Chapter 3 is up! Please enjoy! Thanks for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

"Mmmmm… Good morning Sora…" Kairi said as she rolled over reaching for Sora. "Sora? Sora? H-he's gone…he's really gone." She sat up on her bed, holding back the tears. "I know you'll come back to me…. one day."

In Serina's room….

"Huaaaaah….mmmm 'morning Riku!" Serina said as she sat up in bed looking out at Destiny Islands' beach. "Huh? Wha! He's gone…hmmm I figured he would be gone. Grrrrrr that bastard! When he gets back I'll have to teach him a thing or two!" she yelled into the air.

Later that evening…

"Hey Kairi!" Serina yelled to the younger girl. "Hmmmm what is it Serina?" Kairi asked watching the sun set. "You know, we said we would wait on them right? Well I came up with a brilliant plan! Why don't we go looking for them! Who knows how long they're gonna be gone…" Serina said as she plopped onto the beach beside Kairi.

"Hmmm that's a great idea! But there's one problem. How are we supposed to find them? We have no idea where to look. They could be together or separated." Kairi said turning to look at Serina.

"All we have to do is follow our heart. I'm sure we'll find them." she said putting her hand over her heart.

I know that's a crappy way to end it and I know its short! But don't worry! I'm working on a story about Kairi and Serina looking for Sora and Riku. I'm also working on another story with my friend. It should be up soon!