Title: Paradise

Author: Sesshomarusbabygirl

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I don't own these things, she does; points to JKR; I just like to use them for my own twisted sense of pleasure

Summary: A new family is created at Hogwarts, and I'll bet you'll never guess who!

Warnings: m/m, mpreg, OOCness, could be considered AU

Author's Notes: This is a really fluffy idea I had, and I don't even know what I have planned for this fic, which is really unusual for me, so it might not be that good.

Chapter One: What happened?

Severus Snape was sitting at his appointed seat in the great hall, silently waiting for the headmaster to finish his speech. But inside, however, his mind was racing.

He was sitting next to his beloved, staring at his long black hair. Sirius Black was gorgeous man with his piercing blue eyes and flowing hair that reached mid-back. Siri was listening intently to Albus' legendary talk, occasionally looking over at him to give him a small smile.

"…So let the feast BEGIN!" As Dumbledore completed his words, the tables in the great hall were filled with food, and its inhabitants commenced eating.

As the feast continued, there was a flurry of activity around the students. Friends from different houses went to chat, and rivals cough, gryfindor, cough, slytherin, cough, traded insults across the hall.

Ah. All was normal again-

-With the exception of one particular pair. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy sat in the corner, between two stone pillars, seeming to be in polite conversation. A hand gesture here, a look there-and none of it was the usual behavior of bitter enemies.

The boys continued to talk for a few minutes, until Draco wrapped his arms around a seemingly crying Harry. He pressed the dark haired head to his shoulder, and crooned into his hair. He in turn clutched the blonde tightly in his arms, as if afraid he would leave.

They stayed like this until Harry had to sneeze, and pulled away. The boys looked at each other for a moment, and grabbed each other's shoulders. Each gave a squeeze before they went back to their respective tables.

Severus and Siri stood dumbfounded as they watched the scene unfold.

What the hell?

Lost in their thoughts as they were they didn't notice that another set of eyes had watched Harry and Draco. Twinkling blue eyes, to be exact.

An old man gave a quiet chuckle as he confirmed what he had suspected over the last year. He had known Severus and Sirius were together-it was obvious the way they gazed at one another. But this was one of his skeptical thoughts. He knew the boys weren't a couple, but they seemed to be spending a lot of time together.

Hopefully, the two had been mature enough to see the ridiculousness of the slytherin/gryffindor feud, and had become friends.

'Oh, this could get interesting', he thought, and slipped into the shadows to make arrangements.


The next morning, Severus woke up curled into his love. Siri cradled him spoon style, and had his arm around his waist, holding him in place.

He snuggled closer, and decided it was too early on a Saturday to wake up. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard screams come from the slytherin common room. Jolting out of bed, he grabbed a black robe from the floor, and yanked it on as he hurried out the door.

He sprinted down the stone hall, hoping nothing too serious had happened. As he turned the corner, all he saw was a cloud of thick smoke.

Apparation smoke.(A/N: I know you can't apparate to/from Hogwarts, but I need it, so we're just going to pretend you can, OK?)

Pulling his wand from his robe pocket, he stood at the ready to "greet" whoever had come to Hogwarts uninvited.

When the smoke cleared, there stood Lucius Malfoy, and Remus Lupin. The two had become friends over the years, especially after Voldemort's defeat, and now owned a bookshop together in Diagon Alley.

Narcissa had divorced Lucius after the defeat of Voldemort; she had been a strong supporter and couldn't handle the fact that her husband had been the traitor that had betrayed her Dark Lord to The Boy Who Lived.

Lucius was quite happy being single, and out of the business world. He now had more time to spend with his son, and that made him happier than anything else.

Draco no longer called him father. They were now on a first name basis, and found that their relationship was one more of brothers now. Both were pleased with the situation, and it made everyone around them relax when they came across them together.



Harry and Draco both shot out of their seats and ran to hug the new arrivals. Harry and Remus were like uncle/nephew to the outsider looking in, but if you looked closely you could see that they were like brothers as well.

As the teenagers bombarded the pair with questions, Severus began to feel very unneeded. He crossed his arms over his chest, and watched as the four chatted for a few moments before growing impatient.


All four heads turned to face him.

"And just what are the two-no THREE of you doing here? Mr. Potter, shouldn't you be in the Gryffindor common room?"

The boy nervously fidgeted and stared at an invisible spot on his shoe.

"And the pair of you. What are you doing inside Hogwarts this early in the morning? Should the headmaster come down here and find you-"

"Not to worry, Severus. I have it all under control." Albus Dumbledore slipped from his hiding place in the shadows, and walked toward the five men.

"I've been expecting all of you."

OK, that's chapter one done. Gosh, I'm really nervous about this fic-I have no set plot in mind; up to a certain point I do, but hopefully I'll think of the appropriate ending. I might ask all of you to vote-who knows!

