
A Sakura-Gaara Oneshot

Sakura zipped up her duffle bag and wiped her nose on the back of her hand, willing herself not to cry. They couldn't afford luxuries like tissues anymore. The pink haired woman slung the bag over her should and walked out of the small bedroom. She tried not to look around the shabby apartment as the memories played over again in her head for the millionth time.

They had met in tenth grade when they were sixteen. She was a shy weakling with a crush on the school heartthrob and he was the new student who got kicked out of his last school for knocking a guy out on campus. She was scared of him at first, and he didn't notice her, until one night at a party. It was near the end of the school year, and Sakura had run up the stairs crying. Gaara came across her in the hallway and, against his better judgement, asked her what was wrong. Despite her better judgement, she told him about how she had tried to tell Sasuke how much she loved him, but he had mocked her in front of everyone. The redhead boy stormed down the stairs and punched the bastard in the face, a horrified Sakura hot on his heels.

After that Sakura started to hang around with Gaara, no matter what he said to try to make her leave him alone. One summer vacation began the two started to date, and they had stayed together for six years. Sakura began to borrow confidence from Gaara, and he calmed down a bit.

The problems started four months ago. One of their friends was throwing a party, but Sakura had come down ill. She insisted that Gaara go and have a good time without her. And he did.

He was hooked from the first sniff. Crystal meth became the other woman in their relationship. Gaara started staying out all night and coming back high as hell and looking like he had been beaten up.

He stopped sleeping and eating. He looked like a skeleton with skin now, and heavy black circles were always around his eyes. His temper would flair up without warning. One morning he came home with blood all over him. He ignored Sakura when she asked what had happened.

He was cold and emotionless now, a shell of his former self.

One day Sakura had gone out to buy groceries and found that her banking account had been emptied out. She stormed home and asked Gaara what he had done with all of her money, but he just ignored her, as usual. She had shouted at him, and he became enraged. He turned his chair over and began to scream at her. He didn't make any sense; he went crazy. He threw Sakura against the wall. And it only got worse from there.

Now Sakura stood beside the kitchen table. She could see a little residue from the last time Gaara had gotten high. With a shaking hand, she put her short note down on the table. She read it over one last time.


I'm sorry that I couldn't help you.

Please don't look for me.

I still love you.


She let a dry, strangled sob escape from her throat, but still turned towards the door. She stepped outside into the hall. She had planned on locking the door and then sliding the key through the crack, but remembered the Gaara never took his key with him. Slowly, she walked back into the apartment and placed the battered key beside the note. She walked out the door with her head held high and didn't look back.