Title: Storms
Pairing: Will/Warren
Rating: PG/K+
Warnings: fluff, implied slash


He was afraid of storms, had been since he was little.

His father could fly with his powers, like the Human Torch in the comics, and would carry him, but never once was he burned. They had been flying home from school and his father had been racing the storm that was blowing in from the East, but the storm was faster. Almost instantly, they were drenched. And then they were falling, his father couldn't keep his flames lit to keep them aloft. Luckily, they hadn't been flying too high, and his father had rolled over on to his back to take the collision with the ground, protecting him. He had been terrified since then, not of flying with his father, but of the weather that made them crash. And it had doubled when his own powers had developed. He was afraid that he would extinguish like the fire in the fireplace when water was poured on it. He was afraid to take a bath and he wouldn't go outside unless it was sunny. His mother hadn't known what to do with him some days.

He had gradually grown out of the fear that he would cease to exist if he got wet, although, he still carried an umbrella in his backpack. And he had actually come to like storms, as long as he was inside. Because Will knew that he hated rain and wouldn't make him run to the store, even if it was his turn. Instead, he'd order in dinner, put on a movie, and they'd curl together on the couch. Or like now, Will would draw the bedcovers up to their shoulders and wrap his arms around Warren's waist and they'd just listen to the rain hit the roof. They had made love the first time on a cloudy Sunday, the rain a soothing counterpoint to their harsh breathing. Every time he heard the rain, now, he thought of that.

He may be afraid of storms, but he felt safe in his lover's arms.
