A/N Here is the final installment in this fiction. Thanks to all who have read and to those who have also reviewed. Thanks again to Celebwen for beta-ing the last of this story and for being so supportive. As I have mentioned, I am working on a sequel called "Mind Incursion", but I have written nothing on it since I started posting this fiction months ago, so I have no idea how long it will be before it is complete. I have several chapters finished and know some will have to be combined due to length. I have notes and outlines on many chapters, but the ending is still a little unclear. It may lead to a Thranduil, Legolas, Aragorn story or that story may some day be a totally stand alone fiction.

Cel is beta-ing a story for me now that contains some elements of "Is It Really Home Sweet Home…?" and I will post it next. It is short, but will be something to remind you of me. (grin) It's called "Never Back Down" and is a young Estel fic. Thank you all again! Now read on!


Chapter 20 Epilogue

Legolas pulled the door to the laboratory closed behind him to allow for more privacy. He had just received a harsh rejection from Elladan because of his suggestion that the dark-haired elf take some nourishment. He tried to ignore the looks of those still in the Healing Rooms as he made his way to the foyer. At the bottom of the stairs, he hesitated, not really knowing where to go. Finally, unable to choose a direction, he sank down on the bottom step and dropped his head into his hands.

He had no idea how long he sat there before he was roused by the sound of horses galloping into the courtyard. Concerned over the urgency of the approach, he drew himself to his feet, approached the front door, and was almost knocked off his feet by the new arrivals. Two beings simply pushed past him without a word. Staring after them, he seemed unable to process what had just occurred. An anxious glance from a nearby healer brought him out of

his stupor and he realized his mouth was still open. Closing both his mouth and the door, he moved once again through the Healing Rooms and into the elf lord's laboratory.

When he entered the laboratory, he moved silently to the back of the room, feeling like an intruder, but unable to bear being anywhere else. Estel had reached his eldest brother's side and pulled him up from the floor and into an embrace. He was physically supporting him as Elladan's legs were numb from kneeling so long between the cots. Elladan was whispering his sorrows and fears into his brother's shoulder while Estel rubbed the elf's back with his free hand and tried to comfort him.

Seated on the side of Elrohir's bed was the Grey Wizard, fetched by Estel, who had persuaded Mirthandir to return with him out of fear for his father.

"Good, good." Satisfied with Elrohir's condition, the Istar nodded and hauled himself up from the bed to move to Elrond's side.

Touching the elf lord's brow, the wizard's expression was cheerless. "My friend, my friend, why will you not listen? Did I not tell you Middle Earth has need of you?" With a great sigh, the Istar closed his eyes and began to concentrate. For several minutes, a frown marred his features and his lips moved soundlessly. The bystanders watched Elrond for any sign of a change, but there was none. Finally, the wizard broke his connection with his patient.

"Estel, some fresh athelas, please."

"Yes, Mithrandir."

As the human moved to comply, Legolas stepped into the man's vacated spot and pulled Elladan close. The elf shivered slightly under his touch; exhaustion and stress finally having taken their toll, only support from the prince kept him upright. Legolas nodded at one of the healers by the door and seeing the problem, the healer pulled a blanket from a vacant bed in the Healing Rooms and wrapped it around Elladan's shoulders himself, to allow Legolas to maintain his hold. The healer remained on Elladan's other side in silent support.

"Some water, please?"

Without a word, the young man poured water from the pitcher into a glass and passed it to the wizard, who took it with a nod of thanks. Several minutes passed before Mithrandir turned to face the brothers.


"Yes, yes." Always impatient; that was the wizard's way. It was almost comforting. Having heard please' twice from the wizard's lips had frightened the man more than the wizard's usual abruptness. "You want to do something, do you not?"

"Of course we do! Just tell us, we'll do whatever you ask."

"Anything? I have your word?"

Estel exchanged a glance with Elladan and together they answered. "Yes, you have our word."

The wizard relaxed and smiled. "Then go to bed."


Elrohir stirred, and Estel dropped his voice to a whisper. "You want us to go to bed? Now? With Ada like this?"

"Yes. And not in here. Go to your rooms or find an empty bed in the Healing Rooms. Go."

