This is a story that takes place during and mainly after Jak X Combat Racing. I just got the idea recently and even though I already wrote a story on what happens after Jak X I wanted to explore other ideas. Contains spoilers and some game script. I thought Razer was too cool of a character to go unmentioned again, he does look like a ladies man huh? This is a JakxKeira story with some RazerxKeira in the mix Muahahaha Look out Jak :smiles: Enjoy.


Chapter 1

She had remembered her first impressions of him, remembered the disgust that rose from deep within her when she had been told about him. The anger that burned in her and made her clench her fists. After being poisoned and blackmailed by Krew to enter the races, when they first arrived in Kras City, he was the first lead man to threaten Jak. While Daxter was in the Bloody Hook story telling, he had threatened him and pulled out a knife. Luckily for Daxter, Jak had arrived in time to rescue him from the criminals and drove them away from there, back to the Inn where they were staying along with everyone else. That night when Jak told her that story about being attacked by other drivers and being threatened by Razer, who at the time his name was unknown, she thought, that guy must be a real jerk. Little did she know that in time, she'd discover something in him that she'd never expect. He'd teach her a very valuable life lesson. It all started on that fateful day, when she had locked eyes with him for the first time.

That day Jak decided to pay the stranger a visit in the track garage for threatening Daxter back in the Bloody Hook. When Jak walked in with Daxter accompanying him on his shoulder, his back was turned to him. He walked up to the stranger with a stern expression on his face. "Next time you and your thugs want a fight, maybe you should pick on someone your own size"

The stranger then turned to Jak once he heard his voice, "My, my, I finally get to meet the great racer, Jak"

"And..." Daxter cut into the conversation, trying to hint to him that he had missed something but he brushed him off as if he was nothing of importance. His focus was on Jak.

"And what?" he seemed to enjoy mocking the orange ottsel.

"What about me?"

"Oh yes, you're the loudmouth storyteller from the bar. But Jak... Jak, Jak, Jak. Your reputation precedes you" he walked over to Jak's side while saying this, "Oh, but I'm forgetting my manners. My name is Razer. Maybe you've heard of me? I work for Mizo. Eventually everyone does" He smoothly put the cigarette between his thin lips so that he could inhale and exhale the smoke again, waiting for a reaction from Jak.

"I'm from out of town"

"Yes, you are, aren't you? And you're showing up my boys on the track out there Uhhmmhmmhmmm…" He was very arrogant with his last comment and then his expression turned slightly threatening as he pointed at Jak. "Don't make me put on my goggles and show you how it's done. You wouldn't live long enough to see me cross the finish line"

Of course Jak never backed down from a challenge, "I'm ready whenever you are"

"Oh, I'm sure we'll match up soon enough. The race of the century, eh? Ehmmm... In the meantime, watch your back" he leaned in when he said this, almost as if sharing a secretive warning, "I've heard someone arranged a few surprises this time out. Heh hmm hmm hmm hmm..." His cocky laugh trailed off into the distance as he walked out of the garage. That was when it happened. Keira was heading toward the garage to see if Jak had met up with the so-called man that she had heard about. She was lost in her thoughts and walking in a daze when a tall, older man bumped right into her. She let out a loose breath from being bumped into and looked up, preparing to apologize for bumping into the stranger. He was a good-looking man. He had shiny, sleek ebony hair that he had slicked back, smooth pale skin, a thin trimmed triangular goatee upon his chin, and dark green eyes. Even though Jak was the only man that Keira had ever really been attracted to, she had noticed right away how attractive this stranger was. He smelled of spicy cologne and wore a classy red and blue trench coat. He definitely knew how to dress. He seemed like the kind of person that lived in luxury although she got a dangerous vibe off of him, like there was a history of crime hidden beneath his clean-cut demeanor. She opened her mouth to speak but he raised his hand to stop her.

He put his hand to his chest apologetically and slightly bowed, "Milady, you have just made my day by bumping into me. Don't apologize for something that you did just right. Hmm hmm," and he grabbed her hand from her side without warning and placed his thin lips upon her knuckles, smiling slyly as he did this while looking up at her. She stared down at him in awe, unsure of how to react. She had never had a man come on to her this way. Jak was never the kind of person to be so forward with his feelings for her and here was some stranger, kissing her hand like she was a queen. As startling as it was, strangely enough, she liked it. His accent was also charming. He gently let go of her hand and took another puff of his cigarette while still gazing at her, a trail of grey smoke blowing from his mouth. She wasn't very fond of smokers but for some odd reason, everything that this man seemed to do, whether it be startling or a disgusting habit, it was strangely attractive either way. He nodded to her before calmly walking away and she just stood there without turning back. Suddenly she shook her head back into reality. She replaced her shocked expression with the stern one she had earlier and walked into the garage. Jak was sitting down with Daxter on his shoulder, rambling on about something and apparently very upset.

