Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed. Sad, sad, sad.
A/N: This is the final chapter. I'm little emotional right now. This story has been my baby and it has been a good one! I love this story and I love my reader and I love my reviewers and I love Charmed and I love the characters! This chapter is kinda sad because Chris and Rissey are going back to their time and also happy because of that same reason. So here it is, the final chapter of You Look Familiar!
Paige, Piper, Phoebe, Leo, Chris, and Rissey all stood in the attic. Rissey and Chris both held small potion bottle in their hands. It had been a week since they had vanquished Zoon and Rissey kept making up excuses to stay, but she finally knew that it was time to go.
"I guess it's time to go," said Chris. "Do you have all your things Rissey?"
"Yeah," said Rissey. It was obvious that she had mixed emotions about this. She was happy to see her family from her time, but sad that she would have to leave the family she had grown to love in this time.
"Okay," said Piper. "All you have to do is drink the potion and you will be in your own time again."
Chris hugged everyone.
Rissey hugged Leo. "You will be guided back to Piper in time," she whispered. "Don't give up hope."
She then hugged Paige. "Don't give up on love Paige, it awaits right around the corner," she whispered into her ear.
Then she hugged Piper. "Don't try to protect your sons from evil, they turn out fine no matter what," she whispered into her ear.
And finally she hugged her beloved mother. "You're the best mom anyone could ever have. Don't you ever forget that," she whispered into her ear.
"I love you," said Phoebe.
"I love you too," said Rissey.
"Oh yeah," said Rissey as she froze a vase that was falling off a table. "Don't give up on magic either."
Then Chris and Rissey drank the bottles empty and materialized away.
"The future is going to be better then any of us could have ever imagined," said Leo.
Chris and Rissey rematerialized at the front doors of the manor.
"Do you think we're back?" asked Rissey.
"There's only one way to find out," said Chris. He opened the door.
In the living room there were two twelve year olds, a boy and a girl sitting on the couch watching tv.
The girl looked up. "You two better go to the kitchen now. Aunt Piper is freaking out."
Paige came down from the upstairs, Henry on her arm. "Oh, there you guys are. We have been looking for you all day."
"Paige, we are gonna be late," said Henry looking down at his watch.
"Oh, yes," said Paige. She walked over to the twins and kissed them both on the head. "You two be good for your aunts. We'll be back in a few hours," said Paige before orbing out with Henry.
Chris and Rissey then went into the kitchen where Piper was standing next and a tall, handsome blonde man. Piper was wearing an apron and chopping up vegatables.
"Mom, the fugitives have returned," said Wyatt pointing at Chris and Rissey.
Piper looked up from chopping the vegatables. "It's about time!" she proclaimed. "Where have you been? You've been gone since this morning!" she said taking off the apron and hugging Rissey then Chris. Chris hugged her extra tightly. "You scared the hell out of all of us! Leo was so anxious I had to send him to the grocery store. Phoebe is walking around the neighborhood looking for you now," Piper said, the worry in her face melting with ever word. "Wyatt, can you go find you Aunt Phoebe?"
"Yeah," said Wyatt before going out the back door.
"Jeez, you guys know you cannot do something like that in this house!" proclaimed. "You guys should know better, but especially you Rissey. You know how protective your mother is. When you weren't in your bed this morning I thought she was gonna have a stroke. She was scrying and saying spells. I told her you guys had probably just went on one of your orbing trips and forgot to tell us, but she wouldn't listen."
The phone began to ring. Piper went over and picked it up. "Hello...No...Yes...No, it's natural...Alright, alright I'll be right over," she hangs it up. "I have to go. Billie is about to have nervous breakdown because Christy won't stop crying and Brian is no help. I'll be back in a minute," she says before going out the front door to the house next to the manor where Billie, her husband, and their daughter reside.
A frantic Phoebe ran through the back door followed by a slow moving Wyatt.
Phoebe hugged Rissey tightly. Rissey returned the hug. Phoebe seperated after a moment and looked into Rissey's eyes. Phoebe's eyes were tear stained.
"What is that matter with you?" said Phoebe. "You scared me half to death! Where were you guys? Why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere?"
"I'm sorry, Mom," said Rissey. "I really didn't mean to scare you."
"I come into your room. I'm happy and cheery. 'Rissey! It's Saturday, what do you want to do?' But oh, my daughter is not in her bed!" Phoebe proclaims, ignoring what Rissey said.
"Mom, I'm really sorry. There was just something Chris and I really needed to do."
"What? What could have been so important that you couldn't tell me you were going off somewhere?"
"Well, it's a long story."
"I have time," says Phoebe as she sat down at the kitchen table.
Rissey sat down at the chair across from her mother. "Well-,"
A/N: If you didn't understand the freezing of the vase, you should remember Rissey was afraid to use her freezing power because she thought she had lost it. Thanks for reading my story! I hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it! Look out for a sequal. It will be about the changed future! So it will just be a cool "This is the Future" story. It will be coming soon!
Until next time Jewel88!