The big brother in Elladan emerged when he saw the fear in Estel's eyes. "Mithrandir?"

"He has tarried this long, Elladan. He will wait until you are rested. Now go. Have someone give you some of your father's famous tea, if you cannot sleep otherwise."

Elladan's eyes locked onto the Istar's face. Evidently at peace with what he found, he motioned his youngest brother to his side. Estel moved to his brother and slid his right arm around the dark-haired elf's waist to support him from one side while Legolas supported him on the other. Elladan reached his hand up to the human's head and pulled it toward him, touching his head to Estel's temple in comfort. Quietly, they moved to the Healing Rooms. The brothers accepted tea from a healer and finding no two empty cots together,

shared one, while Legolas lay on a blanket on the floor nearby. Estel lay his head on Elladan's shoulder and the two fell asleep, trying not to think of what the morning might bring.


Elrond lay on the couch in Ro's room, trying to remember the lat time he had felt so at peace. He smiled to himself as he recalled the reactions of Estel, Elladan and Legolas when Mithrandir escorted them into the laboratory only two days ago. The looks on their faces would have been humorous if he had not already glimpsed the fear in their eyes. The fear was quickly replaced by joy when they saw him sitting up. He'd extended his arms and Estel and Elladan

had filled them, one on each side. Legolas, grinning widely, sat next to Elrohir, who, while still laying in bed was alert and no longer as pale as death. The friends grasped hands and watched the tearful reunion nearby. Pulling away from their father and following his pointed glance to Ro, the two nearly threw Legolas to the floor in their rush to reach their brother. Legolas' laugh was light as he placed a hurried kiss to the top of the elf lord's head, and then bowed respectfully before moving back to stand by the grey wizard.

Before the next day was done the two patients were settled back into their rooms and Mithrandir had said his goodbyes and departed. Their gratitude to the Istar was immense, but so was their relief at his departure. His grumpy manner, though they all suspected it was deliberate, still wore on nerves already stretched by recent events. He had discounted their thanks, faking displeasure at the hugs he'd received from Elladan and Estel. He had given all credit for Elrond's recovery to the elf lord himself, counseling the others to strive for more patience in the future. Elrond secretly believed the wizard felt badly at his part in the situation. In trying to bring Elrond into line, he had set up the boys to be afraid of what would happen, thereby causing them to overreact to what had happened. His injury' caused him to need more recovery time, but in actuality he was at no more risk than before his affliction.

As Elrond watched Legolas and his sons fletching arrows, he mentally reviewed the plans they'd made after the wizard's departure. Elladan had decided to continue working with his father on a more limited basis when Elrohir was better, but for now he would resume the patrol. While Elrohir convalesced, he would be able to help his father with some of the administrative duties of running Rivendell. Legolas and Estel would ride patrol, Legolas having sent a request to his father to be allowed to stay longer than originally planned.

Given the circumstances, King Thranduil had been most understanding. Elrond had pushed down his misgivings and assigned the human a more or less permanent position on the twins' patrol. Permanent based on how many injuries the twins and Elrond could endure the human acquiring. He had earned the right.

"Ada?" Elladan's voice called him back to the present.

"Yes, iôn nîn?"

"Why you, Ada? Was it because of Vilya?"

"Mithrandir is investigating, Elladan, but we may never know. I would advise each of you to accept that. I have my sons, all of them…" His smile included Legolas who smiled in return. "…here with me. I am able to touch your minds and spirits again…Yes, Estel, yours as well. Did Mithrandir not tell you this?"

"He told me, Ada, but-"

"No buts, Estel. I am well. It is over!"

The twins echoed their father, shaking their finger at the human and speaking as one. "No buts, Estel."

The young man looked to the prince for help and found the fair elf's finger waving back and forth. "No buts, human!"

The human threw up his hands in surrender and joined in the laughter.


Far away, a long-bearded figure clothed all in white stares with fury into a globe. "Radagast…you fool! Can you do nothing right? As for you, Mithrandir, old friend", snarls the watcher, "a day will come when I shall see you fall!"


A/N I took some liberty with the time-line. I believe canon says Estel met Gandalf after he became a ranger.