Sorry, this chapter is extremely boring but I need to tell you this stuff. Please review. Chapter 1: Black Crystal

A female human walked out of her school doors with regret. What she regretted was leaving school. Stephanie adored school. It was a place where she could be away from her family. She didn't have the best family.

A screaming dad, an annoying mother, and to top it all off a brother that bugged the brains out of her. Another place where she could be free is in her room, drawing. She loved to draw, mostly Sonic the hedgehog fan art. Yes, unlike her friends, she was interested in a talking hedgehog. She watched the TV show; owned Sonic the hedgehog video games and even had a little Sonic plush.

She shivered as the cold winter breeze seeped through her thin pink hoodie. Stephanie was wearing her usual attire, a hoodie with a T-shirt underneath, tight blue jeans and black high heel boots. She brushed her shoulder length dirty blonde hair out of her eyes just in time to see a snowball be launched in her direction. She let out a sigh and was hit by the ball of snow. The impact sent her off balance and she fell in a pile of snow. Stephanie growled.

"They're wrong. Blondes don't have all the fun." She remembered reading that stereotype comment in a magazine article. She quickly looked in both directions to see whom the criminal that through the snowball at her was, but she just saw an empty street. Stephanie sighed and laid back in the snow, but then quickly sat back up again.

"Ow!" she cried. Stephanie looked at where she had laid down. There, wedged in the snow, was something black, shiny and pointy. She digged it out and picked it up. In her hands was now a beautiful black crystal that was shaped like an emerald.

"It's beautiful." Stephanie sighed as she was hypnotized with its beauty. She quickly hid it under her pink hoodie, so no one could see it and say that the crystal was theirs, even though no one was there. She started to walk home. Another chilling breeze came, and Stephanie quickened her pace.

She opened the door to her small house.

"Hello?" Stephanie yelled.

"Hi, loser." someone called back from the kitchen. It was a too familiar voice, her brother's.

"Hello." Stephanie grinded her teeth at the name.

"I'm going upstairs." She threw her backpack and against the wall.

"I don't care." her brother replied rudely. Stephanie rolled her eyes and went up their curvy staircase, still holding the crystal. Stephanie walked into her bedroom and turned on her CD player and started listening to some Ashlee Simpson , quietly. She then plopped down on her bed, examining the gorgeous emerald.

This kinda looks like a chaos emerald. Stephanie compared the two.

She rolled over and sighed. She put the emerald on the night stand, then dozed off.

"STEPH!" Stephanie woke up startled by the yelling of her father.

"STEPH!" he screamed again. Stephanie moaned and went downstairs.

"Where have you been?" Her father yelled. "Probably on that damn computer again!"

"No dad, I fell asleep…" Stephanie replied quietly.

"What are you doing asleep? You're supposed to be watching your brother!" He pointed at her 10-year-old sibling that was scarfing down junk food. Stephanie just sighed.

"Your mother will be home any minute. I suggest you stay out of my way until then." Her father walked out of the room. Stephanie looked at her brother, as he stuck out his tongue and continued eating junk food.

Stephanie slowly walked up her stairs and went to her room. She walked over to her black computer and sat down on her fake leopard skinned chair. She pushed the power button and waited for it to start up. Her CD player was still on so she slightly bobbed her head to the music. After a minute of waiting the log on screen appeared she clicked on her account and typed in her password. Stephanie had a separate account because she didn't want her nosy brother to be messing up the computer.

Stephanie mostly went on the computer to look at, you guessed it, Sonic the hedgehog fan art. She thought expressing your thoughts about Sonic the hedgehog through fan art was a nice way to show everyone how you feel. Stephanie rubbed her forehead. I sound like a freaking hippie! Stephanie mentally moaned.

All of a sudden she heard "I'M HOOOME!"

She could hear her brother go "Mommy, mommy!" and run to the door.

Great, a family reunion Stephanie thought. She put her computer to sleep/stand by and slow went down the stairs to be greeted with a huge hug.

"Hey! It's Stephi!" Her mother hugged her.

"Hi mom." Stephanie replied with a fake smile on her face. Why a fake smile, you might ask, well what if your father just yelled at you for resting. Would you be happy?

"Supper time, supper time!" her immature brother started to jump up and down. Stephanie rolled her eyes at him.

"Stephanie, help your mother make supper." Her dad walked in and planted a kiss on his wife. Steph hated when he said that, because when she usually helps out she ends up doing everything while her mother reads a book. But, she knew she had to or else she might get a slap in the chops.

"Yes, dad." Again she put on a fake smile and walked into their too white kitchen.

After dinner was eaten, Stephanie cleaned up the kitchen.

"Father, can I go upstairs?" Stephanie asked with puppy dog eyes. Her dad looked around to see what Stephanie could do.

"No, you can sweep the floor." Her dad said.

Tell me how I'm related to this guy again? Stephanie thought angrily.

She grabbed the broom and began to sweep. After she was finished she asked again if she could leave.

"You can do the dishes." Her dad yawned.

"No. I want to go upstairs." Stephanie's anger rose.

"Excuse me." Her dad raised a brow, agitated.

"I've been doing a lot around the house lately, and I think I deserve a break!" Stephanie yelled, then went suddenly scared as she realized what she had just said. The next ting she knew was that she was on the ground with great pain.

She looked up to see her dad with his hand still raised and staring at her with hatred in his face.

Everything after that went blurry because she started to tear up. She quickly got up and pushed her father aside, and ran upstairs. Stephanie ran into her bedroom slammed the door behind her and grabbed the jewel, that was on top of her black and pink nightstand.

"I wish that I could be somewhere where I would be welcomed and blend in with the crowd." Stephanie wished with all her heart. After she said that the jewel started to glow a warm glow. The glow made her feel dreamy and soon she fell asleep. There was then a bright flash of light then she disappeared.