Disclaimer: This one doesn't own Fruits Basket, Natusuki Takaya does.


"Speaking"Yuki thinking

Very little happens in this story, but a lot is suggested. If you are offended by the mere thought of M/M pairings, I suggest you read something else.


Ignoring… Ignoring… Ignoring…

"What the hell?" Kyo whispered frantically.

"What are they doing?" Whispered Tohru, her trademark look of confusion in place.

Ignoring… Ignoring… Ignoring…

"Never mind what there doing! Don't worry about it! Just cover your ears and be quiet!"

"…Oh Aaya…" moaned Shigure, "You don't know what you're doing to me…"

"Don't be silly, Gure-san," Ayame teased, "Of course I know, that's why I'm doing it."

Ignoring… Ignoring… Ignoring…

"Damn it!" whispered Kyo, "We'll be stuck in this damn closet forever!"

"Nn! Harder, Aaya!" Shigure whined.

Ignoring! Ignoring! Ignoring!

"I know what I'm doing, 'Gure-san, I've done it a thousand times before. Pass me that oil."

Ignoring! Ignoring! Ignoring!


"Oh! Sorry, this oil is so slippery…"

I can't take this anymore! I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!

The door crashed open, and by the time the dust cleared, Yuki was nowhere to be seen. Kyo and Tohru were left standing there, coughing and staring at the seen ahead of them.

Sohma Shigure was laying belly down on a blanket on the floor, a towel carefully laid out the only thing covering his tush. As though that were not enough, Ayame, well, was Ayame. He stood, arms stretched towards the heavens in a graceful curve, long silver strands flowing around his shoulders, and bare feet planted firmly on Shigure's back.

"A-Ayame-san? Why are you standing on Shigure-san?"

"I was walking on his back. It helps relieve tension."

"Oh." A pause. Crickets chirping in the background.

"Tohru, my dear, won't you hurry up and honor me with some dinner?"

"Oh! Of course, Ayame-san, right away!"

"Sweet girl, Gure-san."

"Yes, the beautiful flower in a house full of men."

"So, you were really just giving him a massage?"

"Of course, Kyon-Kichi."

"Don't call me that!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Kyo. Ayame wouldn't do anything… inappropriate… with Yuki in the closet."

"You knew we were in there!"

Shigure grinned mischievously.

…End Story…