Unexpected Effect by Betty Bokor
Sam/Daniel. The ripple effect brought a few more consequences than first thought.
Spoilers: All seasons, including 9.
Disclaimer: The Stargate original characters belong to MGM/Showtime, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Film Corp. This was written strictly for the purpose of entertainment. No attempt at copyright infringement has been made.

Unexpected Effect

Chapter 11

Daniel lowered his head slightly, closed his eyes and removed his glasses to rub them softly. For a second he felt defeated, but then he realized this was what he had been dreaming would happen one day. He had been hoping that somehow Sam would see him as a man and want him and want to be with him. Well, now she had. What was wrong with him? A little smile came to his mouth as he put the glasses back on. "I hope you don't regret asking…"

He approached Sam, helped her stand up, and took her face in his hands. Sam closed her eyes, still smiling. Daniel kissed her then and she responded, this time not out of curiosity, but out of real desire. She couldn't forget that she was kissing Daniel and that a week before she would have never thought it could feel this way. She doubted she'd ever felt that aroused by a simple kiss and tried to stop thinking to just enjoy the sensations.

Daniel broke the kiss and looked at her. She opened her eyes and smiled again. "Not bad," she said. "Care to try again? Maybe it would improve-"

"Am I trying for some prize here or are you just measuring my abilities?" he joked, too.

"Both," she replied with a mischievous expression.

"Well, in that case, I'll make my best effort." He smiled and picked her up in his arms. Sam wasn't expecting that, but she felt so comfortable in his arms, that she simply snuggled her face under his chin and let him take her back to the bedroom. She had asked for it and she was happy that she had finally broken Daniel's barriers.


"Mitchell, do you have a minute?"

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay. Let's go into my office."

Cameron sat behind his desk and looked at Daniel sitting in front of him. He hadn't known the archeologist for a long time, but he was deeply impressed by him. Every time he had read a report of a SG-1 mission before he joined the team, there had been something about Jackson's behavior that had left him thinking. He was certain that he admired him, but he was not sure of how to tell him. He could remember by heart paragraphs of the reports that explained how Daniel had allowed an alien to 'read' his brain in order to see if he could remember the history of his long-dead wife. Or how he had destroyed what could have been the only means to save his wife, just to rescue Teal'c. Or when he had discovered the way to rescue Sam and O'Neill from Antarctica. Or his trip to an alternate reality that ended up saving Earth. Or just the whole mess with the Enkarans.

He knew on paper he was the commander of the team, but he didn't feel he had the right to be over the heads of any of his teammates. Of course, he hid that feeling cautiously and he cheerfully adopted the 'in command persona', but he was careful to listen to the others' advice, at least most of the time.

"I need to talk to you about my personal life, Cameron," Daniel started and Mitchell was surprised that he had used his first name. He'd asked him to before, but Daniel had simply not done it.


"I've been thinking about my life and I've decided that it's time to take some risks and try to improve it," Daniel explained. "I've been thinking about having a family and I've finally gathered the courage to ask the woman I love to marry me," he added with a smile.

"I suppose she said yes, right?"

"Fortunately, yes, she has agreed."

"Well, congratulations, Daniel!" He stood up and walked around his desk to shake his teammate's hand. Daniel simply smiled. Then Cam sat on the edge of his desk and commented, "If you'd told me this around the time I met you, I'd have bet you were talking about Vala."


"Yes, you had this weird relationship with her that could have ended up in love." Daniel made a surprised gesture and Cam continued. "I guess I was wrong, but I had no clue you had been dating anyone. So, who's the lady?"


"Sam? Our Sam?'


"Wow. I didn't see that one coming. I didn't know you two had something going on."

"We didn't. It would have been inappropriate and it could have hurt Sam's career, but now that we both know that we share the same feelings, there's no point in waiting."

"Wow. I'm still stunned. What will happen with the team?"

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about. You have a big part in the decision-making about that. I suppose General Landry would have the last word. Sam is going to talk to him, and I believe Jack is, too. In any case, I'd like to know what you think. If you believe one of us has to step out, I'd like to do it. I know Sam would have to leave the off-world missions when she gets pregnant, so I-"

"Pregnant? She's pregnant?"

"No, she's not pregnant. I said 'when she gets pregnant' and that means-"

"I know what you mean, I'm sorry, it's just so… Have you told anyone else?"

"Just Jack and Teal'c."

"I don't know General O'Neill very well, but I'm sure Teal'c was happy about it. I think he sees you two as his little children. He always gives me the impression that he could rip apart with his own hands anyone that hurts either of you."

"He's our friend."

"I know and I'm sure he respects both of you very much, too. I just think you two are his soft spot." Daniel smiled and Cam continued, "About the team, I don't care if you're married, living together, or just having fun; as long as you give as much as you've been giving –actually I can even deal with less; you two are awesome, especially when you're together– I won't complain at all. You can both stay until Sam needs to get a desk job or a maternity leave. Congratulations again!"


After Sam talked to Landry and got the same positive results as Daniel with Cam, they both met in the surface parking lot. They had asked for a week's leave to start preparing their wedding and to start their life together, the best effect they could have suffered after the last ripple effect.