CHAPTER 6 (the real chapter 6)

Sharpay's POV:

I nodded my head at Chick and a new song started to play. Gabi and Troy heard it and they both got all weird. Gabi started o silently cry and Troy seemed to get really shy.

I did have a choice of songs of course but we all knew this was a song they both seemed to like so this is the one I choose soon they started


Living in my own world didn't understand that anything can happen when you take a chance


I never believed in what I couldn't see I never opened my heart to all the possibilities


I know that something has changed never felt this way and right here tonight

This could be the start of something new

It feels so right to be here with you oh

And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart the start of something new


Now who'd ever thought we'd both be here tonight


And the world looks so much brighter with you by my side


I know that something has changed never felt this way I know it for real

This could be the start of something new

It feels so right to be here with you oh

And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart the start of something new


I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yea


I didn't know it before but now its easy to see ohhhhhhh

It's a start of some thing new

it feels so right to be here with you

and now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart the start of something new

That's it's the start of something new

It feels so right to be here with you oh

And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart

The start of something new

Start of something new something new


Gabi's POV:

I don't know what happened right then but I looked up at Troy and he was staring down at me. I smiled and one of his wide grins came across his face. He bent over and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel my face turning red. Suddenly I felt really hot. That's the last thing I remember.


Troy's POV:

I bent down to kiss Gabi on the cheek but then something happened and she was on the floor. I quickly picked her up and yelled for someone to call a ambulance.

After a few minutes we heard the sirens coming and then we saw paramedics coming in with a stretcher. They loaded her onto it and then into the flashing truck. I got on with her.

"Sir who are you" one of the men said in a bored voice. I searched my head for a answer.

"I'm……I'm……..I'm her boyfriend" I said shrugging. Why oh why did I say that. Maybe Sharpay was right, maybe I still did love her.

"Ok well once we get to the hospital you'll have to wait in the waiting room till the doctor or nurse tells you, you can go in and see her. The doctor will tell you everything you will need to know" he said blinking a few times as we pulled into the hospital. They rushed her into the hospital and then into a room unknown to me. I of course did what the man told me to and sat in the waiting room.

I looked down at my watch and saw it was now 10:35.

"Holy crap" I said as I rubbed me eyes. I put my elbows on my knees and rested my head in my hands.

"uh….sir are you the young man that came with miss Montez" I heard a voice above me. I immediately shot up to face a rather short brunette younger lady. She looked oddly familiar.

"uh….yea….is Gabi ok?" I said standing up

"Yes sir she just got very dehydrated and over heated" she explained "nothing serious. She just has a small bump on the back of her head where she hit the ground, a I.V. in her wrist, and a air mask." She explained. "Oh yes that's just to make sure she's breathing evenly, nothing horrible" she said when she saw the expression that spread across my face when she mentioned a air mask.

"oh good……." I said with a sigh of relief

"Would you like to go see her Mr……….." she said looking up at me

"Bolton, Mr. Bolton" I said nodding

"Ok Mr. Bolton……wait Bolton……as in Troy Bolton?" she said her brown eyes getting huge

"Yep" I said in a bored voice

"Kelsi! member me!" she practically yelled

"Oh my gawd! Kelsi as in the composer!"

"the one and only" she said laughing and pulling me into a hug "oh I've missed you…….wait does that mean that's………"

"yep its Gabi in there" I nodded

"oh well do you want to go in and see her?"

"sure" I said following Kelsi

"I still cant believe I get to see both of you after all these years" she said smiling

"Yea I know……..what happened?" I asked


"Your music thing….I thought you wanted to be a play writer"

"Oh that……well my mom didn't have enough money to send me to a good college that specializes in acting and such………" her voice trailed off

"Oh………well……….oh" I said at a lose of words

"Well here we are……" kelsi said pulling open a door and through the door there was a smallish bed that held Gabi.