antennae, and twisted. With a screech, she released him, which sent her careening towards the ground. The last thing she saw was Dib, before darkness overtook her once more.


Dib just stood there and watched as Zim and Tak yelled back and forth. His mind was working too fast for him to do much else. How had Tak gotten inside Zim's base completely undetected? Dib had been trying to get past the newest upgrade of Zim's security systems for a month now, and here Tak was, sitting inside Zim's ship and broadcasting to them from Zim's tv. Dib was dumbfounded. He really had underestimated her.

"Aha! Stupid fool! You've revealed your location due to my incredible ingenious!"

Wait... Tak was still inside Zim's base? Dib looked up at Zim's ceiling, which now had a gaping hole in it. That was not a good idea. Even Zim could stop her if she didn't hurry and get out of there.


Dib gave a start as Zim leaped into the air, and up into the second floor. Oh, crap! Zim was after her!

"You just gonna stand there, or are you gonna do something?" said Gaz, beside him.

Dib glanced at her, thought for a quick second, then sprinted over to one of the elevators in the floor.

"Hey, GIR, tell the computer to take me up to the second floor!"

GIR got to his feet, and stared at Dib with unblinking eyes. An insane grin overtook his face. "Say the magic word!"

Dib rolled his eyes. "Please?"


GIR leaped into Dib's arms, then screeched "COMPUTER, DO THE UPPY THING!"

Dib shot upward, flying past the second floor and the roof, up into the sky. He curved as he went through the air, and landed face-first in Zim's roof, GIR still in his arms.

He groaned, and slowly got to his feet, putting GIR down as he did so. GIR smiled happily up at him.

"That was fun! I like you, big-head!"

Immediately following this statement, GIR flew into the air and latched himself onto Dib's forehead. Dib tried forcing him off, but failed. All he could do was wait for GIR to get off, but luckily GIR saw a squirrel nearby, and decided to investigate.


GIR ran off. Dib watched him go, shaking his head and slightly admiring Zim for being able to put up with that robot.

Turning back to the event at hand, Dib looked to the sky. High above him, he could see Zim's ship, with Zim outside of it, floating in the air. The ship seemed to be shaking back and forth, as the enemies attempted to overcome each other. He watched this battle in the sky with intent eyes, anxiously awaiting the outcome. His teeth clenched as he saw Tak fly out of the ship, and clamp onto Zim. The two Irkens shook back and forth, and the ship took a dive, heading down to the ground. Then a screech pierced his ears, and there she was - falling. He gasped, and leaped into the air, unwilling to let her fall to her death. As she neared him, he managed to grab a hold of her, but in doing so he fell through the hole in the roof. A scream burst from his throat as he plummeted down, past not only the second and first stories, but several others below that. Tubes and pipes flew past him, and the floor rose up quickly to meet his face. Then everything went black, and he knew no more.


Wasn't that fun? I thought so too... GIR's so cute... I had to get him in here somehow. Isn't the image of GIR and Zim sitting on a couch eating popcorn and watching a movie together cute? I sure think so... But then again, I am slightly overly obsessed with Zim... so, ya know... Well, anyways, please review, I appreciate it. Hope you liked this chappie.