DISCLAIMER: me no own Avatar…

Ok, Nightfall2525 challenged me to do this story, and I really liked the idea, so I thought, wth? I'm gonna try it!

This story is rated M for several reasons, ppl, if you figure them out, I'm not sure if I should say congratulations or God help these people… lol. No, I'm serious.

It's gonna be a slight AU, since everyone in the Fire Nation will be ruled by vampires, pretty sweet, huh?

I'm finally twisting the Avatar world up! YAY!

1, The Vampire

His people were said to rise with the sun. It made them stronger, and made them monsters of their bending. Oh, the horrific irony of it all.

Yes, he was a firebender, yes, he was suppose to rise with the sun, and yet…

He didn't.

He was like waterbenders he rose with the moon. How Agni must hate him for his treachery. But it could not be helped. If he dared to walk under the sun, unshielded in any manner, he would die.

His sister would rule after his father died, either way, and hope would be lost for his people.

His people.

He was like, and yet, he wasn't like the people he was said to rule one day. Yes, he was of the Fire Nation, yes, he bended fire, but, his blood was tainted. It had been for so many years…

He was a vampire.

No one knew exactly when vampires had tainted the royal line, but one night, a Fire Lord of old swept from his palace, carrying aloft his newborn child, grinning maliciously, his newly acquired fangs glinting dangerously in the pale moonlight. His child yawned, showing tiny little pointy teeth.

The heir was a vampire.

Nothing could be done about it, for if the people killed the vampires, who were their rulers, they would be left in anarchy.

So the vampires continued their lives, drinking the blood of their servants.

He was use to it.

He had drank the blood of many innocents, stolen many lives, and had taken many women in the process.

He smirked, his fangs glinting a little, remembering the cries of passion and lust he had ripped from so many young women and girls' throats. But he didn't do it anymore. No one could stir him again.

Except the Avatar.

He needed that rotten brat, needed to return home, drinking the blood of Earth Kingdom whelps had time and time again spoiled his appetite.

He knew the Avatar was alive, he just never saw him. He was always asleep. The damned Avatar always moved during the day. Why the day? How could those crazy people survive moving about and not sleeping during the day, and then sleep at night? It was insanity, I tell you! Insanity!

He suddenly felt power and strength coursing through his veins, the need to bend and release his fire once again rising. The sun would be up soon.

The vampire turned his back on the horizon, and Prince Zuko disappeared through the hatch as swiftly as a dream.

Like it? I do! This story is gonna so frickin rock!

But sadly, I don't plan to update this as often. To me, all my other stories are more important.

But still, I hope you enjoy this story so far.

And, yes, vampires are said to never die. So how could there be new rulers? I have a remedy. I once read a story about vampires that weren't exactly vampires, and had a choice to either take the lives of people just for the sake of doing it(that would be a vampire) or they could face the dawn, which is sorta like dying. I'm going with the deal that they face the dawn against their will, about the time they turn 50.

