Disclaimer: I own nothing of Spiral Bonds of Reasoning. None of the characters whatsoever. However, I do own this story seeing as there is no mention of the characters in it.

Hi! My first time writing a spiral fic. Actually it isn't so much of a spiral fic as it is just another part of my head. I got the idea from the story Smile by Shiankra, but basically it's really how I feel. I think the character is more related to Kanone (or his evil side) than anyone else so I'm going to make it in his POV. Sorry if it's short. Reviews are MOST DEFINITELY welcome! Read and enjoy!

Angel of Death

I enjoy this.

I really do. It's fascinating, beautiful, and…deadly. That last word sends a shiver of excitement down my spine. Beautiful and deadly certainly go well together, doesn't it?

Death is beautiful, but more than that it's…delicious. Very delicious. Another little shiver. I'll never get tired of it; watching as death claims the lives of many. I guess that why this role suits me perfectly. To kill and destroy those I dislike. To take away the life of another when I feel like it. The other Blade Children don't agree, well at least some of them don't, but that's their problems. Those kind never last long.

I look at the dead bodies laid out before me. Some with knives sticking out from their chests and others with various bullet wounds. My accuracy is perfect.

There is blood staining my clothes, but it isn't my blood. If I say that I wonder if it'll ease you a little. Probably not, but that's exactly why I say it. I pick up my knife and casually wipe off the blood from it. How pretty a clean blade is, but when tainted with blood it's beautiful. Magnificent. Indescribable.

I gaze around the room with a smile. The scent of blood is still heavy in the air. So sweet tasting. I breathe in luxuriously. I can almost touch the pain and despair that are flowing from the bodies of those I killed. It's a nice feeling to know you've caused someone agony.

I feel hate here.

It's not me who is hating but I feel the hate here. It's so strong that it is almost overwhelming. But I like it. Hate gives me power. I really do enjoy hate. It's delicious. A sweet and coppery taste.

When I see the hate from the other person's eyes I really want to preserve it. To hold that gaze forever, because it makes me happy when I know someone hates me. I guess that's the only reason I kill. Of course survival comes in first, but happiness is also important. Or else I'd be just like Ryoko, wouldn't I? By refusing to kill even those who tries to kill you. That disgusts me. Killing is easy. It's nothing to be afraid of. It's the Blade Children's destiny, and yet some still refuses to accept it. Still runs away from it. What stupidity.

Besides, we'll all die eventually.

So what do you think? Is it good? I don't really know much about Spiral…so it's hard for me but if you liked it please review and let me know because that'll make me really happy! Thank you!