

A/N: I hope you enjoy this story a lot better than you did my last one.

Declaimer: I do not own Gravitation although I wish I did.

I do however own a few characters such as Neko, Yubi, Ritsu, James, Brian, and Rena. If I find out that you pirated my characters I will personally hunt you down. This story may have more anime characters added to it in the future. All I'm asking is that you don't take mine. I worked really hard to come up with them, and frankly they're my life. So all I'm asking is that you leave them alone. I'll give a list of my characters at the beginning of every chapter. One more thing, the POV will change occasionally.

Please Read and Review. Thank you.

Enjoy, Shu-Chan.

-Chapter 1-

-Silent Musings and lost angels-

"Sometimes letting go is the hardest thing to do, but then again sometimes it's the easiest."

My reflection danced across the surface of the water. Tears stung at my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. "I hate you." I whispered to no one in particular.

Just once I wished something would go my way. I knew I was drowning in self pity, but who was I to care? I was just the cold-hearted writer that everyone loved, but no one loved.

Well, that is except for that pink haired brat. God, to no extent he was the bane of my existence. He was the flame that burned me up inside. For sometime now he'd been living with me.

I knew that I'd be stuck with him forever. He was like a lost puppy that tried to follow you home. He was like the mosquito that buzzed in your ear until you finally decided to kill it.

I'm telling you it's going to be that boy that puts me in the nut house. I threw the cigarette into the river which disfigured my reflection. I smiled to myself because that's exactly how I felt.

The face of an angel, that's what all my followers said about me. I hated when they said that. They don't know me, at least not the real me anyway.

I stared out into the distance for a little while. "Go home Yuki." I didn't know if I was talking to Kitazawa or myself.

I pulled yet another cigarette out of my pocket. I had really been trying to stop smoking, but it was a terrible habit that wouldn't go away. Right when I thought it was gone the cravings would come back. I never thought that I was this bad of smoker.

Of course HE tried to tell me that smoking was bad for me, but I wouldn't listen. I frowned as I threw yet another cigarette into the river below me.

Today I'd needed a break from everything. I'd been in a writer's block for the past couple of days, and what sucked so badly was that I had a dead line in less than a week. I sighed as I decided that I'd had enough of this fresh air environment. Little did I know what was waiting for me though.

I'd walked to the park. It's funny that I should happen to walk to the exact place where I met my Shuichi. No matter how much I couldn't stand the kid at times I liked him.

Deep down I knew I liked him, but it just wasn't in my nature to admit it. That's when I heard something. I was so deep in my silent musings that I hadn't heard it before.

Someone was screaming and crying in pain. Running and remembering what happened to Shuichi I, I came to a dark alley.

These four huge men hovered over someone. I got a little closer to see what they were hovering over. There was a boy a little younger than Shuichi crying as these men harassed him.

I noticed that his clothes were torn to shreds and all that covered him was a thin white sheet. One of the guys advanced on him, and that's when I stopped them. I couldn't bare to see another innocent boy get hurt.

For a while the men just stood there, but then they took off running with their tails between their legs.

"Are you okay?" I asked kneeling beside the boy. That's when I noticed that this boy had cat ears and a cat tail.

He looked up at me with thankful eyes before he passed out. I just didn't have it in my heart to leave the kid behind. So I picked him up and carried him home. Maybe Shuichi would give me a hand.

A/N: Well, that's it for the first chapter. Please Read, Review, and watch out for more.

Yours truly,
