Did I just mouth off to Shadow? Boy, this body came with confidence Stephanie smiled.

She stood up and decided to apologize to Shadow. It wasn't his fault he didn't like Sonic.

I hope he's still in the control room. She walked out of her room and went to the control room. She looked in and he wasn't there. Damn.

"Looking for someone?" a voice came from right behind her. Startled she turned around. Shadow was standing behind her with arms crossed and a brow raised.

"Why do you do that? You see someone, go behind them and scare the crap out of them!" Stephanie said.

"It's just that I don't quite trust you yet." Shadow lowered his brow. Stephanie rolled her eyes.

"I came out here to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got mad at you for insulting Sonic." Stephanie sighed. Shadow nodded and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Stephanie asked.

"There's a town, not to far from here, and Eggman told me to meet me there." Shadow said over his shoulder.

"Aren't you afraid I'll do something while you're gone?" Stephanie smiled.

"No." Shadow stopped, turned around and gave a smirk. "Decoe and Bocoe are here." Stephanie's eyes went wide as Shadow headed for the metal door.

"You can't leave me here with those two!" Stephanie frowned. Shadow opened the door walked out and faced Stephanie.

"Watch me." Shadow said then closed the door.

"Stephanie!" she heard the two annoying robots call and she moaned.

Stephanie sighed out of boredom as she lay on the couch in the control room.At least those robots aren't bugging me Stephanie looked at the corner where the robots were cowering in fear. They had bugged her so much that she had threatened to tear their heads off and rip out their wires. Of course, she would never do that, but they didn't know that. Stephanie heard the exit door open and close. She excitedly got up and opened the sliding doors. She peeked down the hallway and saw Eggman and Shadow walking towards the control room. Shadow had a lot of bags in his hands. She walked into hallway and walked towards him.

"Can I help with anything?" she asked politely.

"No. I'm fully capable of doing this myself." he said rather rudely.

"Fine." she watched him pass her and saw Eggman go into the control room.

"Stephanie." Eggman said.

"Yes?" Stephanie walked into the control room.

"Why is Decoe and Bocoe in a corner?" Eggman asked.

"Let's just say I intimidate them." Stephanie smiled and walked out. Stephanie walked up to Shadow's room and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She opened the door and saw Shadow unpacking his bags and pulling out cans of paint and paintbrushes.

"What are you doing?" Stephanie asked curiously.

"Why do you need to know?" Shadow didn't look up at her, he just continued unpacking the plastic bags.

"Because." Stephanie smiled. There was a moment of silence and then Shadow finally sighed.

"I'm decorating my room." Shadow said, turning to face the wall.

"Gasp!" Stephanie said. "Shadow decorating?" Stephanie giggled.

"Are you always this annoying." Shadow faced her.

"No." Stephanie shook her head. Shadow turned back to the wall.

"Can I help?" Stephanie asked.

"Will you be quiet if you do?" Shadow asked.

"No." she giggled and grabbed a paintbrush. Shadow rolled his eyes and grabbed a paintbrush too. He opened one of the paint cans, revealing black paint.

"Oh, what a surprise. Black." Stephanie said.

"Are you here to paint or to make fun of me?" Stephanie could tell she was getting on his nerves and she didn't want him to think she was a rude brat, so she stopped.

He dipped the paintbrush in the paint and began painting the wall. Stephanie began too.

It became silent as the two worked. Shadow looked over at Stephanie's work. She was doing ok but not the right effect he wanted.

He set down his paintbrush on the newspaper below and walked over to Stephanie, gently grabbing her wrist.

"Like this." Shadow said, standing behind her and moved her wrist up and down, painting the wall. Stephanie felt a rush and began to blush. She felt his hand guide hers up and down the wall, painting nice even strokes. He painted slowly and what felt as an eternity.

Shadow also felt a rush, but still didn't know what kind of rush. It wasn't the kind of rush he got when he ran and it wasn't the kind of rush he got when he hugged Maria either. He let go of her wrist, hiding the small blush on his face and resumed painting and all was silent again.