Split Up!

Summary: Carey and Kurt are divorced. Zack lives with Carey in Boston. Cody lives with Kurt. In Los Angeles. This is the life of Zack and Cody…OCxZackxMax CodyxOC


"MOOOM! DAAAAD! CODY AND I ARE GOING TO THE PARK!" Twelve-year-old Zack Martin called back into the house as he and his twin brother Cody ran outside. Cody carried a bat and a ball while Zack carried two gloves. The Martin twins closed the font door and started to walk down the street of Kentucky.

"Can you believe it? In a week we'll finally be thirteen!" Zack said excitedly.

"Actually, in seven days, seven hours, twelve minutes, and forty-nine seconds we'll be thirteen, to be exact," Cody replied without hesitation. Zack rolled his eyes. He's used to Cody calculating the exact time they have to wait for something, but it still bothers him! The twins were on their way to the park to meet their friends Jake, Josh, and Tori Douglass. Jake and Josh are twins, like them, but they're all ready thirteen. Tori is their seven-year-old sister.

"Either way! We'll be able to go anywhere we want!" Zack said excitedly.

"Then decide to move to a different neighborhood!" Their neighbor, Mrs. Anderson called from her porch. They've had a little bit of trouble with her. They've broken three of her five windows on the back of her house, accidentally ran their remote controlled cars after her dogs so they would jump into the pool, which they're scared of, and broken a couple of other things that has gotten them into trouble.

"That's never going to happen!" Cody said.

"Yeah! You'll be stuck with us forever!" Zack agreed.

Laughing, the twins ran the rest of the way to the park. Jake, Josh, and Tori were waiting for them by the baseball diamond. Tori was leaning against the fence, drinking some juice, while Jake and Josh tossed balls into the air and tried to hit them.

"Hey guys!" Tori called to them, brushing her hair out of her face. They smiled at the petite girl and gave her double high fives.

"You guys ready to lose?" Jake asked in a fake mocking tone.

"Nah. We're ready to whoop your butts!" Zack replied as he handed Cody a glove and they both ran out onto the field. Tori walked to the plate and pulled down her catchers mask. Josh went to bat, and Jake went to the pitchers mound. He spat out some raisins he has been chewing on and gave his brother a glare. He brought back his hand, flung it forward, and released the baseball. Josh watched the ball, and then swung. The bat and ball connected with a loud CRACK! It went flying back towards Zack and Cody. They both backed up, gloves rose…but they weren't paying attention to eachother. They crashed into each other and landed in a heap. The ball bounced a couple of feet away.

Tori, Jake, and Josh started to crack up as the twins got back t their feet. Cody got the ball ad tossed it back to Jake…well, he tied to. It only flew forward a couple of feet then landed on the ground. He blushed in embarrassment as the other started to laugh harder. Zack held his sides while Jake and Josh rolled on the ground, while Tori slapped her knee.

Zack picked it up then threw it back to Jake. He and Josh switched places, so Jake was at bat. He struck out all three times. The last time he accidentally threw the bat so Josh, Zack, and Cody had to dive to the ground and cover their heads.

"You. Are. A. Baseball hazard!" Tori said slowly as her eyes got wide when she lifted her catchers mask.

"Yeah well, you're no prize yourself!" Jake shot back.

"I bet I could do better than you!"

"Oh yeah?"


"Then let's see, Miss Know-It-All!"

"Oh don't worry! You will, Mr. Baseball-Hazard!"

Tori took the bat the Cody handed to her and glared at her older brother. She stood on home plate and spat a stream of spit onto the ground. Her hair, which was pulled back in a ponytail, was being blown in the wind as the tension on the field grew.

"Try and hit this, baby sister!" Jake growled as he threw the ball with all of his might.

"Try and catch this, older brother!" She shot back as she hit the ball. It went flying into the air and out of sight. All the boys could do was staring at t in shock. Their mouths hung open as Tori rested on the bat and smirked.

"Well, well, well. Look who beat her older brother. Who's that? Oh yeah! It's me!" Tori taunted as Jake slowly turned and glared at her.


The kids played until the sun started to set and they all had to leave to go home for dinner. After exchanging goodbyes, Zack and Cody took their equipment and started to walk back to their house. The talked about what they were planning to do for their birthday all of the way back to their house. When they were just down the street from their house they could hear shouts coming from that direction.

They exchanged looks of shock and ran towards the house. They flung open the door and ducked in time to avoid getting hit by a suitcase. They watched as their parents yelled at each other and barely got out of the way when Carey threw something out of the door.

Zack and Cody were finally able to get inside the house without any injuries. They just stared at their parents in shock, listening to their conversation.

"They're my family too! One of them is mine!"

"I'm not letting you take them from me! Just go, Kurt!

"No! I'm not leaving until I know which one of them I'm taking!"


"Don't Kurt me Carey! If I have to leave, I'm not leaving without one of my boys! Now why won't you let them stay with me?"

"Because you need help, Kurt! You need serious help! The only thing you're going to do to my sons is hurt them! They're staying with me and that's final!"

"No Carey! I'm taking one of them and that's that! Then I'll be out of your site!"

"That day won't come soon!"

"Wanna bet? Cody!"

Cody looked up startled. He has never heard his dad say his name like that, or heard his parents fight like this before. It scared him. He couldn't let Zack know that. Just by looking at the look of rage on his father's face made him suddenly realize something.

"Y-yeah d-dad?"

"You're coming with me! Pack your things! You won't be coming back!"

"NO!" Zack screamed. He ran forward and pulled his brother into a tight hug. Cody hugged him back as tears fell down his face.

"No! No no no no no! Don't separate us! Please don't!" Cody's muffled voice sniffed.

"I'm sorry, baby. But this is how everything turned out. Zack will stay with me. You'll go with…him!" Carey said in a soft, soothing voice.

"Noooooooooo! I need to be with Zack! I need to stay with Zack! Zack is all I have! Without him…I'll have nothing!"

"Cody Martin! You're coming with me! NOW!" Kurt yelled as he took his son's arm and pulled him forcefully away from Zack. He let out a whimper as his father tugged him along behind him towards the open door.

"Zack!" He cried out as he held out his free hand towards his twin and tried to stop his father from dragging him out of the house.

"Cody!" He cried and tried to run after him, but his mother held out his hand.

"Mom! We have to get Cody! We have to-"He started to scream but his mother shushed him. Tears were leaking out of her eyes.

"I'm s-sorry Zack," was all she said.

"NO! CODY! CODY!" He screamed out the door as tears flowed freely down his face.

"ZACK!" He screamed back.




The sound of tires squealing on the ground cut off Zack's cry. He broke away from his mom and ran up the stairs to his room. He looked out the window just in time to see his father's car roar off into the distance. He slowly sank to his knees and continued to cry. His was alone in the world. He didn't have his brother. He was….alone…