A/N: This is actually my first Aerith/Aeries fic ever. I never really liked her character as much as the others in FF7, but I just couldn't resist writing about what could've happened after that scene during the credits. And poor Cloud really deserves a break from time to time. Please excuse the extreme waffiness of it all, XD



Strange how when they meet again, it's she who speaks first, and it's she who reaches out to him first, when he's been the one dreaming and living everyday for the moment he'd finally see her again. But she's been waiting this whole time for him to find her, just like she knew he would, no matter what, and no matter how.

"Cloud...," she whispers and smiles and cries all at the same time.

"I missed you," he notices and kisses her cheeks where the tears taste salty and sweet and oh so familiar.

They talk and tumble, and spend the whole night and the whole morning preoccupied with one another. Neither leaving each other save to visit the bathroom, and even then, they never closed the door.



"Don't ever leave me again,"

"I'll try not to."

"I don't think I can find you again if you did…it would hurt too much."

She takes a hold of his face in both of her hands, gazes into his mako blue eyes and then speaks sternly, but so tenderly, "If that happens, then I'll look for you."

"What if you can't find me?"

"Then I'd just keep looking, and looking, and looking, until I do."

He stares at her for a few seconds, disbelief and love and sorrow running across his face, until he leans in to kiss her.

And she kisses him back.

And they start all over.

And no one sees them again until the next day.


Wherever you will go, I will follow, for today, for tomorrow, forever.