Hey guys, so if there's actually anyone out there still waiting for an update to my story… I'm sorry to say that there won't be any.

I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately… at all… but I've had a lot of family drama going on in the past couple of years. And while it is still going on, I've started to miss writing. And I thought posting it on fanfic was my best option because I could get feedback.

Anyways, so I've been sitting at my computer for about 2 hours reading my story and trying to figure out where I was going with it (I've gone through 3 computers since I last updated, so all my notes are gone) and I finally sort of figured it all out. So I started writing, and I just can't seem to relate to josh anymore. None of my old ideas for why he stopped talking to Rory seemed reasonable or even slightly realistic. And it just wasn't flowing.

So I'm sorry to say that there won't be any more updates to this story.

I still like this story line, so one day I might revisit it, or I might start it over completely and see if I can keep it flowing. But until then, I'll start posting more stories… probably tonight.

Oh, and the reason it said "Jaym" in there at one point is because this story wasn't a fanfic at one point in time, it was just my own personal thing, and when I showed it to a friend, she said I could easily get tweak it to fit GG and then I could get reviews… so I guess I just didn't replace it with "Rory" there. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, and AngelicPegasus, if you're reading this – I completely disagree. I think that if Grant (Rory's uncle) had screwed up enough, they would let him leave. They basically did that with Lorelai. I think they'd rather have one big, one time gossip of failure with their kid than have a bunch of small, Tristan-esque pranks to deal with. And I'm sure that they wouldn't want to call Grant on their own, especially when dealing with the fact that their daughter that they had a better relationship with just died. I agree that they wouldn't want Rory to make the call, but I think that Rory would think it's the right thing to do and call him behind their backs, which she did. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I had somewhere for the random guys who lived with her to go in the story, but I have no idea when I was headed for then… so maybe you're right on that point. But in all seriousness, that you for the constructive criticism  please read my next stories and keep reviewing!!! You made me think about my story lines!

Oh, and controversy-queen – LOVE YOUR SUGGESTION!!! That was what I was trying to go with… but I just couldn't get it all to flow.