Disclaimer: Its not mine, the real stuff has an actual plot

Season: Between 8 and 9

AN: Please, please review. Yes, I'm begging, yes, I have no shame.

Blonde hair.

This was confusing the hell out of the still half-asleep Jack because he hadn't woken up to blonde hair in bed in over a decade.

Unfortunately he couldn't see anything but blonde hair.

Smelt nice, though.

Smelt like……Carter.

Oh, hell.

She'd been "lent" to Area 51, and as he was leaving for Washington in three weeks, there hadn't seemed to be anything to stop him kissing her on her doorstep.

In all honesty, he'd meant it to be just a kiss. But……yeah. Here they were.

In a way, it was just weird. He'd spent so much time not thinking about this, and convincing himself that he didn't even want to think about this…

If he was thinking so much about it, what was her reaction going be?

She'd over-think it.

He knew he should have stopped with a kiss. Well he knew it right up until the moment when he'd kissed her, and she'd kissed him back. His thought processes had kind of stopped then.

She could probably convince herself this was a bad idea. He was too old, too stupid and too immature for her. Plus the fact that he'd been her CO for nearly a decade, especially as she'd got two promotions in that time, especially as she'd only stopped reporting to him…..oh…. 16 hours ago.

Yup, should probably have asked her out to dinner first.

People would talk, especially as they'd been talking for years. And even if the official backlash of any implications of misconduct would mainly be on his shoulders, the unofficial was probably worse.

If there was one thing he couldn't bear, it was her achievements being falsely diminished, and part of that was still professional pride in the captain he'd help shape into one of the best SG team leaders they had.

He could creep out now, before she woke up. They could lock it in that damn room like everything else, and maybe he could beg forgiveness after a more appropriate length of time. Probably not, but that would be preferable to being thrown out in ten minutes.

She stirred slightly under his arm, tickling his nose with her hair, an action he found insanely adorable, though he'd never admit it.

He couldn't leave. He'd always left the boundaries of this unspoken thing they had between them to her, and he wasn't going to stop now.

From the change in her breathing, he knew she was awake. He held his breath.

He could feel her frowning as she noticed the extra arm she'd grown overnight, then she turned round.

She smiled at him, a big, sleepy, self satisfied grin he'd never seen before, but instantly loved. "Hey"

Just like that! No thinking, no worry, no nothing? Just, hey? He knew he was supposed to say something here, wasn't he?

She smirked. "Nice do," she commented, running her fingers through his bedhead.

He should probably say something. He was probably expected to say something. But what could he say that hadn't been already said through his actions?

Giving up on words, he kissed her. She didn't seem to mind.

And because he'd always been better with actions than words, he kissed her again.