Well thanks for the awesome reviews, I really appreciate it. To my reviewers…

Tecna: Aww don't cry, it all worked out in the end. You've reviewed every fic I've ever written you know. I'm very happy about that thanks

Joe-ashaman: ok, I'll start that sequel for you. Thanks for reviewing every chapter of my story.

Cherished18: I'm gonna write a sequel to the story so that will have the happy ending…maybe.

K.C.Raven: Yes he's alive and Raven is teasing him. She's being a little mean, actually she isn't certain just has very good suspicions.

Ok since I'm feeling very nice I'll let you read a sneak peek at the new fic. I dedicate it to… Tecna, Joe-Ashaman, Cherished18 and K.C. Raven.

Flames of the Phoenix

She stood outside on the roof of the Tower, looking out at the city. Her feelings were terribly confused at the moment, of course, every girl feels like this the day they are to be wed. Raven's violet hair fell into her face as she hung her head, thinking. The door hissed open behind her and she turned to find Starfire floating towards her. She smiled and hugged her, making Raven go a tinge of blue.

"Friend Raven, are you nervous?"

"A little bit. Will he say yes?"

"Robin loves you Raven, he'd never say anything except yes."

She smiled at her friend. Despite what the alien had felt for the Boy Wonder, she had gotten over it and was now with Aqualad. Raven smiled, said thank you and then walked into the Tower. She went to the kitchen and started herself some herbal tea. She used her power to start the TV and turned on the news. She glanced at it, and then went back to her tea. The main doors opened and BB and Cyborg walked in.

"Hey Rae, nervous?" asked Cyborg, giving her a smirk.



She took a sip of her tea and sighed in content and happiness. She sat down on the couch and started watching the news. Suddenly a pair of warm arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled and glanced up into his icy blue eyes.

"Robin," she said, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Mmmm," he said. "That tasted good."

"Glad you liked it."

"I like anything you give."

"Thanks for the cheesy line."

He smirked at her and kissed her again.

"Mmm, give me another one."

He kissed her again like she asked.

"Mmm, you smell good, new cologne?"


She smiled at him and then sighed.

"Raven are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just nervous I guess."

"About the wedding?"

"Yes, do you actually love me?"

"Of course I do. If I didn't would I have asked you to marry me?"

"…, you know what I mean."

"I know, you're having second thoughts bout my intentions?"

"Yes, do you honestly love me, or are you using me to spite Starfire?"

"Starfire's with Aqualad, I'm with you. I love you and you only. I had feelings for Starfire, but she was to possessive of me, never let me have room or space. You let me have that space, and freedom to do what I want without pestering me about what I was up to."

She smiled and then went back to the TV.

"This just in," said the reporter. "We go live to Jen, are you there Jen?"

"Yes thank you, we have breaking news, right outside the lake that connects to Titan Lake, we have a mysterious phenomena occurring."

The photographers turned the lens onto the lake, and Robin and Raven got a shock.

"As you can see there is living fire on the water. There is no reports of chemical spills or and oil. The fire is feeding off the water itself," she said. "How long this will occur we have no idea, but please, don't approach it. We have reports of similar fires all over the Lake and they are starting to spread to the Titans Lake."

The Titans had all come in at this point and saw it. They had their mouths open as they saw the water being sprayed onto the fire, only to have it get bigger. Robin ran to the window and saw it spreading towards the Tower.

"Titans get out now, it's coming straight at us," he ordered.

They took off, seeing the news chopper flying above the flames. The flames surrounded the tower, but didn't burn anything, as a matter of fact it was on the land but it wasn't burning the grass.

"What is that?" asked Cyborg. "Fire burns things, it isn't burning anything?"

"Fire does not act this way on my planet either," said Starfire.

"It isn't fire," said Raven.

"Then what is it?" said BB.

"It's flames," she said. "Of a Phoenix."

Ok here is a sneak peek of the first chapter of the sequel. Hope you like, R$R and I'll get to writing the whole thing.