Recalled Home Interlude 2
Spoilers: none
Warning: none, for this chapter at least,
Rating k+
Disclaimer: I Don't own it!
Author's Notes: Sorry! I just don't know what else to say well this chapter is another interlude then the battle hopefully and the epilogue, at least that' what I'm hoping to accomplish here. Well we'll see how much further this story decides to whisk me along for the ride. Cheers! Happy Holiday
Interlude 2:
They had left the battle site and headed back towards the refuge of the Ford of Beruna, readying themselves for the battle that was to come in six days time. Edmund, though tired and grubby from the battle Edmund was in high spirits the battle had been theirs all along. The ride didn't take long to make they hurried eager for rest and warm food.
The three Pevensie siblings rode in silence each filled with thoughts of the battle and tired as the others. Edmund for his part seemed to be especially talkative, conversing with any of the men whom wanted to talk and had even gotten Orieus involved with conversation, much to Peter's amusement. They made good time and soon were beginning to set up camp, fires were seen being lighted and tents set up laughter could be heard as the camp slowly became to be set completely up. Edmund, none of the Pevensies could find, but they perched around a fire and waited anxiously as the rest for the stew to finish cooking.
Edmund for his part had found a small clearing off to the side and now was found kneeling sword buried in the ground, hands resting on the cross hilt as he whispered a prayer of thanks to Aslan. Finished he sheathed his sword and returned to camp, finding it set fully up he couldn't help but grin at the speediness of his men. Orieus met him and handed him a warm goblet of wine as he headed towards one of the fires spotting his commanders grouped together. The general all but pushed him to the log that rested beside it and settled near him as the commanders broke out into song at the victory. He had to smile and yet even as the festivities went on around him his thoughts wandered to his siblings, home in England and it made him wonder whether they knew he was gone or if as last time, time had not passed and they were unaware as to what was going on.
A tap on his shoulder drew his attention and he turned to find Nichos resting his head on his shoulder whining quietly at his lack of attention. Edmund had to grin and he scratched the wolf's head then set a bowl of stew before the commander matching him almost bite for bite. The two were made of the same cloth. Oreius couldn't help but smile as he watched them then, once they were finished he started up conversation,
"the battle went well, do you think that Galen will be cautious at the Field of Beruna?" Oreius asked.
Edmund nodded slightly but replied, "he'll be cautious but his pride will win over that. I already have a plan in motion this was part of it. He'll expect me to either be cautious or overconfident either way we have some things planned that even King Peter never knew were in the making." Edmund had to grin and Nichos was the one to finally speak up,
"What is it King Edmund?"
But the King merely grinned. At many complaints and finally one threat from Lotan he relented and continued,
"Nichos helped me plan it took several months it did."
The wolf gained a thoughtful look and finally realization dawned, "that thing?" he whispered. Edmund only had to nod and both grinned like a cat with the cream.
"What is it Sire? Apparently Nichos knows but what of those poor souls whom you did not tell?" Oreius asked laughing.
Edmund finally answered the inquiries, "We were working on a launching machine, a catapult if you please along with some other things that should help us, that is if no one has any objections to it." He looked at those around him all willing to hear what these devices were.
"other than the catapult we also found we could make a larger version of a crossbow if you'd be willing. Other than that we have simple techniques to withhold any charges against our flanks. Keep spears on the ground then pull them up as people charge they have to retreat and all we'd have to do is flank them using a battalion of archers or whatever you would suggest quite simple really." Edmund continued.
"A scare tactic not to kill." Lotan realised.
"Exactly we don't want to kill more than necessary if that will be at all possible. This way we can intimidate them and hopefully scatter them confuse and conquer always one of my mottos." Edmund laughed. Oreius grinned at the reference, "yes sneaky and underhanded your brother would always comment to some of your techniques when fighting."
"Just because I would come up with something unexpected Peter should have known better after all he is my brother!"
Every one of the commanders laughed as they remembered fondly the duels between the two kings, Peter strong and sure with longer strokes and Edmund darting around the hits quicker and faster but no less ferocious taking to stomping on his brother's foot or coming in a spin behind him. Peter too focused on the rules of engagement could never beat those tricks. Much to amusement of the younger brother and the trainers who had no qualms of the tricks in battle: you survive or not it was that simple.
Peter could hear some mentions of what Ed was speaking, having sat a few fires away but his sisters were eagerly talking to some of the healers and archers who had joined them and he found his attention stolen by the excited chatter.
"What of King Edmund how does he plan for this battle?" Peter heard Lucy ask.
"he had been working with Nichos and a few of the dwarves since the coronation, now he has the chance to use them. A clever commander that one." One of the archers smiled glancing at her king.
Lucy had to grin at that she knew how her brother, both brothers could easily inspire loyalty from nearly anyone. Satisfied she settled in eating her stew as the chatter turned away from battle and to what was going on at home, at least what they thought was going on at the Cair.
Daylight waned and the entire army readied for sleep. They would have five more days to ready themselves for war. Tomorrow preparations would begin for the battle that would decide their fate.
Peter, Lucy and Susan all exchanged glances tomorrow the work would really begin. Would they be ready for it, and would they be ready when they faced the battle?