An Unexpected Death
An Unexpected Death

Author's Notes: This isn't a lone story. It's hopefully going to be the first in a series of at least three stories. I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd all review this story and give me some pointers. Don't go and say, "This story sucks!" and so on since these comments aren't very helpful. Thanks and peace out! ~ Britts

"Hey Matt, wait up!" Taichi called down the hall to his friend. Tai thought Matt hadn't completely gotten over the bug that had kept him out of school for about a month. Rumors had spread like wild fire through the school about what had happened to Yamato Ishida. In Literature class Matt had seemed too weak to even write neatly and the teacher had scolded him for it too. His skin had a dead look to it and his eyes seemed to sink into their sockets.

Matt turned around and looked back. "Oh, hi Tai," he muttered as Tai approached. The blond teen gave a weary smile, which made him look even worse. Tai's eyebrows knitted together and he grimaced.

"You never answered my question back there," Tai said.

"What question?" the other asked.

"I asked if you were alright."

"" Matt muttered. "Look, I'll tell you and everyone else later, okay?"

"Yeah...okay," Tai answered softly as they both walked into class moments before the bell rang.

* * * * * *

Sora watched from her seat as her two friends walked into the science room. She noticed Matt wasn't doing too well. His shoulders were hunched and his face was downcast.

Sora knew the "secret" he was keeping from the others. She was surprised when he told her that only four people knew what it was - him, his mom, his dad, and her. Matt had told Sora not to tell anyone; that he would tell everyone when he was ready. When he told her, tears had been streaming down his pale cheeks. She had kissed him, really kissed him, then in his moment of despair and fear.

Now, as science class began with a lecture about something to do with the elements, Matt took his seat in the row next to hers. She tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up from the notes he was taking. Sora whispered, "How have you been doing?"

"Okay...I've been better though. I'm lucky the doctors let me come home."

"Yeah...have you told the others yet?"

"Mr. Ishida! Miss Takenouchi! Is there something you'd like to add to the discussion."

"No, sir," they said in unison. When the teacher turned back around Matt leaned over and whispered, "No, I haven't told them. I'm going to tell everyone at once at the park after school."

"Mr. Ishida!"

Matt gulped as the class turned to him. "Yes, sir?"

"I've warned you once I'm not going to do it again. You just got back from a rather long break and I would think that you'd have the decency to listen to what I have to teach and not talk in class."

Matt pulled a nonchalant mask over his tired features and said, "Well, sir, old habits die hard, but, if you want me to, I'll shut my mouth now and you can continue with the extremely interesting lesson."

Missing Matt's sarcastic tone, the teacher continued, "Good. Now if you'll all turn in your books to page 400..."

* * * * * *

Matt sat on the bench in the park after school waiting for the others. It felt good to be outside after being cooped up so long. He closed his eyes and let the breeze blow his strawberry blond hair across his blue eyes. He sighed and watched the other people enjoying the beautiful day.

He perked up as he saw two children playing together. The oldest was about eight years old and his younger brother had to be around three years younger. Matt smiled as he remembered when he and TK had looked and acted so innocent.

"Hey Matt!" Matt swiped a solitary tear from his eye and turned to see Tai and Sora coming up to him. He smiled as Sora took the offered seat next to him and Tai sat in front of them both.

"You told the others to meet us here, right?" Matt asked Tai.

"Sure did," he replied. "As a matter of fact, here they come now." He pointed east to where Mimi and Joe were walking next to each other with Izzy a good three yards behind.

"Hi everyone," Mimi said cheerfully. "Where's Kari and TK if everyone's supposed to be here? Don't you have something important to tell us?"

"Kari has a big test tomorrow and TK has a game...right?" Tai turned to Matt.

Matt nodded stood up pulling Sora with him. "Right Tai and I do have something important to say but I don't want to say it here. Follow me." He turned and walked into a small grove of trees away from prying eyes.

When they were all there he turned to them. "I don't want any of you to say anything until I'm done, okay?" he asked looking at them all one at a time. When he got affirmations from each he continued. "I also want you to know that this is in no way a joke. I may be aloof but I'm not ignorant. I want to get this all out at once and then you can ask questions." Matt took a deep breath and looked at them with his sapphire eyes straight ahead.

"I'm dying."