Disclaimer- I don't own Frank or Joe Hardy or any of the recognisable characters, i only own the plot and any Original characters that appear. This story was inspired by Oceans- Homecoming.

Chapter 1 - In the Beginning.

Across the road from Bayport High school stood an empty building. It had been empty for as long as it had been built. A teenaged boy stood staring at the building every day after school. He pondered its history. He pondered its fate. He felt he had some connection to this building, but he had no way of knowing that many years from now, he would be the one to give this building, as well as his family, a new lease on life.

The young man was Joe Hardy and at the age of eighteen he had become a runaway and a father.

At the age of 18, Joe and his girlfriend, Kayley Knight, had moved to Virginia. They didn't want to raise Liam in what they thought would be an unsupportive environment in Bayport.

Joe had always wanted to be a detective, but that had changed when a longtime friend and ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Bender, was diagnosed with Leukemia. Fortunately, she made a full recovery. However, those few months made Joe realise that he wanted to help people in a way other than solving crimes.

Joe Hardy and his two friends from Virginia, Jack Ryder and Tim Thompson, had opened a charity called 'Everything You Need.' It covered everything from child abuse and cancer care to children with disabilities and third-world needs. It also had a youth center for children of all ages.

Joe couldn't leave his detective roots behind completely, however, so 'Everything You Need' had it's own special squad. Joe knew from past experience when he had worked with his brother and father on cases that people who hired private investigators couldn't always afford the cost. He made sure that 'EYN' has its own special squad of private investigators as well as a force that was called upon if the police had too many cases or if the police refused to help.

That was thirteen years ago and Joe and his wife of eight years, Kayley Knight-Hardy, were 31 and now had three children. Their oldest, Liam, was now 13. Liam's little sister, Katie was eight, and last but not least was two-year-old James.

This is where our story begins.

"Dad!" called Liam as Joe entered their house,

"Yes, Liam?" Joe called back; Liam was very close to his dad.

"James drenched the bathroom again!"

Joe smiled to himself as he walked upstairs to the bathroom on the second floor. Sure enough bubbles and water were all over the floor and his family. James was giggling in the bath.

"You know, it might be better if we all wore swimsuits during James's bath time" Joe said smiling at his wife.

"You'd like that wouldn't you" Kayley teased as she stood up to kiss his cheek.

"Hmm, you in a swimsuit, yeah I believe I would!" Joe teased back.

Kayley laughed and then smiled at him when he pulled James out of the bath and on to the towel that she had placed on the floor. "Good day at work?" she asked.

"Yeah, Jack's wife, Samantha came in after her eight month scan. Everything's fine, Jack's really excited." Joe said as he dried James off and put him in his pajama's.

"Daddy!" James squealed

"Hey, kiddo!" then he smiled at his daughter and gave her a hug. "How has your day been?"

"Great!" Katie said as she launched into an excited explanation using hand gestures to demonstrate what she was saying. Kayley laughed and said "She's your daughter Joe!"

Later that night as Joe was placing James into his crib and listening to his older children and wife banter back and forth. He thought back to the John Doe murderer on the news and wondered if his father and brother were on the case. What Joe didn't realise was that this John Doe murderer was set on destroying his family.