"Who does that guy think he is? Walking around in his prissy trench coat threatening us like that. We'll show him! Right Jak?" and Daxter elbowed Jak's head. Jak nodded in agreement but stood silent as if he was lost in thought. He seemed upset as well. Keira's eyes widened when she heard this and a feeling of shock overwhelmed her body. That was Razer? She suddenly felt guilt possessing her as if she had done something wrong and wiped her hand, still damp from the Razer's kiss, on the side of her waist. She silently decided to herself that this was something she would never bring up to Jak. She also decided that she would stay away from Razer. As polite as he seemed to her, she could not trust him, especially if he was an enemy of Jak's.

She stood true to her silent agreement, even when she heard of Razer introducing UR-86 as "one of the deadliest drivers on the planet" and when she saw him on TV during one of Blitz's and Pecker's news reports. Blitz had asked him how he had felt to compete in the most prestigious racing event on the planet and his answer was that he felt that the sport should evolve, that it needed more action, excitement and danger. She cringed when she saw this. He was so arrogant and he carried himself as if he felt nothing could touch him on or off the tracks. When Jak had spoken to everyone about confronting Razer again to tell him that he knew about Mizo's bet with Krew, and that they weren't going to back down, she didn't object or comment. She always cheered him on but at times she felt as if it were written all over her. That Razer's kiss had somehow stained her hand for everyone to see. Of course it was her imagination but still, she couldn't shake off the feeling. Keira had decided to stay in the lobby of the Inn that night, her father kept her company at first until he fell asleep next to her on the red velvet couch. She remembered the angered look on Jak's face when he had walked in through the main entrance with Daxter on his shoulder, also sharing the same expression. She got up from the couch and walked over to him to see what had happened.

Before she even said a word he answered her question, "He's not going to back down and neither will we" He clenched his fists at his sides.

"What happened?"

"Razer is too cocky for his own good, that's all" and he walked away, not offering any other details.

Thankfully, Daxter filled in those details for her while Jak walked away. Daxter was mimicking what Razer must've said to Jak, "Oh yes, Mizo wanted me to tell you that he loooves the competition and looks forward to the rest of the season. Of course, he's a far fairer soul than I, Shut uuup ya cocky bastard"

Keira stood there, watching Jak storm off, heading to the elevators so that he can get to his room. She wished there was something that she could've done or said to make him feel better but she knew, when Jak was like this, he was very difficult so talk to. Then again, he was always difficult to talk to when it came to things other than missions, wars or racing. She couldn't blame him though. At fifteen, his adventures began and for two years he was tortured. Then he had to kill more and continue to kill, in the process of losing his father. While everyone had gained because of him, she sometimes wondered if he felt that he had lost. He had lost time out of his life, paths that he could've taken but was forced otherwise, he was robbed of truly enjoying life and relaxing. When he was smiling, it never lasted long enough before there was something else he needed to do. Everyone was so dependant on him and that's why she tried her best to stay out of his way as much as she wanted different. That is why she loved him. Even though he rarely gave her the attention she craved from him and at times he seemed so far from her both physically and otherwise, she wanted to be there to share his pain and cherish his smiles. Through all his changes, she had been there. She knew that she would always be there and despite the few intimate times that they did share, she often wondered if he really did feel for her the way she had hoped. If whatever they were, would ever go further or get anywhere at all. Either way she never thought of what tomorrow would bring. Instead she'd stay waiting and ready, always being by his side through anything, offering whatever she could to make his life just a bit easier. She'd sleep at night and secretly wish for his strong warm arms embracing her in her sheets even though usually he was gone by the time the sun shone through the windows. He had always told her to always keep her faith in him, no matter how rough things got or how far he had to go, always remember the Jak in Sandover he said. She knew she'd always have a place in his heart, as a childhood friend, his mechanic and more. However, because he wasn't the kind of man to display his affection to her often or openly, she never really knew where they stood. She never knew what his plans were for them or if he even had any plans. She didn't know if he cared for her one night and forgot about her while on his missions. It was because of these thoughts that doubt slowly began to cloud her mind and her heart.


Dun dun duuuun…So is it a nice beginning? Razer's a ladaaayz maaan oooOooh yeaaah Review review!