Another for Inkheart. I can't resist this. I found something interesting in the book and decided to take off of it. So here goes.

Disclaimer: I don't own this story, unfortunately. I could lie and say I did, but there are these really creepy lawyers outside the door, so I won't.

Meggie and Mo got into the camper van. They were going to a medieval fair some twenty minutes away. Mo said they were really great. Meggie was eight, but would soon be nine. She was terribly excited.

"Did mom ever go to one?" Meggie asked excitedly. She didn't know much of her mother, only the few photographs that Mo had. Mo always told her that Meggie's mother had to go away when Meggie was three and was trying her best to get home. Meggie was starting to doubt Mo's wonderful stories.

'Yes. And she got you something special too." Mo smiled down at Meggie. They were half-way there. They passed the time with one of Mo's stories about Meggie's mother. Soon they were at the fair. Meggie was fascinated by all the people. Mo held her hand to keep her from running off.

Meggie looked around trying to see everything at once. She saw some people juggling and others were serving food behind colorful booths. She wanted to do everything at once. But of course Mo would only let her do one thing at a time.

Meggie and Mo wandered the fair looking at all the booths. They both had a couple souvenirs. The last thing they saw as the sun was setting was a juggler. He was better than all the rest by far. Meggie pulled Mo to a stop and watched. Mo watched fascinated as well, but then he saw the juggler's face.

Mo couldn't believe it. How had Dustfinger found him? Was it just coincidence? No, Mo didn't believe it was. He hurried with Meggie and ran toward the camper van.

"But Mo, I wanna watch the juggler." Meggie whined.

"No, Meggie we have to go now." Mo said anxiously.

Dustfinger stood watching them go. He hurriedly stuffed the eleven colorful balls into his backpack and hurried after Mo and Meggie's retreating forms. He saw Meggie glance back at him. Dustfinger went faster when he saw that Silvertounge had reached the van. He ducked down and hopped on the bumper of the van and tried as best he could to stay on. He caught sight of a ladder leading to the top of the van and climbed it. He stayed down and hoped no one would see him.

Mo and Meggie sat at the kitchen table looking at the things they bought at the fair. Mo had bought Meggie a little gold fish with a bell in the middle of it. Meggie absolutely adored it. She took it to her room and placed it on her bedside table. Then she opened a book and began reading.

Mo sat at the kitchen table and put his head in his hands. He thought that Dustfinger had seen him, but he wasn't sure. He hoped not, because that would mean Capricorn was probably near by too. He was half expecting Capricorn to come bursting through the door.

Dustfinger climbed down from the camper van and nervously paced the yard wondering what he was going to say to Silvertounge. Capricorn had only found him yesterday and ordered him to bring Silvertounge and the book. Well Dustfinger would do just that seeing as if he did he would go home again. He finally got up enough courage and knocked on the door.

Mo jumped slightly when he heard knocking at the door. He was apprehensive about answering it, but when he heard the knocking again he knew he had to. Mo got up and opened the door.

"Hello Silvertounge." Dustfinger said cheerily. "Nice day isn't it?"

"What is it Dustfinger? How did you find me?" Mo asked. He was extremely worried. If Dustfinger found him, that meant that Capricorn could too.

"It wasn't easy. But it was easier than to be expected to find a book binder of your caliber. Nice to see you too." Dustfinger said.

Mo ran his hand over his hair and sighed. "It is nice to see you. But I have to know, why are you here?"

"I wanted to pay you a visit that's all. I wanted to know how you were doing." Dustfinger said innocently.

Mo sighed with relief. Capricorn wasn't on his trail after all; just Dustfinger. Mo gave him a small smile. "Alright. How have you been?"

"Oh, I'm alright. I found out how to make a living as you saw at the fair. But it's still too fast for me." Dustfinger said. Mo nodded, he completely understood.

"Would you like to see Meggie?" Mo asked. "She's grown quite a bit."

"Yes. I think I would like to see her. How old is she now?"

"She'll be nine next week." Mo said leading Dustfinger to Meggie's room. He knocked on her door frame (she never closed her door) and went in. Dustfinger followed. "Meggie, this is my friend Dustfinger. He'll be staying with us for a while." Mo said.

Dustfinger walked forward. "Hello there." He said, giving Meggie a small bow. Meggie giggled a little, she had never been bowed to before.

"Hi. I'm Meggie." She said. It was really nice meeting someone new. Meggie just knew she was going to like Dustfinger.