Okay, here we go! This is the first VII fic I've published, and I must say that I've put the Turks in a bit of OC, but I like it this way. So here we go-go!

I don't own FFVIII or any of her characters, nor do I own the name Renji.

"I wonder why Reno declined to join us? You'd think he would jump at a chance to go to the bars here."

Elena and Tseng had already exited the helicopter and were making sure the area was secure before Rufus desembarked. They gave a signal to Rude, who was still in the helicopter with Rufus, that all was clear. Tseng answered Elena without taking his eyes off their surroundings.

"No idea. One more of us would make it more secure. Why Rufus keeps him around is beyond me."

"He does a great job, he just mouths off a lot. You've said so yourself."

"That was before he declined a direct order to accompany us here."

Rude got out first, and was followed by Rufus, who was straightening his clothes and brushing his hair out of his face. Rufus looked around him and sighed. Elena and Tseng went back to where the other two stood, waiting for the whine of the rotors to die down. Rufus began walking calmly toword the center of Wutai, flanked by the Turks. None of them suspected any kind of threat in the town. It had no choice but to be peaceful. There were many ninja-trained people here, and no one wanted to start a killing spree with them, so everything stayed quiet. It was one of the few places Rufus could go to and not be harrassed.

"A few days at Turtle Paradise, with no paperwork, no nagging calls, no bothersome underlings asking advice on things they should already know. Ahhh, now this is paradise indeed!" Rufus looked at his companions, and quirked an eyebrow. "You know this place is secure. It always is. No violence is allowed here. Are you frightened of a little of a little old lady with a bunch of cats?"

"It pays to be viligent, sir." Tseng could always be counted on to be serious about his work. "I'd feel better if Reno had accompanied us." He scowled at the thought of Reno, making Rufus chuckle.

"You're just upset because you're best drinking buddy stayed home."

"Which makes me ask again," Elena chirped, "why didn't he join us? The Turtle Paradise has the best stock of beer and booze anyone could think of." Everyone shook their heads but for Rude. Only Rufus seemed to notice.

"You know something, don't you Rude?" Rufus asked, turning to the quiet, tall man. "It's totally out of character for him to stay away. Why does he avoid this place like it's got plague? Three years of pointedly not going to the best bars in the world..."

"Not my place to say, sir." The words were clipped, but not rudely. It was simply his way of speaking.

"I could order you. His refusal to go to Wutai could be viewed as insubordination."

"..." No one, not even Rufus, could pry an answer out of Rude that he did not want to give. Not even torture would make him talk. Everyone sighed, knowing he would say nothing. Reno and Rude were close friends, and neither of them would reveal the other's secrets. Needless to say, they were surprised when he spoke. "There's someone he wants to avoid. It's a personal thing."

"A personal thing? Rude, man, Reno shares details from every night he's spent with a woman. What the hell does he consider 'personal'?" Tseng said, surprised into looking at his fellow Turk for a moment.

"Oh, I bet it's really juicy! Come on, Rude! I'll buy you a round of drinks tonight if you spill it!" Elena knew Rude liked to drink, and that was usually how they got any information out of him at all. Apparently he was not to be swayed, because he simply shook his head and continued to walk and survey the area. "Defintaly juicy, if he won't talk about it."

They settled into silence for the rest of the walk into Wutai. Once inside the gates of the city, they all relaxed somewhat. Any kind of violence within the city was strictly forbidden and enforced by obscenely strong punishments. Provoking a fight was an easy way to get one's home confiscated and thrown out of the city. It was a great deturent, seeing as some families have held their land and home for generations. Not a one of them would disgrace their ancestors by losing it.

The appearance of the Turtle Paradise prompted them to walk faster. Three days spent in an island paradise was eagerly looked forward to. Rude was the first inside, taking stock of the lobby before signaling the rest to enter. A woman dressed in a kimono bowed to them, and proceeded to lead them to their reserved rooms. They knew Rufus and the Turks from previous visits, and did not bother to even sign them in. The woman left them with a murmer of thanks and another bow.

"YES! Let's get to the beach before the sun goes down!" Elena ran into her room and slammed the door, making the others wince.

"She'll never learn to keep quiet, will she?" Tseng asked no one in particular. He followed suit, but he pointedly did not slam his door. Rufus and Rude did the same, as eager to begin relaxing as Elena was. In short order, they were all headed out of the building and down the path that lead to the beach. It was lined with glittering shells and the unique white sand of Wutai beaches. Guards stood at intervals along the path, keeping free from monsters and loiterers alike.

"Now that's what I like to see! White sand beaches, and beautiful women sunbathing on them!" Rufus laughed and hurried onto the sun-heated sand. Elena rushed past all of them, stopping only when she found an ideal piece of sand that was unclaimed. Whe waved them over and proceeded to set up 'camp'. 'Camp' consisted of towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, an unbrella the size of a car and a cooler full of drinks, most of them alcoholic.

Elena and Tseng were galavanting in the ocean, no longer hiding that they were a couple. They were all business when it came to their duty, but off duty, they were no better than teenagers. Rufus and Rude were relaxing in the shade provided by the umbrella. The heat was still there, but it was a soft, baking kind of heat under the umbrella.

"I don't care if there's someone I want to avoid, I'll never stay away from this place." Rude looked at his boss but said nothing. "Still not going to tell, are you? Alright. You don't have to say anything. You can just nod." Rufus got no reaction, so he decided to continue. "Is it a girl he's trying to avoid?" There was still no reaction from Rude, so he gave up and leaned back and closed his eyes.

They weren't closed for long. Rufus felt a shadow over him. Rude made no move, so he assumed it was one of his Turks returned from the ocean. He cracked an eye open to find a child looking at him. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he took a good look at the boy. He could be no older than three, but he looked at Rufus with a rare kind of intelligence. That was not the reason he was startled. The boy had blue eyes, and blazing red hair the exact shade of Reno's. He even shared Reno's facial features.

"I've never seen you before mister. You came in the big 'copter?" The boy was grinning innocently, still looking at Rufus. It was a grin he had seen many a time on Reno's face.

"Uh, yes. We did. What's your name, boy?"

"Renji. Don't tell Mommy I told you. She'll be mad." He tilted his head to the side, almost like a bird. "What's yours?"

"My name is Rufus. This," he nodded at Rude, who had taken off his glasses to stare at the boy. "is Rude." The boy giggled at Rude's name.

"Rufus? Like the man who runs Shinra?"

"That would be me. You're very articulate for a child."


"Articulate. You speak well."

"Oh, Mommy says that too."

"Where's your mom at, kid?" Rude asked, making the boy look at him curiously.

"Down there." He waved a hand vaguely to his right. "She'll call me in a couple a seconds." Right on cue, a woman's voice drifted downt the beach. It was familiar, but too far away for them to identify. The boy turned and waved, but made no move to go back to his mother. "See? She always knows when I'm gone..." He pouted slightly, something that made him undeniably cute. Rufus and Rude both smiled despite themselves.


"OKAY!" Renji sighed in defeat, making both men hid their laughter. "I gotta go...bye!" The boy ran off down the beach to his mother, who, by all appearances, was scolding him upon reaching her. Rufus turned to Rude, who still had his glasses off.

"Is THAT who he's avoiding?"

"No...it's the kid's mom...damn. He never knew about a kid. Damn."

"Well, knowing IS half the battle..."

Now, wasn't that interesting? R&R please!
